• 2 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Apr 27, 2024


Fail2ban allows you set different actions for different infringements, as well as multiple ones. So in addition to being put in a “local” jail, the offending IP also gets added to the cloudflare rules (? Is that what its called?) via their API. It’s a premade action called “cloudflare-token-multi”

I switched a couple of months ago, from SwiftKey. Had been using that for ever, long before Microsoft bought it.

NGL, the transition was a bit rough, and the first month my error rate spiked. All good now though, plus Futo has a bunch of super useful features SK never had. Overall, very happy.

We expose about a dozen services to the open web. Haven’t bothered with something like Authentik yet, just strong passwords.

We use a solid OPNSense Firewall config with rather fine-grained permissions to allow/forbid traffic to the respective VMs, between the VMs, between VMs and the NAS, and so on.

We also have a wireguard tunnel to home for all the services that don’t need to be available on the internet publicly. That one also allows access to the management interface of the firewall.

In OPNSense, you get quite good logging capabilities, should you suspect someone is trying to gain access, you’ll be able to read it from there.

I am also considering setting up Prometheus and Grafana for all our services, which could point out some anomalies, though that would not be the main usecase.

Lastly, I also have a server at a hoster for some stuff that is not practical to host at home. The hoster provided a very rudimentary firewall, so I’m using that to only open necessary ports, and then Fail2Ban to insta-ban IPs for a week on the first offense. Have also set it up so they get banned on Cloudflare’s side, so before another malicious request ever reaches me.

Have not had any issues, ever.

I recommend using Usenet for German stuff, all the private trackers I have tried in the past were… seedy.

Yes, you need to pay for access to the Usenet, but it’s worth it for German language audio IMO.

Check out scenenzbs.com, no need to pay to search there. Check if everything you need is available, though likely, it will be.

I have not had a failed download yet.

You can even just do Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V.

It somehow feels… Wrong, but it just works.

I think if you want to copy a specific selection to a mouse-based, different program then it makes sense to use the mouse for precision selection.

Especially if you buy access via 2 providers on different backbones. Haven’t had a single failed/incomplete download since.

I’m slightly younger than that even, currently finishing up my master’s but have been working as a backend dev for a couple of years.

I’ve learned an order of magnitude more about networking from just being in the vicinity of my girlfriend (who is a network technician) than from uni, and it’s definitely already paying off.

+1 from me.

The Shield is a couple years old, but it handles everything you throw at it perfectly.

  • get SmartTubeNext to watch YouTube without ads, and it comes with SponsorBlock
  • use Flauncher for a home screen / launcher without any ads
  • Jellyfin, obviously
  • Steamlink also works perfectly
  • plus, the remote is amazing (though I would recommend to either disable or rebind the Netflix button)

I know it’s been three weeks, but thanks for telling me about this! I might actually do this, for the projects here and there which aren’t packaged into nixpkgs (yet).

Thanks for the suggestion, I must say though, I am very happily de-googled :D

Thanks for the recommendation! Looks like a great option. Actually, the p2p aspect prompted me to have another look at the Jitsi docs, and lo and behold, there’s an option for that, as long as no more than 2 people participate in a chat… (The reason I’d prefer Jitsi is actually just that NixOS comes with options for jitsi out of the box, for Miro I would have to introduce containers into my setup :D)

Yeah, I think it’s overkill, plus needing an account will likely lead to issues (login difficulties, forgotten password,…) compared to “just click this link”. But thanks for the recommendation anyways, I did not know NC comes with video chat!

Thanks for the experience report! Would you say that you’re happy with the video and audio quality and latency?

Yeah, I am havong mixed feelings about this. But at least during Covid, it was apparently the norm, so it must work, somehow…

I could find a teacher closer to me, but for one thing, I only have a boke available, and biking ~10km with the cello on my back is not something I look forward to doing on a regular basis. The other thing is that I consider this teacher a friend, she’s given me lessonsfor more than a decade in the past, and I know we vibe well together.

Yeah, those are all fair points. We’ve been using Jitsi for work with pretty much no problems, albeit in group calls where video and audio quality don’t matter too much. Someone below gave some good recommendations for hardware as well.

The helpdesk issue… IDK. If Jitsi works, it is incredibly easy to use, right? Basically just, click this link and you’re in. (If does some heavy lifting there, I know :D)

THank you for the suggestion! It looks like a great option for playing together. I must say though, what would probably kill it for me/my teacher is the complexity of the setup. Separate video, and from the docs, it seems like a bit of an involved setup to get good results?

Besides, we will probably not be playing together at all 😅

Oh wow, someone with the exact same usecase!! :D

Thank you for the hardware recommendations. Tbh that is not something I have put any thought into yet.

Can I ask you, is the UMC204HD necessary only because you have to mics, or would you recommend something like it regardless?

I have been thinking of just using a pair of headphones with built-in mic for talking/hearing my teacher, but yeah, it seems like at least something additional for the cello would be beneficial. Do you have any experiences with pick-up mics for the cello? I saw that there are some comparatively well-priced options around

It’s definitely the fallback option if DIY doesn’t pan out. The no-filtering can definitely also be enabled in the Jitsi config, so at least in that regards I’m not too worried.

Throughout the pandemic I’ve largely been able to avoid both Teams and Zoom, but Zoom did cause a number of problems on Linux, so I’m not too hyped to give it another try :/

Ouh, that sucks to hear :( I think I’ll still at least give it a try (it has been on my bucket list to set up for a while, not specifically for music purposes, just in general).

THanks, that’s the second recommendation for Jamulus - I assume it’s really that noticeable of a difference? In terms of latency and quality?

