old, stupid

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


yes, the amendment thats been bastardized to allow everyone to aggregate human killing devices

just like the commerce clause is used to beat states into submission instead of, ya know, managing commercial interests.

hes not wrong.

the 2nd amendment tax ( you know the one where people get to pretend human killing devices make them safer) requires dead children.

the price for your perceived safety in owning human killing devices is lots and lots of dead humans, especially children. but at least you feel safe, right?

well, i do try and keep all my data hot in the server… i am using the devices as redundancy, so no raid anywhere. 24Tb with 3 copies.

ive got a couple of 6-bay readynas i got second hand and a plain ol’ ubunutu workstation i crammed with 6 drives and an ssd.

app server runs off 6 local disks(and an ssd for os) which are replicated to the 2 nas as logical (they pull), the workstation gets a drive-for-drive physical

rsync is your friend.

one piece i highly recommend is running your torrent solution in a container with the network set to a gluetun container. no fuss, no muss, vpn’d torrenting.

for the nas piece, im a big fan of the nas device being single purpose. its life should only exist in fileserving. i have several redundant nas devices and then a big ol app server.

my goal is the ron popeil method of ‘set it and forget it’

the federal government will refuse to pay medicare/caid bills if the narrative associated is ‘too templative’ ie, if you sound like a robot using the identical phrases all the time, you get busted.

clearly cops need to be held to similar standards, and also face consequences for outright lying.

this product should be made illegal in this context. theres too much riding on it.

ha, so what you just think we should disband the united States?

and you’re confused why you get no traction with u.s. citizens?!

maybe try and stick with reality…

google needs a checkbox of ‘ignore reddit’ im sick of having to manually add -reddit

yep, and the longer that happens the less value to the dataset. its becoming aged.

‘faster than light’ … frustrating space sim

took me a few days just to get the mechanics down

well, intelligence is not a requirement. it tracks.

friends dont let friends run mail servers. id recommend no on that one

But the statement also insisted that the site was not an example of greenwashing.

“This is a direct consequence of the new legislation and is not related to our belief in the truth and accuracy of our environmental communications,” the group said.

ie, “we didnt remove the content because it contained greenwashing, we only removed the content because this legislation specifically calling out greenwashing”


i remember when you could get disks from netflix… 7 at a time! i would turn them around same day. it really helped fill out my movie collection

oh wow, not in a long time…well over a decade…almost 2! i gave up on live tv around then

im usin kodi/jellyfin (plex is proprietary) mostly for the ‘pseudotv’ plugin… so i can have a cable-like system from my local storage

yep, id use sftp. my mail provider (proton) also gives me like 500gb in a ‘drive’ which is great for transfers like this

really sounds like the stock market is just human greed distilled and removed from all direct responsibility.

i cant understand how anyone can defend it. it is a cancer

is this the ‘jumped the shark’ moment for companies? as soon as they go ‘public’ you can no longer assume their product is their priority.

if youre using Emby/Jellyfin you would just need emby to access the folder with your music. users would be authenticated through emby.

i think you should groom your media before you drop it into a media broadcasting solution like emby. i use MediaElch for video, you could use picard for music management. im fairly certain picard has dup detection and rename abilities.

so you get all your music tagged, renamed and encoded the way ya want. then get them organized into files/folders… then drop that into your emby library.

lidarr is for obtaining media files and creating a process that automatically injects it into your library. you would want emby running correctly first.

tell it to the judge. im sure you can work something out with my pal the da

you want to know why people say ‘fuck the police’. this is why.

its completely open ended. you could be 2 blocks away filming with a telephoto lens and be guilty if a cop spots you.

this is a danger extension of authority for people who have already proven they cant handle their current responsibilities.

cloudflare has a known habit of taking heavy users and forcibly converting companies from a $250/m plan to a $12,000/month plan.

some people would be happy for that to happen to bad entities like an online casino, but really, to cloudflare the business use is irrelevant and it could happen to any of us.

the lesson is to minimize your cloudflare dependencies. if you have to use it, use it in an agile method where you can move to something else quickly should you need to.

its called ‘starve the beast’… here in the states its a tactic they use to break the system… they cut funding, and can then point at the failing program to … further cut funding. eventually its dead. its one of the reasons our education system is so inefficient and expensive.

theres only one program that never, ever, ever ever ever gets cut… building human killing devices under the guise of ‘defense’

not exactly. you use an old machine like that and run it headless… throw a bunch of containers on it…

get yourself a gluetun and maybe deluge containers… youll have a solid vpn connection, and a torrenting client that wont bleed to public. you can run all kinds of compartmentalized services fairly easily.

discussing the resource management is a strawman. we can already afford to provide healthcare for the planet (including paying all those involved), assuming we prioritize it.

would we need to spend more? yep. we would need to increase medical schooling, medical spending. so?

this is a species-level problem. think bigger than your borders.

how much healthcare would canada be able to provide if they didnt spend a stupid amount on the exact opposite… human killing devices. the same goes for every 1st world country.

if you let voting affect your discourse then youre correct; youre far too sensitive to take part.

personally, i am happy to have my taxes pay for undocumented, non-tax-paying humans who need healthcare… mostly because i care about humans regardless of their tax paying status and that i dont think any humans should have to pay directly for healthcare.

‘fair’? whatever.

this guys experience is actually a step backward not forward. stop thinking backwards.

way to go canada. slowly turning to the ‘fuck humans’ mentality of the united states. seems youre infected with the same conservative virus.

I hear the UK is also infected.

i feel like vr will have an actual purpose and general utility about the same time we bring those in-development fusion reactors online.

until then its niche/entertainment only.

change the world? Not anytime soon

100% agree. gluetun solved my vpn bleeding/failure problems.

you might as well have said “I’ll never buy a new car of any kind”

ev has nothing to do with your decision if youre that cost-concerned

same data headline: ‘Almost 50% of Canadians say they will consider buying an electric vehicle as their next car’

friends dont let friends host email. its just become too top heavy (complexity-wise) if you want it to be fully functional and secure.

i gotta ask… why so many plex over kodi users?
ive been using kodi (xbmc was better moniker) since google killed sagetv. i recall attempting plex, but it seemed to lack some open/extensibility (its been awhile). i have a side project i want to make as a modular plugin generating a cable layout with original air orders and networks/channels... kodi seems most optimal, but ill admit its been a long while since i looked at plex. so why plex over kodi?

all but abandonedware
you ever encounter a schmuk holding on to some ancient piece of software (usually through some bankruptcy acq), licensing it out prolly making $100/yr instead of releasing to the community? wth is up these guys? /rant