• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


There’s an old saying, “Unix is user friendly, it’s just fussy about it’s friends.”

Ceph, GlusterFS, and I suspect SeaweedFS (but I haven’t used it) expect high speed, low latency connections to their peers. So they won’t work well over the internet.

There’s some info floating around about using IPFS as the backend for Jellyfin, which in theory should allow you to share media between friends, but I haven’t tried it.


I’ve lost my music collection twice. Once when I gave away all my cds in a fit of minimalism, once when our house got broken into and they took all our cds.

It’s farking annoying and takes forever to get all your music again. At the very least make sure you have a list of albums so you can remember what you had.

Yeah, so worth it! The first time I moved a service to a new box and realised all I had to do was copy the compose file and docker-compose up -d … I was sold.

Now I’m moving everything to Docker Swarm which is a new adventure. :-)

Another old school sysadmin that “retired” in the early 2010s.

Yes, use docker-compose. It’s utterly worth it.

I was intensely irritated at first that all of my old troubleshooting tools were harder to use and just generally didn’t trust it for ages, but after 5 years I wouldn’t be without.

I’m really liking the look of stalwart, but it’s quite new. Mailu seems to be pretty nice, good features and not too resource heavy. Mailcow does everything, but it’s a 🐷.

  • Back everything up
  • rm -rf /
  • Now rebuild.

Congratulations, you now know what’s required. :-P

Vaultwarden AdGuardHome + Sync Jellyfin + FinAmp + Supersonic Linkding + Linkding Injector LLDAP Calibre-web + Kobo

Some of it, yes. Some of it I already do for free.

Money matters, I gotta pay the rent. If I had to, I’d do whatever shit job to get by.

But once the basic scrap for survival and comfort is met, it’s not what motivates me.

Fantasque was my favourite before Recursive. Kinda miss it still …

My experience is that people are often motivated by quite different things.

Money matters to me, but it’s not what motivates me to work. What motivates me to work is how worthwhile the work seems to me and how much I enjoy working with my colleagues. And yeah, that’s tedious, it’d be so much easier if it was all about money, but that’s not the way my brain works.

Just set it up and working perfectly, thanks!

The other options I know of are:

  • Actual
  • Firefly
  • BudgetBee

Did you have to do anything special to get the Kobo sync working? I followed the instructions and nothing worked for me …

I think (?) AudioBookShelf will do this?

Just Debian and docker-compose for years but seriously considering moving everything across to CapRover.

SvelteKit + PocketBase + CapRover.

Just make sure that the container is shutdown before you copy the database or you can getcorruption.

It’s fast, flexible and the author is super responsive to bugs / feature requests.

Gonic supports podcasts and works with Subsonic clients.

All services which I need access to when I’m not home I host on a vps. All services which need lots of storage, I host at home.

OutcidetoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldWhat wiki?

Wow, that’s a blast from the past. I had no idea phpwiki is still around!!

Thing like send later. You can do it in a mail client but it requires the client to be running. It you implement it on the server you can guarantee that the email gets send on a specific day/time.

Spark offers collaboration on messages. So for example your team can add comments on an email.


Most email clients do not keep a copy of your email on their own servers. It is increasingly common though as it allows them to offer features which are impossible to do otherwise.

I don’t believe there is any need for them to keep a local copy of your mail for push notifications.

If you want to make your NextCloud available to the internet it’s pretty easy (and very reliable) to do so with cloudflare tunnels.

Was going to say the same thing.

I did’t think Revolt was compatible with Matrix and I can’t see anything on the website suggesting that? Link?

I converted everything over to Mikrotik earlier this year. Excellent hardware and software and cheap. But has a bit of a learning curve.

Thanks, will try again. Maybe I just missed something …

It looks like it’s Android based. Can you run eBooks readers on it?

I’ve tried this and get weird errors. I followed the instructions carefully (I think!), do you have to do anything special to get it to work?

Copied from [r/selfhosted](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/1520eoi/announcement_allinone_jmap_imap_and_smtp_server/) as seems interesting enough to share with wider audience. > I'm excited to announce the release of Stalwart Mail Server, a single binary solution that combines the Stalwart JMAP, Stalwart IMAP, and Stalwart SMTP servers into one easy-to-install package. > > In response to user feedback, some key enhancements were made. Stalwart Mail Server now supports LDAP and SQL authentication, providing seamless integration with your existing infrastructure. > > For single node setups, RocksDB has been replaced with SQLite with the option of using LiteStream for replication. For larger, distributed setups, support for FoundationDB was added, letting you scale to millions of users without sacrificing performance. Additionally, it is now also possible to store your emails in an S3-compatible storage solution such as MinIO, Amazon S3, or Google Cloud Storage. > > Other notable updates include support for disk quota, subaddressing (or plus addressing) and catch-all addresses. > > Check it out here: https://github.com/stalwartlabs/mail-server > > I look forward to your feedback and questions!

Atuin: Syncing shell history between servers
I just discovered this. Sync's your shell history between multiple servers. You can use their free, open source server (your history is encrypted) or run your own server. No affiliation with the project, just thought it looked useful! > Atuin is a command-line tool that enables you to make better use of your shell, by giving ctrl-r superpowers. > Every line you write is stored - ready to be queried and run again at any point, from any machine you wish. Never forget again! > Sync your history between all of your machines, and search it from anywhere ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/610318ed-204e-40e7-87b8-1f79713939a1.png)

Uptime-kuma & Docker: Timeouts when monitoring services on same host
Hello. Pretty sure I'm doing something stupid, but I can't find it. I have Caddy and Uptime-kuma installed as Docker containers. They are on the same Docker bridge network. Both work fine (with the below exception). I'm trying to monitor Caddy virtual hosts from Uptime-kuma and getting a timeout. If I exec into the Uptime-kuma container, I can ping the host name I want to monitor (and the DNS is resolving correctly to the Docker hosts external IP). But I can't reach port 80/443 using `telnet` or `openssl`. Any suggestions for what I might be doing wrong? Thanks!

Recommendations for JBOD?
It's time to get some storage for the homelab. I could get a Synology, but I'd quite like to build my own using ZFS. However it seems hard (or my Google-fu sucks) to find good, reasonably priced 4 bay JBODs. Most of what I can find either looks very cheap or is almost as expensive as a Synology. Any suggestions?