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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


Excellent post. I don’t have much experience with C but it was fascinating to read about the design decisions going into it and how even back then, backwards compatibility was very important for newly developed tools

Its retro and really rough around the edges (and QTE heavy) and is more of a life sim than a traditional adventure game, but Shenmue I & II introduced day/night cycles with NPC schedules, has a fun martial arts combat system, and the story is kind of like an 80s martial arts film with a detective kick. There’s also gambling, drinking, a little bit of working at the docks, darts, retro arcade games, and some sleuthing to progress the story. Your progress from Shenmue I carries over to II

But again its rough around the edges and sometimes referred to as QTE simulator (or Dock Worker Simulator, as I jokingly call it). But somehow, all these elements blend together well to create a unique game. Not going to be for everyone but I really enjoyed it

Final note: I highly recommend using a controller. I ran into issues with KB+M, especially after remapping keys. It broke some of the QTEs.

I worked with a guy who brought 10k lines of code from various jobs over the years and slapped it all into a single commit second day on the job.

It was all VB.NET and looked like it was written in VB6 days because it was reimplementing functions that the .NET framework already provided us. And there were quite a few single line functions that did the simplest things like addition of two variables.

However my favorite function of all was IsMarksMachine() because it was used as a prod/dev switch. I ran into bugs testing the code and got the “Worked on my machine” line. Turned out the code branch under IsMarksMachine() somehow worked, but in all other cases, it didn’t.

Mark is not the real name. But man was he a bad coder.