Self-Hosted setup for remote music lessons?
Basically, the title. After years of inactivty, I'll be taking music (cello) lessons again, with my teacher of yesteryear, from whom I've moved half a country away. She has suggested Zoom but is open to alternatives. I don't particularly like Zoom, plus I have a feeling better quality can be had through a custom solution - but I'm at a bit of a loss as to what exactly would be a good fit for this project. Maybe Jitsi? Does someone here have experience with it and could tell me if it's possible to set something like a "target" audio quality? For hardware, I basically have two options. Both are already in use, for different things, and have sufficient processing capabilities - albeit no GPU: - host everything at home. Plus: lowest possible latency from me to the server. Not sure how much that is worth though. - root server in the Hetzner cloud: much faster network speed. Again though, not sure how beneficial that is, the ultimate bottleneck will always be my upload speed (40Mbit) OK, I realize that this post is a but of a random assortment of thoughts. I'd be really happy about suggestions and / or hearing about other's experiences with similar use-cases!

I thought about adding a link, but am a bit hesitant to de-anonymize myself on here 😅

But it’s basically this:

  • Proxmox is not Nix configured. There’s a project for that, but IMO t’ll take a couple of years to be ready for production.
  • I’ve created a custom nix module that essentially just sets my default values for stuff like bios type, boot order,… And allows to set CPU cores, RAM, IP,…
  • all this does though is just setting the corresponding values from the nixos-generators proxmox output
  • additionally, all the usual stuff is handled (user, known ssh keys, base config of the system)
  • for each VM, I only have a single file containing the VM settings (ID, RAM, cpu, ip,…) and the service config for whatever the VM is for
  • then lastly I have a custom script/shell that essentially just allows to do “nixvm-new <flake output name>” which generates the image, moves it to the nas, and calls on proxmox to import the image, plus some cleanup

TBH this sounds way more complicated than it is / feels to use 😄

(Preface: almost all of this is handled in a single Nix config, and no docker in use at all)

At home, in a two-hosts Proxmox cluster:

  • blocky for adblocking
  • a full *arr stack with torrents and nzbs for uuuuuuhhh Linux ISOs
  • Jellyfin so friends and family can watch, I mean use the Linux ISOs
  • Paperless (HIGHLY recommend)
  • Wastebin (Pastebin alternative)
  • Sterling-PDF (also really recommend, allowed me to get rid of Acrobat Reader for filling out and signing PDFs, plus a bunch more)
  • Homeassistant
  • Linux and Windows clients available for whenever you might need them (not often, but can come in handy)
  • Borg client, backing up parts of my NAS to a cloud storage box
  • OPNSense backup for the hardware firewall
  • Forgejo

On a bare metal machine at a reputable cloud provider:

  • my personal Email, Calendar, Contacts (super easy with Nix)
  • another blocky instance
  • another borg client
  • Rustdesk server (OSS Teamviewer)
  • wireguard that’s just used by my TV so crunchyroll thinks it’s in (other country), Lmao


  • Vaultwarden
  • Immich, once added to nixpkgs
  • PeerTube
  • Pixelfed

I’ve recently switched from Backblaze to a Hetzner Storagebox. 5TB for only slightly more than I was paying for Backblaze.

They support BorgBackup out of the box, so super simple to set up encrypted, differential backups

I’m waiting for the Proxmox NixOS project to take off. I like the (network) seperability.

Laughs in Proxmox + NixOS

(yes I know not for every usecase)

Good idea. I get a number of CORS errors - but I also get them without the VPN, so I don’t think that’s it.

The idea that CR doesn’t block me, their content hipster does though - that might have merit. Hm. I have noticed that some sites require me to solve the Cloudflare Captcha. So maybe that happens when requesting the page/stream, and then since I don’t (can’t) solve it, nothing happens?

Do you have an idea how I could verify this? 😅

Alright, this is weird. I ran tcpdump on the server, and checked both physical and wg0 interface. For things like youtube, it’s a constant stream of packets coming in on the physical interface, then immediately being relayed through wg0 - just as it should be.

But for Crunchyroll, there’s… Nothing. I get an initial burst of packets when opening the site containing the video I want to stream, and then packets just stop coming in once the page itself has fully loaded.


no, sorry :(

I really don’t think it’s DNS (famous last words, I know)

I don’t have accounts on any other streaming services 😅 YouTube works, though

Do you have a suggestion how to eliminate this as a possibility?

Ah, alright. Yes, I’ve just double checked. The server end of the tunnel provides a dns server, and the client is configured to use that as its only dns server.

I’m able to resolve DNS requests from the device. But maybe I’m misunderstanding your question? 😅

Can’t use Crunchyroll via WireGuard
Hi, not sure where else to post this. For a while now, I've unsuccessfully been trying to get WireGuard to work with Crunchyroll. Setup is as follows: - dedicated server hosts a wg-quick instance in [neighboring country] - OPNSense acts as peer on a single IP - I have a rule for routing the entire traffic of some source device via that IP This works just fine. Handshake successful, traffic is routed via the server. traceroute shows the server as the hop immediately after my device's local gateway. The connection is stable, and fast. ...except for Crunchyroll. The site / app itself is fine, but I can not, for the life of me, get a video to play. It just keeps loading forever. I don't think this is an issue with CR recognizing that I'm not where I say I am - looking online, it seems pretty easy to use CR with a VPN. I've also tried from multiple other devices, all with the same symptom. If anyone has suggestions, I'd love to hear them 😅 **EDIT:** ~~It was MTU. Had to manually set it to 1500 on both devices.~~ Nope, still the same issues. I was using the fallback interface there briefly. **EDIT:** It WAS MTU related, I had to enable MSS clamping on the OPNSense.

Are there? I think they’re super handy for just… Having information. Easily discoverable by search engines, and much more coherent than following a forum thread.