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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 14, 2024


It is a new level of a news organization directly acknowledging how much word salad he spews instead of treating it as normal.

Novody is talking about relaxing the standard. People are opposed to additional barriers to voting designed to disenfranchise minority voters and sow distrust in the election process that is already proven to be secure.

Multiple massive audits of elections in the US have shown that voter fraud is so rare that it can be described as non-existent. Claims of dead voters have been disproven, claims of mail votes being fraudulent have been disproven.

The absense of evidence doesn’t apply when we have evidence that the exiting votes are overwhemlingly proven to be valid on the voter’s end.

Now election fraud, where Republicans get people pulled off voter rolls and their votes discarded as a strategy to suppress votes does exist. But thst is election fraud, not voter fraud.

Honestly only having two body types is the lazy part, no matter what the two types are. The best solution would be a variety of heights, weights, shoulder, waist, and hip sliders with boobs and butts and whatever else as add ons to the body shape. That should cover everyone as long as there is plenty of range on each option.

Unless everyone is in armor, in which case two or three gender neuteal body types are fine because boobs and butts won’t be noticeable through armor anyway. Height is pretty much all that is different if everyone in the armor is in decent shape and the armor is made to fit a range of people.

Yes, treating AI answers with the same skepticism as web search results is a decent way to make it useful. Unfortunately the popular AI systems seem to be using multiple times as much energy to give answers that aren’t even as reliable as google used to be.

Back in the day google was using the same ‘was this information useful’ to return results before the SEO craze took off.

And yes, if the stains look like rust and there is a gap then there was a ferrous rock in the mix that rusted away. I have a spot on my sidewalk and a stone slab thing, and found out what caused it from someone who works with those materials!

This is absolutely in line with who buys into AI hype and why it is infuriating to try to convince them that they are reading way too much into how it seems to know things when all it is doing it returning results are statistically likely to be found as helpful to the audience it is designed for.

I have said that LLMs and other AI are designed to return what people want to see/hear. It doesn’t know anything and will never be useful as a knowledge base or an independently functioning diagnostic tool.

It certainly has uses, but it certainly isn’t going to solve all the things that are promoted by the AI hype train.

The clause that the user signs upon registering to Disney+ is a binding arbitration clause.

Disney is taking it waaaay further than anyone else by saying a free trial to D+ means any legal interaction with Disney goes to arbitration, not just for D+.

Arbitration clauses in EULAs are bullshit anyway, but if this isn’t thrown out of court in a way that kills the concept of being able to sue for damages when every business adds this clause.

This is just saying the primary motivation wasn’t economic anxiety, it was and still is racism. It does not say that it is the only reason or that it is universal for all of his followers.

When you only have two hours of free time in the evening, losing one of those hours because you had to stay at work an extra hour is losing half of your free time for the day.

They can make killing multiple people in specific locations more difficult, but they do nothing to keep someone from being able to fire a single bullet for an immoral reaspn, hence the difference between lethality and identification and morality.

The Vegas shooting would not have been less immoral if a single person or nobody died. There is a benefit to reduced lethality, especially against crowds. But again, reduced lethality doesn’t reduce the chance of being used immorally.

Those changes reduce lethality or improve identification. They have nothing to do with morality and do NOT reduce the chance of immoral use.

Honestly I think picking Walz will have far more impact than Vance, since Republicans will vote party anyway and the real hurdlenfor Dems to win is increasing turnout.

Walz will increase turnout even more than Harris’ excellent start to her campaign because they should be very effective as a duo both willing to dish it back.

AI-enabled is the new “smart” bullshit. I wonder what the next buzzword will be.

Yes its sudo-flix, a piracy app hosted on github. It probably wil indeedl be taken down like popcorn time, that nintendo emulator, and a bunch of other things. Wouldn’t surprise you if they ended up on radicle, or codeberg, or I2P or something? I agree.

I made this.

Republicans still show up to vote and reliably vote party line. The only way to beat them is motivating people to vote against them in battleground states.


I was just trying to point out why some people might do something out of habit.

All jobs should be paid enough that tipping can just go away. Yes, both bartenders and baristas have similar skills and should get similar pay.

