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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 04, 2023


Ok the push notification pop up started to piss me off halfway down lol. But yeah, this is a cool demonstration.

Like the “Come to Brazil!” comments on every music video or concert on youtube.

Yeah, this is isn’t a “new level” of incoherence, it’s always been like that. It’s just being amplified more now that his opponent isn’t having age-related issues.

There’s nothing more permanent than a temporary solution.

Yeah, the ones in Asia are franchised too. I’ve never been to a 7-11 in the US that I was comfortable staying more than a few minutes in. They are usually messy, have sketchy people, and I don’t trust the food. Complete opposite of convenience stores in Asia.

I miss the nice and clean Family Mart and MiniStop convenience stores in Asia. I hope they can replicate and maintain the quality if they adapt the concept in the US.

I think there’s a narrow way through, by fielding a candidate that most democrat voters actually like (or tolerate at the minimum). It can have the positive effect of actually re-energizing voters to go out and vote if there’s a fresh face. As to who that person should be, I’m not really sure.

They’re just not invested in it yet. Once their money is in it, they’ll suddenly say it’s the best thing in the world.

I had no idea he was actually in prison. I thought he was still holed up in an embassy of some country.

It’s owned by EFF, which AFAIK is still a trusted org. You might be thinking of Adblock Plus or Ghostery.

I actually know someone like this. He’s been in software engineering since the early 2000. I recently saw a post from him that he’s now a firefighter recruit.

Agree with all your points. If I had a penny for every time lift-and-shift is mentioned when migrating to cloud from on-prem…

There was one time I was traveling and had to reset one of my passwords. It sent a verification code via email but my email provider wouldn’t let me login because I was in a different country I’ve never been to before. So it was a train of recovery processes to reser my password on a single account.

If you’re on IOS, the Focus feature is great. I use it primarily for sleep to turn off all notifications except for calls (in case of emergencies). But you can basically configure multiple profiles with different notification settings. Also, whenever I install a new app on my phone, I turn notifications off unless it’s a time sensitive app like a messaging app.

I follow the NBA, and the gambling stuff is so obnoxious. From ads, to fans becoming vile to players for “ruining” their parlay, some players actually getting involved with the gambling, and then the referees themselves too. It’s really having a negative impact on the game.

He works in tech sales. I hope he was never one of the hundreds who have cold called me. Or if he did, one of the ones I blocked.

To be fair, we sometimes have to look through multiple related documentation and tickets to make sure the change was actually reviewed and approved by the necessary teams (network, security, etc.). We also have an SLA for PR reviews/approvals and some people have a habit of sending it out for approval at the last minute of the change window.

TIL anti-static wristbands are a thing. I need get me one of those.

I also want it on desktop

Spotify without a paid subscription on FF desktop with uBlock Origin is pretty good. It will start playing random music after a while, but it’s not enough to bother me. Just refresh and you can go back to listening to your music.

The most common thing I see is people confusing usb-c with thunderbolt, and using the former on docks and expecting it to provide power and transmit data.

A spokeswoman for Intuit, Tania Mercado, criticized the direct file project as a “half-baked solution” and a waste of taxpayer money. “The direct file scheme is a solution in search of a problem,”

That’s rich coming from a company that created a problem so they can sell their solution.

Either way, there are better software than Intuit, like FreeTaxUSA.

I remember in grade school, my school constructed restrooms in every classroom so students won’t need to leave class. The problem was they were literally just a small concrete cubicle and the walls didn’t even go up to the ceiling. That was when I learned pissing straight into the water wasn’t a good idea. I went out to the entire class staring at me.

I love me some bleeding edge stuff, but this is the reason why I avoid beta testing on essential devices like my phone. My linux OS, mobile apps (like for lemmy), and other stuff are fair game.

Yeah that was the incredible part. Kudos to the crew for being able to get everyone out safely.

Probably want more aid. Don’t they (Kim and his government) usually start throwing a tantrum when they want some attention and aid?

Because the music in Joe Schmo’s video gets claimed by the artist’s label/distributor, and they get paid for it. I experienced this first hand when I uploaded a music video of my song on my youtube channel and my distributor claimed it. I had to go and prove to them that I’m the very same person and owner of the music before they released the copyright claim on my video.

Mullvad now has DoH configuration profiles with content blockers for IOS. If you actually want to select filters at a granular level, you can try Aha DNS Blitz.

I have around 48k streams on spotify and I’ve earned a whopping $172. Their new payment model would bring that down to essentially $0.

Even concerts barely break even for artists after all expenses. Right now, merch and physical album sales are the best way (other than directly giving money) to support your favorite artists. I don’t buy physical albums because they just become clutter at home, so I make it a point to buy merch when I go to a concert.

I was talking about tutanota.com users. Like I said in my first sentence, I already use tuta.io so this doesn’t really affect me. Tuta may be a new domain now, but it’s what they will be known as moving forward. So yourname@tuta.com will look more legit than yourname@tutanota.com eventually when the tutanota brand is deprecated completely. I’m also not talking about machine validation, I’m talking about human validation, just as someone would be suspicious of a gmail address in a few months/years if google changed their email domain to something else today. Hell, I have a live.com email and people ask me to repeat it when I give it out because they haven’t heard of it before, not knowing it’s actually a microsoft domain that was popular in the early 2010s.

I’ve been using tuta.io ever since I created an account with them so the change to tuta isn’t entirely new to me. Having said that, it is indeed infuriating that they do not give you the tuta.com email for free automatically, because then anyone who signs up with youremail@tuta.com essentially has a more legit email address than yours. Protonmail gave out the proton.me domain to all users for free, even to free tier users. Hopefully this generates enough noise for them to change this.

Not sharing your code for job security

Nah you’re good. I was actually thinking of a similar scenario, like for musicians who need to lug their gear around. They don’t exactly fit into the category of a business that transports goods, but they can’t exactly walk, ride a bus, then a train, with all that gear in tow. I’ve been to SG several times myself and I love how easy it is to get around, as someone who prefers urban living.

I get it though, you really don’t need a car to get to maybe 95% of the country. I wonder if people who need to haul stuff around for a living get any incentives.

Oh don’t worry, they put that split second “Have a gambling problem?” text in tiny font at the end, so people with gambling problems know that it’s bad.

I’m currently a “Principal” which is the next level up from Senior. Honestly I’m pretty happy with my current title because it’s a pretty good balance between pay and responsibilities. The next step up is also fine with me (Senior Principal) because that means another pay bump, but it will probably where I’d want to stop advancing.

Like a lot of people, the goal is to be paid the highest possible with the fewest responsibilities. I’m not interested in taking a managerial/supervisory career track because that just adds responsibilities and politics. I’m happy being an individual contributor so I just need to worry about my own work and that’s it.