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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Real Debrid has very high transfer speeds and it’s cheap

If it turns out to be a Pi bottleneck, you can just re-encode the videos with a lower quality and h.264 codec.

I have a similar setup but my nfs server is not a mini pc.

You could try diagnosing if it’s the network or if your mini pc is too busy (maybe out of disk i/o?).

If that’s too hard, temporarly stop all other programs on the mini pc. Does it help?

Does streaming something from the internet to kodi work without freezes? If it’s ok, then network is likely not the issue

Last but not least, does playing the same video from an USB stick work smoothly? If not, maybe the quality is too high or the video is x265

Any particular problems you’re having or have you briefly used Pidgin in 2008 and think nothing has improved since then?

XMPP. It just works, requires very little resources, is stable and has decent clients.

I would go with Snikket instead of Prosody if I had been starting now.

Conversations on phones, Dino or Gajim on PCs, plus a conversejs install on the xmpp server, to allow web access when needed.

Conversations is easy for the family to figure out.

This whole thread is depressing to read, full of corporate bootlickers putting blame on you.

Sounds like phpmyadmin lol

They fucking what? I need to get off the couch and cancel my support too

Then yes, learning Ansible is a good way to have base OS settings for your systems. I love that it’s agentless - works over SSH.

The ugly part is that they keep updating it in a backwards incompatible way. In one version the paramerer is called “file” and in another it’s “dest”, they pull shit like this and don’t provide a tool to update playbooks automatically.

But updating is rather optional.

It’s crazy, given that all these devices have something powerful like an esp32, isn’t it?

I’ve done some of my home stuff this way, but I had to program it myself. Tasmota has some features which can be used without a server, but that’s just for simple stuff like switches. For whatever reason (simplicity for non tech people?), out of the box products don’t work this way.

If you don’t have days of spare time, you buy ready made products and set them up in minutes in Home Assistant

Additionally, libraries for XMPP exist in most languages, there is a varying degree of completeness, but they all do a good job of hiding XML from the programmer

Thos, exactly this. Whenever I ask the question OP asked, it’s always some people who used some ancient client in 2008 and never bothered to try again. And then Matrix came to existence with their marketing and they happily started using it, even though it didn’t have any better features

This prompted me to open Tempo I have installed from F-Droid but haven’t used in a while, and the app crashed on startup. Logcat had the most unusual message:

03-27 18:40:31.304 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil(6188): com.cappielloantonio.tempo requires the Google Play Store, but it is missing.

Two pitfalls I had that you can avoid:

  • look at efficiency. It’s not always neglible, was like 40% of my energy usage because I oversized the UPS. The efficiency is calculated from top power the UPS can supply. 96% efficient 3kW UPS eats 4% of 3kW, 120 watts, even if the load you connected is much smaller than 3kW
  • look at noise level. Mine was loud almost like a rack server, because of all the fans.

I replaced that noisy, power hungry beast with a small quiet 900W APC and I couldn’t be happier

No no, that’s how i’m working around the problem now, but i’m sure sni sniffing will sooner or later make my domain well known

I second the complaint about subpaths. I have all my services on a single domain, except for HA. It’s for security by obscurity, when you issue a certificate for a subdomain you start getting malicious traffic probing for vulnerabilities almost immediately. I don’t have this problems for services with non-obvious subpaths.

I can’t understand the stubbornness of developers to accept patches for fixing this problem.

Kodi is good for many streaming services too, just not Netflix. It has been good with HBO Max.

You did not say what kind of streaming services.

For anything self-hosted or torrents/debrid, just get a Raspberry Pi with LibreELEC.

If you use Netflix and the likes, you will likely want something officially supported. My partner likes Netflix for some reason and after years of using the unofficial addon by CastaginaIT, I gave up and got her a Firestick this winter (having set up a separate VLAN for it and ripped out the microphone, of course).

The unofficial Kodi addon is an amazing piece of reverse engineering work, but it’s not really great that you have to log in using your computer every month or two, and occasionally download a 2GB binary, before you can watch a movie on Netflix half-asleep.

Fucking always-on connectivity and security problems caused by it are the main reason why things can’t just work. You need to be updated or else.

I visited a friend not that long ago and he kept using Windows XP and The Bat and Opera around version 9. He knew every keyboard shortcut because he didn’t have to relearn every few years. Never got hacked, I just wonder when his bank stops working because of TLS incompatibilities.

I agree but at the same time cannot be bothered to go lower level than Python for my personal projects. It’s so damn convenient.

I patched someone else’s program which was known for being slower when it’s used for a longer time. It was iterating over items in its window just to reach the last element, the more items the slower, it became snappy when i taught it to keep a pointer to the last element.

Not mind blowing, I know, but it was a popular program and this made life better for many people.

You make sure everything is backed up, up to date and secured, you diagnose hardware issues, to a degree - you diagnose software too.

Best part is that it’s engineering, not creative. If the software problem is hard, you open a support ticket with the vendor. If it’s hardware, you replace it. There’s no solving hard problems of thread concurrency (or whatever feels hard to you) under time pressure.

I did the same, sysadmin. Coding for work kills all passion. I still have to do it from time to time but it’s not nearly as bad as being a full time programmer.

I actually wrote to the author, not being from the US too, and they said they are working on a version where you can specify your country/location. Nothing about adding your news sources, though

I started by getting shitty jobs like $10/hour that were not enough to sustain myself but good for building work experience and some nice comments in my profile. I can’t remember paying anything to Upwork but they were less agressive back then.

In about two months I got regular paying jobs.

I’ve had good luck with Upwork, moved two of my clients off Upwork. Worked with them for a few years after. One went out of business, one was paying a lot and demanding a lot, eventually I wasn’t able to keep up for personal reasons.

I also had a professional website and ran Google Ads (at a time it was still relevant), got many small gigs and one long-time client this way. I should mention I also wrote and sold a small software addon there, mostly as a way to acquire new clients - tried to make the support top-tier and lure clients into giving me other work.

After that, I haven’t been actively looking for more work and eventually shut the website down as the software became irrelevant and I had work by word of mouth.

Maybe it’s just me being bad at programming, but I used to do the right-hand style of programming and usually ended with wrong abstractions that were holding back development as requirements changed.

If the chef wants 15 toppings, then you start abstracting it. There’s no point in overengineering.

Whaaat? I program Python with plain vim. C or Java, on the other hand, with a large enough codebase, is unbearable without an IDE.

No real reason. It’s stable so I keep using it. Look at the official list: https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/community/community-instances/

Yeah, Windows and hosting are a tough match. But you have native Photoshop and Autocad.

I ran it via Docker, it was easy enough, consumed close to no resources, upgrading was tricky a few times. Then I got rid of that server and did not continue hosting Jitsi, started freeloading on Freifunk Munchen public instance.

There was some kernel command line argument, related to cgroups I think, that fixes the problem. But yeah, far from frictionless

The installer is much easier, and the github keys import is a nice touch. Last two servers I set up were Debian, because fuck forcing LXD as snap, and the installer was inferior to that of Ububtu took me about 3x the time to do the same setup.

That is a good strategy I use for middle-sized projects. But in LibreOffice I wouldn’t know where to set the breakpoint, the code base is so large and complex. Same in Firefox.

If they’re safe enough for teenagers with ecigs, they’re safe enough for general use I’d say

To built-in lipo batteries that go bad after a few years and you have to trash your device or tinker?