Admin on the Lemmy instance.

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  • 6 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Sep 19, 2022


This is kinda the same idea but made for what you originally asked for:

I think there was a Nextcloud plugin that allowed doing that. If you run that anyways, worth a try.

Hostile not quite, as it was a group of core developers. But still a shitty move, especially how it was done in secrecy and disregarding other devs and the larger community.

I wondered about this before but apparently the Telegram client is terrible spaghetti code under the hood, making these kind of ideas not feasible.

You might like Monocles Chat though, which is an Android XMPP client with a somewhat nicer looking interface.

There is also the work in progress Moxxy client, which is a from ground up new XMPP client written in Flutter. It seems to take some interface inspiration from Telegram, but to be honest, it isn’t anywhere near to be fully usable and development has been slow in recent months.

In terms of raw CPU power, you will rarely have issues with anything newer than 10 years old. But some built in video conversion hardware can differ significantly and power consumption is usually also lower for newer CPUs.

Afaik it uses a very similar codebase and plugins can be easily ported or might even work out of the box.

Only once during the initial setup, afterwards its all managed by Systemd. Once you know about it, it takes like one minute max.?

Its actually much easier to autostart containers with Podman, as it has full Systemd integration, so you can handle them like any other service. All you need to do is write a simple .container file for the Podman built-in Quadlet service, which closely follows the normal Systemd .service file syntax.

There are .pod files for Quadlet now, which do what you want. No Kubernetes involved.

My impression is really the opposite. Podman is constantly being improved and nice features get added all the time.

If you don’t like SELinux, just disable it. Nothing to do with Podman.

Podman-generate was replaced by Quadlet .container files, which works better.

And a Pod also has it’s own virtual network, why manually create one?

Currently at step 9. Waiting for the roving bands of thugs to arrive 😅

Gitlab’s main advantage is the tight integration with CI/CD and a web based IDE. But it has some annoying limitations in the non-enterprise version.

Forgejo is great, but it comes with only community support.

You can get commercial support from the Gitea project (from which Forgejo forked off), but if that is something important for you, Gitlab has probably also better commercial support structures in place.

??? The location and the file name of the certificates don’t change, so why would I have to do that?

On the contrary, before I disabled the certbot’s Nginx integration, every three months certbot would “manage” to break my Nginx and I had to manually repair it.

I think we are not talking about the same thing. I mean the Certbot extension that automatically modifies the Nginx config files. A telltale sign are usually the comments "#managed by certbot” that it likes to leave behind all over your config files.

I switched to Dehydrated (with dns-01 challenge), but Certbot itself is fine, the problem is the Nginx integration that tries to automatically change your Nginx config files.

You usually want less integration, not more. Simple self-contained things. Nginx is good at that. That’s also why you don’t want to use Nginx Proxy Manager or Certbot’s Nginx integration etc. It first looks like they make it easier, but there is too much hidden complexity under the hood.

Also, sooner or later you will run into some software that you would really like to try, which is only documented for Nginx and uses some sort of image caching or so, that is hard to replicate with Caddy etc.

For 2.: use dns-01 challenge to generate wildcard SSL certs. Saves so much time and nerves.

That’s what everyone thinks for a while, and then they go back to Nginx.

Small Form Factor I guess.

There are some nice mini-itx nas cases that would do it.

Not yet, but it has OpenVPN. I think they plan to add Wireguard in the upcoming 3.x release.

Yeah, there are better options that sync flat file notes via plain old WebDAV.

Make sure the user “bind” and whatever the owner of that folder outside of the container is, have the same user number.

If the postgres container doesn’t start properly, then something’s wrong with the config. Most likely you are trying to expose port 5432 to the host network, but you have postgres already installed there, so the ports conflict.

You can check for those errors with journalctl.

Why would you start with such a complex and advanced tool when you are new to self-hosting?

Yeah, that was my first thought.

Probably driven by: then I can put that on my CV. But just playing around with that self-hosted is not going to give you any actionable skills.

Alternative explanation: Lemmy is big enough now for astroturfing 😑

This is a good guide:

Usually you want to replace drives before they fail (SMART monitoring will give you ample warning in most cases). The it is better to have an additional free SATA port to turn the failing raid temporarily into a three-way raid and use the btrfs built-in function to replace the disk in situ.

Mirror (raid1) btrfs raids are fine and are more convenient anyways.

If you only use it so rarely, why not just connect a USB drive to your network router? Most have an option to serve files from that over the network.

A RasberryPi uses so little power when idleing that turning it on and off on demand makes not a whole lot of a difference. It is different though with OP’s x86 with spinning rust drives.

Is there also a way to simulate splitscreen with that?

How else are you going to use it? Ok they have an hosted instance, but that’s not great for privacy and will break as soon as it gets somewhat popular as the sites usually have scraping protections.

This really depends on your exact setup and might not be true for hardware raid.

Generally speaking, I would look into replacing that ageing raid with something more modern like Btrfs or ZFS where you are significantly more flexible with the drives used.

Completely depends on your use, but it is basically ever growing and larger than the typical cheap VPS includes. A few tens of GBs at least.

Uhm, this is not very good advise, as the bridges especially often do not work well with non-Synapse homeserver implementations. And especially Conduit also has a very different way to setup appservices, so it becomes much harder to configure the bridges correctly.

Matrix needs fast storage, and a lot of it, even if you only use it for bridges. A RPi5 with a good amount of NVMe storage will probably work, but if you only want to use it for bridges I would rather recommend to set up an XMPP server with Slidge which gives you better clients and can run on a RPi4 easily. is a good alternative that’s easy to setup.

Does what you want except the auto-delete I think.

Running a OPNsense firewall in a VM?
I am not overly happy with my current firewall setup and looking into alternatives. I previously was somewhat OK with OPNsense running on a small APU4, but I would like to upgrade from that and OPNsense feels like it is holding me back with it's convoluted web-ui and (for me at least) FreeBSD strangeness. I tried setting up IPfire, but I can't get it to work reliably on hardware that runs OPNsense fine. I thought about doing something custom but I don't really trust myself sufficiently to get the firewall stuff right on first try. Also for things like DHCP and port forwarding a nice easy web GUI is convenient. So one idea came up to run a normal Linux distro on the firewall hardware and set up OPNsense in a VM on it. That way I guess I could keep a barebones OPNsense around for convenience, but be more flexible on how to use the hardware otherwise. Am I assuming correctly that if I bind the VM to hardware network interfaces for WAN and LAN respectively it should behave and be similarly secure to a bare metal firewall?

Senator Asks Gabe Newell Why Steam Hosts So Much Neo-Nazi Content
Which is IMHO a reasonable question, no matter how you think about Steam otherwise.