• 12 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Have you found a way to stream Netflix at 4K?

Well done!

so I’m optimizing for enjoyment and life/work balance

That’s great, really, well done! And I love that spirit, that “peace of mind” of not wanting more and enjoying what’s enough!

All the best!

You could use SyncThing and then run a backup on synched folder on the server

Sorry for the late reply. I mean a service that let me stream music, that let me listen to music offline and that let me download Spotify Playlists without the need to download every single song manually.

Good to know, thanks! Do you know a way to download the Spotify playlist in Jellyfin without the need to do it manually?

Selfhost and play Spotify playlists
When I go on vacation I prefer to keep my smartphone with WiFi and mobile data off, but I really don't like the way Spotify handle offline content. Most of the time it doesn't download everything and when I do a research, it show me even content that's not available offline (how can it do that?). Is there a selfhosted service that I can use to download my playlists and play them with an Android app that can download them?

Chinese…I don’t know how, but they manage to always create the worst UI. Also, chinese…I will definitely block Internet access except sometimes just to check for updates. The 10/100 NIC is enough for KVM, not for transferring ISOs 🫤 By the way, keep me posted.

Wow, nice! At that price it’s way better than the PiKVM! Keep me posted on the resolution of your problem. Have you written to the support?

Thanks for your point of view. All of my services are containers that have config and data folder bind mounted from an encrypted partition. After power on, a script download from a website half of the key needed to decrypt data, the other half is in the boot partition. In this way if my server gets stolen I can delete the half key stored on the website and the data disk can’t be decrypted. About swap, you’re right, but that doesn’t worry me at all since I don’t think that there’s anybody that would goes into that trouble just for my data. If someone is able enough and takes the trouble to read it, I guess that’s going to be the last of my problem: it would mean that I’m already in biiiiig troubles! 😆

You’re just missing the part where I want to be on vacation without the need to find a decent Internet connection to boot my server because the power went off. What’s the plus of encrypting the OS partition too?

That’s interesting, but that won’t help if I’m away or on vacation on the other side of the world

If you tick the encryption box during install, you will have to enter the decrypt password at every boot and that means that if the power goes out for long enough (UPS doesn’t keep the server up for hours), I (and my family) will not have access to the self hosted stuff until I’ll be home and this is why I encrypt only the data partition and not the boot one.

I do bind mount data folders of the containers, I do backups, I have a notification system that alerts me if a container is not up, but a container can be up but have problems and, most importantly, I (and I guess a lot of other people) don’t always have time to solve problems. When I a few spare minutes a do a snapshot, I update the containers and if something goes wrong if I have time I troubleshoot it, otherwise I just roll back the snapshot and I’ll have a look at the problem when I’ll have time.

But from the moment that the script updates and breaks something and the moment he realizes it may be too late for some applications.

For example I host Traccar to track car/vans and in this case some tracks would be lost. Or maybe SyncThing, he may realize days/weeks later that a sync is not working and if he was synching his smartphone pictures with his server and the smartphone is lost/broke/stolen, he may lose days/weeks or even months of pictures.

I wouldn’t trust a script. Use Watchtower or What’s up Docker


So it’s the use of a browser within a browser? Is it any different than just using Firefox containers (they are AWESOME!!!) and a VPN add-on?

I use BookStack and with Node Red I export to PDF the books as soon as pages get updated, so if everything goes feet up, I have all the documentation in PDFs (locally and automatically uploaded to a free DropBox account, still done with Node Red).

But the attacker should know the internal and the external DNS. If the internal DNS doesn’t have any SSL certificate on its name, it’s impossible to discover.

By the way, I always suggest to reach services through VPN and use something like Cloudflare tunnel for services that must be public.

P.s. Shouldn’t public and private DNS be inverted in your curl example?

Dude, chillax! Why would I read the article? I assumed that you got the same hardware that was mentioned in the article; how could I know that you wrote it about your server?

And by the way, your analogy with the archeology doesn’t fit at all.

No way! For just 1 reason: I will have to learn another new thing and replace it in about 6 servers. I value my time and for now Proxmox is fine.

P.s. Incus seems nice though! NO, stop tempting me!!! I’m already in the rabbit hole with a gazilion of self hosted services and dozens piling up in the to do list 🙈🙈🙈

2004 hardware -> dumpster! Seriousky, with the electricity bill of 1 year of that server running 24/7 you can buy a used Dell, HP or Lenovo PC (2/3 maybe 4 years old); you will have more power, way less power consumption and way less noise.

I run it on a 4GB Fujitsu Futro S920! 😆 All the RAM seems to be used by 3 VMs. Some SWAP is been used, ok, but the Proxmox overhead doesn’t seem that much.

Totally agree! Also, at work we have some Synology and their web UI is soooo slow that it’s almost unusable

Guys, read the article first! At least try, at the beginning it says:

Unless you self-host at home on your own NAS

Wasabi have similar pricing to glacier, but without the limitation

And the very first sentence says:

Unless you self-host at home on your own NAS

Have a look at this video I’ve used a Fujitsu Futro S720 (30/40€ on ebay) and I’ve created my router with firewall, VPN, VLANs and so on with OPNsense

Permanent damage to PSU? Permanent damage to other components?

Or worst: permanent damage to yourself.

To bypass this problem you can add your domain (with all the third level ones) to your router, pointing to your internal IP

Why do you distinguish on premises from self hosting? If the server is in a server farm or in my basement, I’m still hosting myself my services.

From Wikipedia:

Self-hosting is the practice of running and maintaining a website or service using a private web server, instead of using a service outside of someone’s own control

A private web server is not defined by its location.

I’ve never heard about those bridges, thanks! I’ll have a look.

