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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 08, 2023


I know, I know, it’s pronounced “Nyïmp”

Texas has elected judges, and we’ll, I’ll let you decide how that’s gone.

Exactly! You actually CAN have 50 people finish something 50x faster, but it takes a shitload of planning, and that equals time and money no company I have ever worked for, or even known of, would allocate to something that isn’t generating immediate income.

Take the Hoover Dam for example: Dsigned over 3 ish years and built in 5, at a time when nothing that huge had ever been made before, at less than a billion in today money, and 2 years ahead of schedule. It’s 90 years old.

The only way this makes sense is as a punitive measure against foreign landlords, where the tenant (as the tax payer) gets some measure of ownership over the property, which doesn’t seem to be the case.

JavaScript: :wide eyed and smiling: Sure why not! You’re the boss!

Python: Sighing and downing half a bottle of Advil: Sure. Why not, you’re the boss.

The scripting language formerly known as Java.

I’m going to rename my NAS “online discussions” in your honor.

Unsolicited fact: Heinz picked the number 57 at random, it just sounded like good marketing at a time when things were general marketed as “tonic #4” and the like.

(well, maybe not fact, more like probable truth)

That’s why the cat is smug. It knows you know this.

Distributed Honor-system Clothes Peg Server

(I agree completely with your sentiment, but Hitler’s rise to power was helped greatly by reparations placed on Germany after WW1, Nazi propaganda loved to remind people about it)

I’m interested in examples. The West loved Gorbachev, is that why he was deposed? Were all the satellite countries that all split off during the collapse of the USSR being manipulated by the West to do so? I agree that Putin is essentially a backlash reaction by the Russian powers that be, and they’ve been pretty open about getting the band back together, but why. I see them looking back to the glory days and wanting them back, but for a while there Russia was looking pretty good on the global stage. They had oil money, business, influence but it wasn’t enough. That’s the part I don’t get: what is enough for Russia, and is it cultural, historical, foreign influence, or something else that drives them. They seem to love shooting themselves in the foot and I don’t understand why.

The P in Prod stands for “It’ll be Pfine”

10 minutes for a process is essentially infinity

to be fair, it’s a great glue gun, and the newer designs have fixed this issue by adding an indicator light.

I’d argue that a light switch has an indicator that shows the current state, separate from the switch.

I don’t know what a great one is but I have an example of a terrible one:

the green/black glue gun has the worst on/off switch I’ve ever encountered.

You can’t see it in the picture, but the actual switch that arrow is pointing to has no text on or around it, so you’re left to pick up or down, plug it in, and wait a few minutes see if you were right.

You can solve this with git:

git gud

Seriously though, writing a monolith of a function and not testing anything until you run it the first time isn’t the way to go. Even with a compiler you’re only going to catch syntactical and type issues. No compiler in the world is going to tell you you forgot to store your data in the correct variable, although it or a a linter may have helped you realize you weren’t using it anywhere else.

.000001 Galaxy brain guy:

100% test coverage has been failing for months, the codebase is more debt than tech - send it, nothing matters anymore.

KIA sold 15,000 EV’s in 2023. Tesla sold 1.8 million. That’s about 0.8% of their lunch. I think the publicity is appropriately sized.

They were first because no one else tried. It’s that simple. Companies have been dicking around for decades with the hybrids, electric assist, alternate fuels, etc., and no one went whole hog before Tesla. Then* every auto maker on the planet started rushing to catch up.

Even if you discount Tesla’s early lead and fast forward to 2017 when the Model 3 went on sale and GM was offering what appeared to be real competition in the Bolt, by 2021 Tesla has sold over a million 3’s to GM’s 100,000. And then GM had to recall all the bolts it had ever sold because they kept catching fire.

2019 is the same story with the Ford Mustang EV. Pretty decent, no real problems (other than their glass roof flying off sometimes…) but the model Y out sells it by hundreds of thousands, even beating Toyota one year for most sold globally. It’s the second best selling EV SUV behind the model Y. Ford sold something like 10K of them in Q3 2023. Tesla sold over 400,000 Model Y’s and 3’s that same quarter.

The other car companies in the US at least just aren’t putting in the effort to match those numbers. They don’t want to put their money on the line.


gender: Optional[str] = None

I couldn’t make head or tails of it, but now all I see is a moose that got head-shot mid flight.

we should all standardize on Esperanto. Not because it is good, but because regardless of which language you know, Esperanto is the last choice, and thus the only equal choice.

you have concisely convinced me how terrible an idea this is.

I believe it was announced that 3.14 will make it an optional flag, so here’s to hoping.

Python needs an update:

Python would be a Tavor TS12 automatic shotgun with rotating tube magazines. It’s heavy, doesn’t have a fast fire rate, but it can fire a ridiculous array of ammunition, and they’re working on the ability to fire all the barrels at once (GILess)

I really like the idea of multi person dwelling being owned by a co-op. Everyone there is part owner until they sell their share to the next person in line.