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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


He has written his own libraries and programs to ensure these things don’t happen.

What you people need to understand is that these problems have been solved before Rust. They just weren’t baked into the language. And so people made mistakes.


I’m not saying Rust is not always the better choice. Of course not. I’m just oh-so-weary of this rewrite-the-world zealotry a lot of people have about it.

Check out Eskil Steenberg. He’s mostly a game dev, but he has some really good talks.

Absolutely. The problem is, most programmers are mediocre. So sadly the protection of stupid people tends to take cultural precedence.

Not to mention it is hard to do that with music and keep up with thousands of new tracks and artists.

No individual is more powerful than the state. That’s sort of the point of the state. Therefore, people who value freedom, like myself, are absolutely concerned with the decisions of the state and about the consequences of living a life out-of-line with the powers that be.

To use a hyperbolic example (and I fully acknowledge that is is hyperbolic, but I want to demonstrate a point), you were free to denounce Stalin and go to the Gulag. Nobody sewed up your mouth and prevented you from doing so. As you would aptly say, there are consequences.

No, you were not required to. But you were also excluded from a lot of life if you didn’t. And a lot of people were foaming at the mouth and very much desirous of an outright requirement.

I think

  1. Most people are actually mostly reasonable most of the time because they don’t want to die or be seriously injured
  2. Generally then, your scenario is unrealistic
  3. If it were true, that most people were just dying to get brain damage in car accidents we could probably deal with it in a non-authoritarian way

Consider the billions per month alcohol and tobacco cost public health systems. We still let people do these things. Frankly I’d very much be in favor of taxing smokers more if they wanted to use the public health system.

The reality is, you just like a more controlling society as I like a more free one.

You know what, while I disagree, your response is well written and actually well taken.

That’s the case with a vaccine to any contagious disease. Life has trade offs. I prever not to live under an authoritarian state. I don’t think hive-minded harm avoidance is the be all and end all of existence.

Of course I do. Your body creates antibodies to viral proteins or particles and develops memory to them. In this case the antigens are created by your own body via injected mRNA enclosed in lipids, not an injected weakened or dead viruses.

You will note I was making a point about one aspect of the US health system. Not all of it.

That might have happened in a few cases. I don’t deny there was a real pandemic and vulnerable people were dying.

A few years ago corpses were rotting in a basement of Universidad Autónoma becauae too many people donated their bodies to science. What’s your point?

Neurotic authoritarian.

They did but it was an abridged version shall we say. Which is fine. It was an emergency and the law foresees this.

But the cultural shift towards harm avoidance at all costs and general authoritarianism (as clearly on display here on this site) led governments the world over to, use heavy handed tactics, shall we say, to get people to take it.

I am absolutely not against the vaccines. I got three doses of Pfizer. But I am profoundly against the heavy handed tactics used in deploying them.

They have to prove it’s safe, not vice versa.

Typical leftist authoritarianism. Classic.

Indeed. Because the young men dropping dead from heart inflammation all were sick due to climate change.

Well a hospital in the US didn’t seem to think so. I suppose that’s one of the benefits of a less centralized system.

Economies halted because the public freaked out. The vast, vast majority of healthy people were absolutely fine. Most of those who died, with respect, had relatively few years of life left anyway.

Society should strive to keep these vulnerable people as safe as possible. But I personally think it was incredibly unethical to shut down whole economies just for that.

The vaccine was clearly rushed into production and saved a lot of vulnerable people’s lives. That does not mean it does not have risks that, for younger and healthier people, those might outweigh the benefits.

But public hysteria and groupthink dictated that it had to be coerced on people.

Not remotely comparable. There is no reason to believe she is getting a transplant as a result of covid.

Yeah but the majority of bots out there are going after easy prey. Honestly, if you use public key authentication with ssh you should be fine, even if it is on port 22. But it does of course clog up access logs.

Https and a server. If hosting at home just leave a high numbered port open. If on a vps then you should be able to use any port you want.

Oh they’re just making a general point.

My gf did ask me why there wasn’t an “exe” on my linux system though. But that’s another story.

I’ve managed to do it for my personal email and find it very rewarding. Sadly, I could never use it for my business. It’s just too risky and there may always be a few delivery problems here and there.

VPS hosting, BTW, not home.

I like Vorbis/Ogg, which Spotify uses, because it’s FOSS, but AAC/M4A is just has good, een a bit better at very low bitrates (<=64kbs)

People still use mp3 because, who knows, tradition.

Call me antiquated, but I still don’t love Rust for these reasons. I don’t dislike it, and I recognize it solves some very real problems around memory management. Whether I like it or not it is probably the future… But Cargo is incredibly opinionated, essentially obligatory, the compiler is huge…

It’s not something you could bootstrap on a glorified microcontroller running MINIX or something. I’ll just say that. And that’s something I really really love about C.

Frankly the only thing I’d save in Google Docs are encrypted archives. Otherwise they’ll profile the documents to send ads to you. But it is a good back up in case lightning strikes your home or something.

A lot of us are in this boat. I do daily drive Linux but I am very fortunate in that I’m my own boss so I can use whichever computer I want.

And yeah, there is no way to force people to use Signal. It is what it is. Fortunately here in Europe WhatsApp is the default messaging app. It is at least better than SMS for UA non-iPhone people.

Not my favorite language, but I don’t remotely hate it. The story of its creation is rather fascinating too.