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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


If you’ve found your way to the technology community on a federated lemmy instance, youre techy enough to take the blame for using chromium

You’re also on lemmy. You might be old, but you are also technically literate. Im not saying PM is bad, I used it myself for ages until I decided to set up my own domain for business reasons so moved to fastmail.

Its just for the type of oldies who use ISP provided mail dont like the change of leaving the ios default mail app to go to the protonmail app

Proton isnt great for oldies. You cant use default email apps and the like without a bridge, and last I checked they arent available for mobile or Chromebooks, which means they would have to use the first party app. Thats just another change thats not worth it for oldies who dont like change.

Also migrating away from protonmail is a nightmare. You cant when set a “forward all” rule.

I admire protons ethos, but the UX sucks.

An older family member of mine rang yesterday asking about what to do after they read the announcement.

I have been telling them for years to change to a proper provider but they weren’t interested. I told them this would eventually happen, but the change wasnt worth the hassle for them.

Now the change is forced and its just increased the stress.

Im hoping the prospect of only being a year for free then ad based means I can just get them onto fastmail or something that I can administer.

Depends on the use case. Cloudflare tunnels are great for accessing services, but not your network. I have a dockerised vscode instance behind a cloudflare tunnel attached to a personal domain that uses white listed emails as authorisation. Fantastic set up, can access my coding environment from anywhere with an internet connection as long as I can click the verification link in my emails.

To access my network itself though, wireguard is better. I just use pivpn (coupled with pihole for on the go adblock) on a rpi.

Best practice in 2023 is a simple, sufficiently long but memorable passphrase. Excessive requirements mean users just create weak passwords with patterns.
[Capital letter]basic word(number){special character}

Enforcing password changes doesnt help either. It just creates further patterns. The vast majority of compromised credentials are used immediately or within a short time frame anyway. Changing the password 2 months later isnt going to help and passwords like July2023!, which are common, are weak to begin with.

A non expiring, long, easily remembered passphase like
Is much more secure than a short password with enforced complexity requirements.

Are we really starting this shit here?

Everything on the internet is a repost. Calling it out adds nothing worthwhile to the conversation and just derails any conversation.