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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Depends on where you are. Depending on country it can range from no one giving a shit, over to getting letters from your ISP, over to getting smaller fines, up to getting railed for your life.

If a website has a German version, try using that. By law every web page here must have an (pretty much) directly findable button to cancel your account. Even when you are logged out. It normally is positioned in the footer of the page. Search for “kündigen” on the page and fill in the form.

Note that not all pages still do this. But normally even just threatening to sue should add it, as they really wouldn’t be able to go against this in court. Tho crunchyroll does not seem to have this. Maybe I should create an account and do some trolling.

Or just use GDPR and write a cancellation mail. I am pretty sure in most countries they need to accept it. Do not forget to add a deadline of a few business days.

That just sounds like standard scaling. No big Plattform is running on one server with one instance

You strip them was less easily. Also, better grip on the screw=more torque

Yes, but how often does that happen to the average person?

ufw makes it way nicer to use tho. I only use iptables as I have a configuration script I wrote way back in the day.

You can, but you should configure your server in a way that this shouldn’t be a security feature of your setup (e.g. key-auth as OP did). It does help to cut back on uninvited guests a lot tho.

You can set up firewall rules that limit connections to certain ports. For example, you can disallow connections to everything but port 22 (which ssh runs on) to only allow access to the ssh server from outside. Same with VPN.

Read up on ufw (or iptables if you want to do it lower level and have a drink on hand).

Thanks for the info!
I just checked trackersignups and found something spicy :)

It seems like r/opensignups telegram channel is just a bot posting the contents of /r/opensignups to it. So it is dead as well.

I just tried to check the pricing of domains at cloudflare and they just don’t have a list. You need to transfer a domain to see the price. So I will probably stay with inwx for the time being.

That stream has been going for quite some time and especially before the GN vid

If you are going throught feddit.de there might be limitations on the languages you can select for comments. I think only German and undetermined are possible there.

Oh no it isn’t. Walldorf Frommer is well known to send “Unterlassungerklärungen” which you have to answer. It will go to court if you do not work against this. You normally need your own lawyer to defuse what they send you.

Also, if you are in court, there is the concept of “Störerhaftung” which is a wet dream for everyone suing you for copyright infringement. They will have your IP and the time, thus your address. Now you either have to name someone who did do it, or if you can’t you will automatically be liable.

This isn’t any intimidation, it is one company using the laws in place here to fuck you majorly over. There are a lot of stories about this and if you seed on any public tracker you WILL get a letter.

Now if only torrenting wouldn’t mean an automatic 500€ invoice from a very specific law firm in my country :(

I mean X11 is a janky mess. Wayland adds a lot of improvements (I can finally do screen-based scaling with logging out!). The software support on DE side is just missing a bit (Tho it has gotten leaps better in the last 5 years, I am now using KDE in wayland mode with an intel iGPU without issues! Hussah!)

I think you can do SSL/TLS depending on the server. At the end of the day the encryption lies below the application layer, so somebody probably implemented something.