Tekken 8 didn’t have an early access that I am aware of, and I have given a Not Recommended review on steam because of the shop being added post release. The Tekken situation is not an early access problem, just a greed problem so I might have caused some confusion as an example of games having sketchy behavior even without early access.

Multiversus is free to play with predatory monitization. The beta was free, but you actually got stuff by playing a somewhat reasonable amount of time. During the beta they increased the amount of time and people complained, so it was kind of surprising that they did the opposite of the early access feedback on release.

WoW did set out to be massively popular with a gameplay style that encouraged daily play.

PUBG lucked into the popularity by getting the scale and pacing correct for a large audience.

Both also seemed to benefit from server issues causing an ‘exclusive’ thing that means people lined up to get in during peak hours. Popularity can breed popularity, especially when the games are fun.

Minimum wage in general is barely anything, and traditionally tipped positions are likely to be minimum wage.

Even if wages were closer, the tipping mindset is going to be hard to shake for people who spent decades tipping those jobs. Habits are habits.

Who watches the same movie every day without watching something else in between?

Game distributers set their expectations on the most successful games, so they want to beat World of Warcraft and PUBG on player counts.

Same for me, and I have had better luck with enjoying early access games than most full release games. Valheim is the stand out example for me, but there arena couple others with hundreds of hours of fun! It also helps that indie early access games tend to be less expensive.

Then there is the case of Multiversus, which was way more fun to play in prerelease than it is now. On top of that they cranked up the intrusive monetization, so getting to the less fun gameplay is a slog.

Then there is Tekken 8, which launched ok and then added a shitty shop and annoying seasons shortly after release. It also seems like the networking has gottenn worse.

But every early access game where I was clear on expectations has been fun and always feels worth the money.

Tons of people do this for bartenders that open bottles for them, or poor liquid from the tap into a glass. coffee shops are similar enough settings that people will often do it out of habit.

The difference of course being that bartenders get paid barely anything and tips are expected to be the majority of their income while baristas are supposed to be paid regular wages.

Personally I would rather every job including service jobs be paid a living wage with tips going away entirely.

Agreed in pricipal because family businesses are frequently how knowledge is passed from generation to generation, but family and small businesses can also exploit and not protect children and still need oversight on safety.

Is anything other than sexting referred to as inappropriate when a minor is involved?

Less time is spent handling on-call issues if you do the code reviews, documentation, and testing…

I am fine with felons in general being elected, although if their crimes are abusive of their office, campaign finance related. or undermine democracy then they shouldnl not be eligible.

So Snoop Dogg should be able to be elected, but Trump and Rod Blagojevich should not be able to hold office.

No, then he will have been pardoned and no longer a felon (assuming every felony is pardoned)

Sometimes people are happy that a criminal who commits crimes gets found guilty of something even if they aren’t sure about the one they go down for. Or they just tilhink the system worked and he can always appeal.

I’m sure there are also a chunk of people in that poll that think he is guilty but also don’t approve of the verdict because they think these charges are petty.

Some disinformation troll is conflating convict (as in the act of convicting) with the common usage of convict (someone currrently serving their sentence) and a bunch of people are falling for it.

My guess is once that is finally put to rest my guess is the next one will be claiming he isn’t really convicted until he exhausts all his appeals or some other magical fairy tale.

He is and always will be a convicted felon from the moment is is convicted unless he is pardoned.

He will only be a convict whle is is serving his sentence.

If he lives long enough to finish his sentence he won’t be a convict anymore, but will still be a convicted felon.

For sure, things that were not intended to be temporary or were replaced with a better version are sad to lose.

At least we still have https://penisland.net/

This isn’t inherently bad.

Some web pages are extraneous, fedundant, or only relevant for a limited period of time. A sign up page for a concert doesn’t need to exist permanently. Consolidating a large website down to fewer pages that are accessible for everyone is a good thing.

Archiving services that retain web pages that deserve saving are how we should retain that history of the web, but the actual creators don’t necessarily need to indefinitely maintain a web page that becomes obsolete.

Yes, a lot is lost that could have just continued to exist and archiving is good, but getting rid of clutter is not a bad thing.