How do you convince your family/friends to switch to a new app on their smartphone and use one just to talk with you/others in the crew?


Well, if you use the CloudFlare WAF with login protection (available in the free tier), you’re pretty much safe since the connection doesn’t arrive at your server if you don’t authenticate in CF first (with Gmail, Microsoft, OTP, etc.) @foremanguy92_@lemmy.ml

VLAN question
I've finally been connected to a fiber connection 2,5/1Gbps! 🥳 Now I want to share my connection with my neighbor and so I've installed 3 PCIx dual 1GB nic (I'm out of PCIe slots 🤷‍♂️). The connections comes from my OPNsense to the server (Proxmox) via a 10Gbps fiber connection. I want OPNsense to take car of firewalling dividing the neighbor networks with VLANs. The OPNsense part is done and working, I need to assign to each of the 6 1Gbps NIC each VLAN. I've tagged the traffic going into the server via the fiber connection, but now how can I assign each VLAN to each NIC? Thanks! Edit: Proxmox has nothing to do in the equation, it just happens to be on the same server where the NICs are.

[Jellyfin] PCIe x4 graphic card for transcoding
I have only a PCIe 2.0 x4 and a PCIe 3.0 x16 free and I need to install a 10Gbps SFP+ card and a graphic card for transcoding with Jellyfin (the CPU is an old E5-2620 v2). Since I can't find any SFP+ card that is x4, do you know a graphic card with decent transcoding capabilities (I'd day 2 4K simultaneously) that is only PCIe 2.0 x4? Edit: the x4 slot is full length.

Used NetApp 6TB SAS for 38€???
I've found these [NetApp SAS Festplatte 6TB 7,2k SAS 12G 3,5" - 111-02374 E-X4064A-R6 ST6000NM0034](https://www.gekko-computer.de/en/Parts/Hard-Drives/SAS-28440.html), that cost only 38€! It's a brand that I've never heard about and I've no idea how many hours they've worked (I've asked and I'm waiting for an answer). What do you think? Edit: I've asked the seller if there is a custom firmware that makes the drive unusable and it answered me saying that they work with any SAS HBA controller. They have worked 1863h and written 130TB (he showed me 4 screenshots of 4 tests of 4 drives)

Damn SAS connector! I got the wrong cables.
Hi all, I've bought 2 Dell H310 6gbps SAS HBA controlelr with cables, but the cables have the wrong connectors (for me). They have this: ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/bfacb5ac-3a67-4f41-9f08-bf5504b17205.png) While my drives have this one: ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/e746596f-f423-403d-bb10-2ec2e1514b32.png) What's the name of those 2 so that I can sell mine and buy new ones? ...or should I just cut the side of these and power supply connectors? 🤔

Do you encrypt your data drives?
Fellow selfhoster, do you encrypt your drives where you put data to avoid privacy problems in case of theft? If yes, how? How much does that impact performances? I selfhost (amongst other services) NextCloud where I keep my pictures, medical staff, ...in short, private stuff and I know that it's pretty difficult that a thief would steal my server, buuut, you never know! 🤷🏻‍♂️

Selfhosted systrem to monitor daily incoming email (backup reports)
Hi all! I've been looking for a selfhosted system that can monitor one or more email accounts and check if a certain email with a particular subject arrives every day (or every x hours) and alert me if it doesn't (or if the subject is different). I need this to check if backups from different PC have run or not. The best thing would be to integrate it with Uptime Kuma. Any idea? Thanks! Edit: I'm switching all my backup software to Restic (Autorestic on Linux machines) so I can send a ping to Uptime Kuma when every single backup successfully ends.

Self hosted AI chat like OmniGPT?
I've just discovered OmniGPT that seems to be a chat where you can interact with different LLM (Claude, GPT-4, Llama, Gemini, etc.) and costs $16/month (it was $7/month until a week ago 🤦‍♂️). I've read on a [Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPTPro/comments/1bg0p0h/comment/kv4ya0g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that it uses the APIs of all the provider that is a thing that can be done for free using a personal account (since the API limit seems to be high). Do you know something like OminGPT that can be self hosted that uses users API keys?

New home server: what hypervisor/OS?
I have a couple of home server, both with Proxmox as hypervisor, one VM with Ubuntu 22.04 that does just Docker containers, one with Open Media Vault, one with Home Assistant (HA OS) and a couple of Windows VM to do some tests. Since I wanted to move from OMV, right now I see 2 options: - stay with Proxmox and find another NAS OS - use Unraid as NAS and hypervisor What other option would you suggest?

ADMIN, isn’t it time to move from lemmy.world?
Every time I try to access this community, ther's some kind of problem with the server. If you have a look at the [status page](https://lemmy-world.statuspage.io/), it's almost all orange/red. The problem aren't DDoS attack since the server is behind Cloudflare protection. Admin/mods, why don't you move this community to a different ~~server~~ instance? I'm not accusing anybody, I know that maintain a server can be a challenging sometimes, I just want to enjoy this community! Please! @Loki

r/selfhosted is still rising, WTF? Come to Lemmy!!!
Hi all! I used to be a daily r/selfhosted lurker and a bit active user. Since the Reddit saga I thought that r/selfhosted would be one of the first and bigger community to move to Lemmy due to the IT knowledge of all of their users and the sensitivity about self host/privacy/open source, but I see that not only the community is still all there, but [it's rising](https://subredditstats.com/r/selfhosted). :( That really makes me sad. How can we convince the mods there to move people here? Is it allowed to talk about Lemmy on Reddit or do we risk of being banned?

Where do you store your purchased tickets (movies, flights…)?
Hi all! What do you use to store ticket that you purchase (flights, movies, etc.)? Is there a valid self hosted service with an Android app? Thanks!