• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


Different phases of power? Did you have 3-phase ran to your house or something?

You could get a Starlink for redundant internet connection. Load balancing / fail over is an interesting challenge if you like to DIY.

Honestly why didn’t EU include all mobile device operating systems or just all operating systems with greater than some number of users?

Entertainment might be pointless to some. I dream of having an on-demand Netflix that will generate whatever type of content I can imagine on demand, or better yet already know my preferences and all I have to do is tell it my mood and it will start playing something I would like.

Other than the obvious malicious uses of this technology, it could be great for multimedia, great for creative control for cast, great for virtual meetings to always look “your best” (as determined by each individual, e.g. clean-cut pristine, and/or preferred gender, and/or favorite anime, etc.). There are also use cases to hear letters spoken by a lost loved one, or replace the Three Stooges with politicians. Tons of “safe” use cases that I am looking forward to.

According to Le Chat,

The author you’re thinking of is Neal Stephenson, and the book is “Snow Crash” published in 1992. In the book, he coined the term “ractors” for actors who perform in front of motion-capture cameras to create lifelike animations. He also predicted the use of CGI and AI in filmmaking to create movies with long-dead actors.

I haven’t read it and the Wikipedia article doesn’t seem to mention virtual actors, so it could be wrong. At least it didn’t hallucinate a fake book.

You could possibly run ai horde if they have enough ram or vram. You could run bare metal kubernetes or inside proxmox.

I am so grateful for snapshotting file systems like ZFS. Restore the last working snapshot and continue on.

That seems like a crutch instead of a real feature. I hate even just thinking about having to manage that. What if you want info from sites you do not already know about? Seems like finding new things through search is basically dead anymore.

Great write up, glad to see mention of nibble (my favorite lol)… You forgot to mention byte order (Little/Big Endian).

There’s nothing off about the prompt? I’m not talking about the images.

Thanks for testing that. I’ll give the above application a try.

I first rip to MKV via makemkv, I rip it like any other 2d stream. The video file ends up being left/right interleaved.

I then used ffmpeg as documented here https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#stereo3d

To separate the left and right channels into sbs file. It ends up with a MKV that is twice as wide as a 2d video steam. I guess maybe my problem is lack of understanding (on my part) of sbs format…

I encoded it as HEVC in MKV container. Maybe that’s my problem?

3D SBS Rip-Encodes
Ahoy mateys, I’ve sailed the docs and rode the forums but I need some help on how best to rip and encode a 3D BRD. I’ve managed to use ffmpeg to create a kind of SBS video but it’s wrong and there’s a green bar between the feeds. What is the magic sauce I’m missing? Makemkv is what I used to rip. Anyone have some one-liners or tips in the documentation that don’t suck?

Thanks for teaching some new techniques with SD prompting. I had no idea prompts could be done that way. Could try playing around with some negative prompting to steer it away from things at random… cartoon or plastic etc. I’d like to see a mix of more realistic looking banners, some orc pirates, maybe tiny fairy pirates.

Look at OP’s prompt text and tell me that is not a work of art. Seriously, the ingenuity of it baffles me.

The US’s latest attempt to chill speech online, KOSA-a bill to effectively force everyone to identify themselves to online platforms-is picking up steam and looking like it will pass the Senate.

Honestly I just moved back to local accounts. I’m interested in the other comments on this post for a good solution to move to.

Does that work with gitea? I was able to get it working with Authentik but wasn’t able to get it working on Keycloak.

  • Authentik is pretty resource intensive. Needs something like 3 servers/instances. A database, a server and a worker. Uses something like 800+ MB ram just for this service. Since I run my services on raspberry Pi 3s, I ended up moving away from this
  • Keycloak works great but is a bit difficult to set up and doesn’t support all the authentication protocols that Authentik does

FYI docker engine can use different runtimes and there is are lightweight vm runtimes like kata or firecracker. I hope one day docker will default with that technology as it would be better for the overall security of containers.

Other than k3s.io’s documentation and tailscale’s documentation, I don’t have any to share, but I don’t mind answering questions if you are stuck.

https://docs.k3s.io/installation https://tailscale.com/kb/1017/install

Install tailscale and k3s on the master node and worker nodes. I have a setup like this and it works well. I have nodes in different physical locations from the master node, it works fine.

I could never really get into this one. Too much to try to remember with the cards and just not my style overall. Seems like a great game for the genre just not my cup of tea.

It uses USB-C for the charging cable. The cable between the headset and power supply is a locking proprietary connector, discussion on hackers news indicates it’s because USB-C locking connectors are not elegant and it has specific power requirements so using it with a random cable and random battery pack is not a good idea. The “battery pack” is also the power supply for the processor, it’s not really locking into a proprietary cable any more than it’s locking you into a proprietary operating system. Saying either of those is essentially meaningless to the discussion of the device.

Very insightful. I definitely need to check out cloud-init as that is one thing you mentioned I have practically no experience with. Side note, I hate other people’s helm with a passion. No consistency in what is exposed, anything not cookie cutter and you’re customizing the helm chart to the point it’s probably easier to start with a custom template to begin with, which is what I started doing!

You urge teams to stop using it [ansible?] as soon as they can? What do you recommend to use instead?

  • Dynamic inventory. I haven’t used it on a cloud api before but I have used it against kube API and it was manageable. Are you saying through kubectl the node names are different depending on which cloud and it’s not uniform? Edit: Oh you’re talking about the VMs doh

  • I’ve tried ansible vault and didn’t make it very far… I agree that thing is a mess.

  • Thank god I haven’t ran into interpreter issues, that sounds like hell.

  • Ansible output is terrible, no argument there.

  • I don’t remember the name for it, but I use parameterized template tasks. That might help with this? Edit: include_tasks.

  • I think this is due to not a very good IDE for including the whole scope of the playbook, which could be a condemnation of ansible or just needing better abstraction layers for this complex thing we are trying to manage the unmanageable with.

I have noticed very slow speeds with sshfs as well. I’ll have to give rclone mount over ssh a try. Thanks!

How do you do the sshfs mount, tracker and search queries? Is that over tailscale?

Care to share some war stories? I have it set up where I can completely destroy and rebuild my bare metal k3s cluster. If I start with configured hosts, it takes about 10 minutes to install k3s and get all my services back up.

What is seedbox? Is it part of the homelab or a service like the VPSs?

I have traefik running on my kubernetes cluster as an ingress controller and it works well enough for me after finagling it a bit. Fully automated through ansible and templated manifests.

What is that virtual pipe organ and why is it using 69 GB RAM when running?

I have a small cluster of Pis running k3s kubernetes and running several services for my household. Yea they could all run on a single beefy server but I had fun learning it all.

Pi 3B has dedicated bus for SD card but ethernet and usb share bandwidth. Enable zram, disable all swap and keep using sd card.

Are all services running on the same machine? You mentioned same network… you also said you added your “docker instance” to tailscale. I think some clarifications on what those two things mean could help narrow down the problem.

E.g. do you have multiple physical machines running docker containers? Each one you want to access needs to be added to tailscale, OR, set up a tailscale gateway?