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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


So Russians can be in perpetual war and suffer for an indefinite amount of time, or simply just get rid of Putin …

What the hell are they waiting for? why isn’t Putin behind bars already.

Only psychopaths are capable of becoming billionaires.

Normal people would share or cut fair deals to those involved, as a society we need to say enough is enough and tax them so there is no such thing as a billionaire.

Trudeau promised voter reform and then lied and didn’t follow through. I will never vote for him again. NDP all the way.

Until we make competitive EVs locally a tariff makes zero sense for Canada.

Well, regardless of context, I can’t imagine a situation where he is correct in pointing a sideways firearm at someone so casually, and who cares if they found meth, everyone needs to be treated respectfully.

More training and suspensions and if it’s a repeat offence then dismissal.

There is free speech and hate speech, and we don’t allow one of them… never have, never will, and that’s not Trudeau, that’s us being Canadians, being kind, and taking care of each other, and that’s what makes us different from Americans.

Saskatchewan is trying to do this now still sadly, despite them all being profitable unless sabatoged.

Yes, in Saskatchewan we have the cheapest telecoms because of a crown corporation that is very profitable.

Our provincial government is trying to shut it down and sell it because they are bunch or corrupt assholes and hate their constituents and want not but wealth for themselves and friends.

They say the title is editorialized, but I disagree, I think it is factual after reading the article.

With all these wealthy folks coming out in strong opposition to this, I am certain we are on the right path, and this is great for Canadians.

Watch how when we start taxing companies and the rich,all of our lives will get significantly better., even the rich assholes fighting it.

It will do the opposite, if anything reducing the capital these huge companies have should encourage small business growth and entrepreneurship. They cant just open up and crush the little guy.

It’s just that most entrepreneurs see themselves as temporarily displaced billionaires so they work against their own best interests.

“Without having seen it”

Why is this even an article? It’s just this Muppets thoughts and feelings without seeing the document.

PP is so fake, it will be painful to see him as a prime minister, but Trudeau had his shot at election reform and lied to people, so he is ultimately to blame.

We need more funding for disabled people. They don’t even get 30k per year to live off of. There needs to be a better safety net and more services.

The reason I don’t own one is because I am a responsible dog owner and know I don’t have the capacity and time to train one properly. Chihuaha it is!

Only individuals should be able to buy and own residential property. Not corporations, not numbered companies, just people. They can rent them out, etc but don’t get the same protections of corporations. It becomes personal at that point. Banks generally will finance about 20 properties this way before they decide the liability becomes too much. This protects small landlords still, but gets all the big money out.

Then the rental market will price itself fairly based off of that and keep the rental market in check, but when the corporations own both sides of the coin they set the price.

It’s like the story of a Vancouver woman who lived in an apartment in English Bay. She was a server when she moved there 10 years ago, and had no issue affording it. Over the years she got settled, went to school while working and became a lawyer.

She eventually had to move out of the same apartment as it was no longer affordable, despite becoming a lawyer and earning significantly more money.

If she can’t keep pace with inflation going from a server to a lawyer, not sure what hope the rest of us would have.

Not even sure what the alerts have to do with this, but… I would rather be woken, than have a child slip through the cracks that could have been saved.

Some people care about others, others are selfish. You opinion is just that, yours.

The fact that you take pleasure in it is a whole other discussion…

“This is why capitalism needs to be burned to the ground.”

Say it again louder for those in the back!

Capitalism has become literally the cause of almost all of our problems in this age. Billionaires should not exist.

I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me the honest difference between lobbying and bribery aside from small nuance.

Has some “corporate wants you to find the differences in these two pictures” energy.

I like this, I’ve never had anyone come out with an actual suggestion that is better than what’s on the table. This could work.

It’s usually just the opposition whining for political points with no plan, and that I can not stand.

Me too, I was definetely duped by him. It’s embarassing now that I see how much of a man child he is.

And a shit father, considering his resources he may just be the worst father in history.

Back in my day, we used to call them shooters…

But we had to fight uphill, both ways…

In other news the Hungarian and Chinese government announce settings up police stations in Hungary to help policing.

So on one hand China is setting up these stations around the world, and on the other hand they are upset they are being accused of doing exactly what they are doing.

Taking a page from Trump’s playbook and don’t pay your bills I see. Embarassing.

It’s so disappointing to see Canadians becoming so selfish. What ever happened to helping your neighbor and others?

Why are we still talking about this? Who cares? Let people use whatever washrooms they want, is it even an issue? it’s completely fabricated by the right at this point and im tired of it.

These new Conservatives are just insufferable.

As a Canadian growing up we would take pride in being able to put aside differences and be kind to each other no matter what. These toxic American politics leeching into our society have changed people into hate machines.

Time for the government to operate grocery stores selling staple items. No need for them to get into luxury goods and snacks, but a not for profit business for grains, flour, fruits, vegetables, dairy and bread etc would be nice. Keep those costs down and they can create additional measures to stabalize costs.

Like Co-op grocery stores but an actual co-op with better prices.

Maybe give extra food expiring to food banks could help a ton too, instead of being evil and throwing it away.