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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: May 06, 2024


Yeah, I thought selecting him for leader was bad years ago, but it’s obvious now that he can’t really do much of anything. Guess we’d better prep for 4 years of conservative austerity since our electoral system is broken.

Hmm, I tried it out after seeing this but I’m not really much of a fan of the mobile-first approach. I’ve moved on to HortusFox and it’s more what I was expecting.

My wife is the one who’ll be using it though, so we’ll see if she likes it.

Hmm… You could try Trakt but I find that it’s very weird about anime. I use Anilist for anime/manga and Trakt for TV/movies because of this.

It’d be cooler if we had more trains, but I’m down for cheaper EVs in general.

I just wish it was easier for renters to find a place to charge because that’s the largest barrier to my family getting one. Also we have relatives a few hours away that we visit fairly often, maybe once a month, and there’s only one charger on the route (and it’s sort of out of the way).

Could also do yt-dlp -S "res:1080" - it works with vertical videos too (will scale using the smallest dimension).

“Assault rifles” are already restricted for legal owners. Crack down on illegal firearms – you know, the actual source of guns used in most of these crimes.

Maybe we’re negotiating for a discount on refurbs, lol.

All these stupid idiots need to realize we don’t have free speech in Canada. We also have comprehensive hate crime/speech laws, though they’re exceptionally underused due to circumstances exactly like this. Fuck conservatism.

Pffft, Trudeau would rather set himself on fire than enact electoral reform.

FPTP is too critical to Canadian neoliberalism in that it prevents coalitions (which would encourage compromise and diversity of opinion) and allows the major parties to force their will.

Edit: Do I have to explicitly state that neoliberalism is bad? Lol. Obviously electoral reform is needed - but there’s clearly a vested interest among politicians in it not happening.

Is Regina at least better to live in? London is the armpit of Ontario. I hated it there, lol. But there is an excellent shawarma place near the college (Hadi’s).

Edit: Just found out Hadi’s is closed and there’s a new shawarma place there now. :( Hope Hadi is doing well.

Yeah, I was hoping my comment might prompt someone from Saskatchewan to chime in with their experience, but that didn’t happen. :b

Yeah, I could never get NPM to work right on my system either. I use the NGINX Docker image and set up my certs manually.

If I were to do it all over again today, I would probably go with Caddy since it now has a bunch of that stuff built in with automatic HTTPS by default and the basic reverse proxy setup is literally 2 lines of code.

You could try Logseq, it’s like Obsidian but open source. I use Obsidian for most notes and I also have a personal wiki built with Otterwiki.

I use NGINX for my reverse proxy, you could check out NGINX Proxy Manager which uses Certbot to automate the SSL certificates.

I’ve heard a lot of people also like Caddy and Traefik. Can’t remember which is easier to use, maybe Caddy.

I started working at 14 (in Ontario). For my first job:

  • No, there is a “student wage” that is less than minimum wage
  • EI yes, CPP no
  • No
  • Only if there are promotions available at the part-time level (my “promotion” increased my pay by $0.50)

After 2 years of working there, I got a $0.05 raise. Yes, 5 cents. The biggest increase in my pay came when the minimum wage was increased in Ontario, which also increased the student wage.

FWIW, these are effective only when both are used on the same circuit. If you live in an older home, the chances of this being the case are higher.

My entire apartment, except for the washroom, is on the same circuit. It also means I can’t run an air conditioner without tripping the breaker. :|

I use Cockpit to manage my system and containers and Dashy as a browser dashboard. It’s similar to Heimdall but more minimal.

I also run Otterwiki and I’m planning on documenting my setup, but I haven’t got around to it yet.

What’s a ratio limit? /s

I’m currently seeding all of the Evil Bong movies, and I resurrected one of the torrents from the grave by finding a DDL of the release - feels good man.

Then you can’t “hide” your server IP without a VPS/VPN set up. Maybe I’m not understanding what you’re asking? Your public IP is visible to any machine you connect to and that includes Cloudflare’s servers.

Are you worried about copyright or something? This isn’t legal advice, but I doubt they give a shit unless you’re hosting content illegally for a large number of people. Obviously, only take the risk if you are comfortable with the potential consequences where you live.

I’m not really knowledgeable about it, but there is an article from Tailscale that explains how they use SSH (basically it creates a separate SSH server specifically for Tailnet traffic). From what I understand, this feature is relatively new.

You may also want to look into Tailnet lock.

You could try Tailscale? It creates a secure tunnel to your server so you don’t have to connect it to the internet. Not sure if that checks all your boxes though.

Seems like Monica or BookStack would fit your criteria. I looked into Monica for a similar reason but ultimately it seemed like too much work to organize every person in my life so meticulously. But if that’s what you want, it might be perfect for you.

So in 30 years when I need assisted living but was never able to afford a house, what am I supposed to do? Die in the street?

What’s more infuriating is that we have federal protections for gender identity already in place, so these policies could be subject to discrimination lawsuits from trans people, costing even more taxpayer money.

I’m not a lawyer, but I think it’s fairly obvious that there’s some sort of disparate impact on trans people happening here. It’s also a form of sex discrimination, but I’m not sure how far that argument would go in court.

All scratches, dirt, and other damage have been left in

I’m pretty sure that that’s the point. It’s a project that chose to restore as much as it could of the original theatrical release, warts and all. If you’re not a fan, that’s cool, since this version was created specifically to please a certain type of person.

Midwifery was legalized in the 90s, and midwives and pharmacists in Ontario have had their scope expanded in recent years to include the ability to diagnose and treat a range of minor ailments.

If only their pay weren’t legally cut and then frozen by various legislation sponsored by physicians. It makes no sense to be a midwife here.