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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I found the megathread from Lemmy when I switched over, I thought it was lemmy-based.

I really want to know how to extract them as well. I paid for a movie on YouTube since it was available nowhere else and yt wouldn’t let me download it without DRM, so I just OBS’d the whole thing.

I had captions on, so they’re baked in. I really like captions, but it would be nice to have the option to turn them off.

If the person who died at Disney had not paid for Disney plus, but instead had pirated what they wanted to watch on Disney plus, they would not have signed the contract with Disney plus. That contract forfeited them the right to sue Disney.

I gotchu fam.

Disney big boy, doing bad boy stuff. Oopsy killed someone but says it’s ok, might get away with it.

Buying stuff now is all a service, go old school and buy paper books and pirate digital stuff. If the person who died at Disney had been a pirate, then Disney would be NOT OK MURDERER.

Have a popup text line in explorer that says “you are browsing inside of a compressed file, you must extract the contents to use them” or something. The functionality is already there, when you go to “network” it says “network sharing and discovery is turned off, click here to turn it on”

Perhaps this occurred in the small window of time when it had been implemented and it didn’t ask, or perhaps they just said no.

Regardless, I had to troubleshoot

This reminds me of when I sent someone a program in a zip folder. Windows now opens zip folders by default, and it looks just like any other folder.

So of course they opened the zip and double clicked the exe, but everyone knows you can’t open an exe inside a zip folder (at least, if the exe depends on the folders and files around it). If you try to, windows will extract the exe into a temp space, but leave all the dependencies behind. So the exe promptly crashes.

I didn’t think I needed to specify “you need to extract the contents of the zip folder first, then run the exe.” It feels like saying “you need to take the blender out of the box before you can use it. And not just the _base _ of the blender, you have to take out all the parts.

Some things just feel so much like second nature that we forget.

That’s really cool, I would totally be down for reading an article or watching a video essay that goes into the differences between clubs with and without phones.

I did a little research and apparently there are sexy clubs where you can hang out in rooms and do consensually sexy things and everyone is cool with it. I don’t go clubbing, but I would assume it’s a little different here in the states.

I’m interested in hearing others opinions about it myself. I haven’t taken the plunge yet.

Thank you! I wish it were more obvious what random strings of characters meant. Sometimes I see them and I have to hunt around in community rules and mega threads and I still can’t find a solution as to how to decode them.

Probably difficult difficult limes difficult. Like rebuilding a wood frame house into a concrete block house.

You can reuse parts (doors, windows, etc) but not everything comes apart easily, and it’s still a lot of work reassembling things. Even the parts you should be able to reuse, you may end up replacing since they don’t “disassemble” easily.

Denuvo phones home constantly. Unless denuvo is removed from the game, the game won’t be playable unless it was legitimately purchased and can be verified on denuvo’s servers.

Furthermore denuvo encrypts the game files and the denuvo files and scrambles them all together, like mixing two jars of sand from different beaches, but the denuvo sand pieces know where everything is, so the game and copy protections still work.

So it’s hard to remove.

S mode?? Man that feels like using a PC with a child lock turned on.

When you rent a hotel room or car you’re preventing others from using that hotel room or car.