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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


If you’re running it in docker you can just check the logs, I do it like this: docker compose logs -f lemmy, and see if you have requests from any instance in the log stream. For me it goes pretty fast, but you can always ctrl+c to exit and scroll up to see what you’ve missed. Might not be the most optimal way, but it works for me.

Had to replace my UPS battery just a few days ago after a power outage reminded me that a replacement was well overdue. I share your feeling, now I can sleep knowing a power blip won’t knock out my servers and mess up my data.

Yea, I had to make a crontab task that resets lemmy every day. Hope it gets fixed in the future but for now it sorta works.

This may help: Container compatibility. MKV files will be remuxed when played via WebUI. Try playing an MP4 file and see if it’s the same.

Just MusicBrainz and a general music folder. I either use a SMB share or Navidrome to listen to my library, depending what’s most convenient. I’ve noticed that Lidarr generates huge traffic spikes when it fetches album info, rate limiting it on my Pi Hole, so I’ve stopped using it. I don’t like the idea of automating downloading music anyway, I prefer to listen to it first then download if I like it.

There’s a freeware (open source but copyrighted art) shooter called World of Padman, that’s pretty much what you’re describing.

EDIT: You wanted “modern” but, it’s slightly less so. Sorry.

I’ve never self hosted, started maybe two years ago. First I’ve started with a Raspberry Pi 3, but quickly decided that 1GB of ram, and limited power was not enough for my needs. I’ve got myself a Dell OptiPlex SFF (used), it came with 16GBs of ram, then I’ve added a 4TB HDD. I’d say, this is an “entry” piece of hardware, as it’s cheap and sips power (around 15-20W at idle). If you don’t need the disk space or much power, go with a micro (whichever manufacturer you chose, HP, Dell, IBM), they’re cute little boxes that make a RasPi seem both underpowered and overpriced (for a used one anyway).

Ironically Nitter stopped working lately, since Twitter started requiring users to be logged in to read anything.