I’m a staff software engineer at Sunrun, the USA’s largest residential solar installer.

I mostly work with kotlin, but also java, python, ruby, javascript, typescript. My hobby is picking up new hobbies. Currently bird photography and camping.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


still, people are clearly confused by the button. I’m just gonna make it an animation and prefers-color-scheme since that’s so widely supported now.

I’ve wondered what this problem was for years but never cared to figure it out, because it always resolved after the first button press (just refresh the page and it all works properly). turns out it is something wrong with my use of local storage to save your theme state. if you don’t have the key in local storage then it does what you mentioned. I just need to switch this to prefers-color-scheme anyway.

that post is about toggle buttons, not switches. e.g. a play pause button, when pressed, does it show play, or does it show pause?

It shouldn’t be like that. on my computer it shows the sun when it’s in light mode, moon in dark mode.

Hm. what browser are you on? It is showing sun for me on light mode.

I’ve been saying this for years. My site only has a few lines of javascript. the rest is pure html and css, and it’s very simple. https://tylerthrailkill.com

Because no one ever uses those. Literally > and | are the only ones I’ve ever seen in over a decade and you will never need to worry about the differences between the two.

XML as a configuration language is terrible. Yaml gets the point across in an easily readable way, which is exactly the point. Same for JSON except JSON you can’t even use comments (you need json5 or one of the numerous other alternatives to get those).

For looks. The middle cable is needed to allow the sides to communicate, but you only need one side plugged into the computer.

It’s a crkbd also known as a corne, like the other person said. There’s hundreds of types of switches available, the keyboard in the picture has Khail Box Jades and Khail Box Royals.

The style of keyboard is a split ergomechanical keyboard. The size is 36% or 40% depending on what generation of keyboard nerd you are.

my keyboard looks like this… so… no?

and honestly it’s so much nicer to program with a small keyboard. everything is exactly where you need it to be. I don’t ever have to reach for a key, as they’re all right there. And I can make them do literally anything I want. So many benefits of a small keyboard over a full size.

This is my favorite version of this so far.

You evidently had enough time to post elsewhere, so it’s not unreasonable to think you might’ve read my reply already.

Evidently? Huh?

How is the WP article showing misinformation? It basically boils down to “Israel alleged something and provided some evidence, but we think it’s not conclusive”. It does not show that Israel knowingly lied about anything, which is what you’re insinuating.

The article is literally about how Israel claimed a bunch of things as complete truths and then every single thing they claimed was wrong.

This has been the case for almost everything Israel has said until this point. They lied about hostages being raped, they lied about not going to bomb specific areas, they lied about certain areas being safe for Palestinians, they lied about only trying to kill hamas, and have killed over 20k civilians as a result, they lied about not actively trying to kill journalists. The list is endless. It’s perfectly clear that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians and if you support that, I’m sorry but you’re absolutely evil.

lol my silence is not an answer. I don’t spend inordinate amounts of time on the internet so have no need to respond within a day much less a week. Here’s one example of the numerous misinformation that Israel has been spreading, coming from a news source that actually helped spread Israel’s disinformation.


Thomas was alone. I’d give it to literally anyone. Imagine a game that makes you cry about a rectangle.

And yet all of Israel’s disinformation is allowed to stay up…

The hard part isn’t running ai on a device… it’s doing so while retaining battery life, performance, and privacy.

Website really struggled on mobile. Anytime I swipe to view the longer code lines in the code blocks it would open the sidebar. Very annoying.

Neither of those will solve the problem in the comic.

Really weird to compare to Python and C/++ when Java’s closest competitors are definitely C# and Kotlin. If you were to rewrite that list comparing Kotlin and Java it would literally be nothing in favor of Java and all the same benefits for Kotlin plus more safety features. Honestly the whole article seemed forced, like @balder1993 said below. The part about java having ‘functional programming’ is also a laugh. It’s all based on interfaces, and you have to use terminal operations to do anything on a stream, it’s terrible design.

Asdf is what you’re looking for. We use it in every repo and it manages every tool version with no issues.

I meant tools like jq. I hardly ever use it as it’s hard to use and as a result I forget it making it even harder to use. The same applies to awk, sed, etc. Any tool with a bunch of command line flags and hard to understand arguments and syntax will always be low on my “want to use” list. Ripgrep is a prime example of how to build a command line app that is easy to use every time without trying to remember a billion things.

I would say it’s more a cautionary tale about how people’s health is often far more important than anything we do in daily life. This focus on deliveries over life is quite worrying

I use all these tools so little that I have to relearn them every single time, making them much less useful to me than they would be otherwise.

Not really a thing. Google is trying to make it seem like there is, but I’ve never met a single person that has ever cared.

The underlying CR report is more detailed but it’s still a dumb study because it’s reported problems from the consumer, not actual problems. E.g. eco mode on the Ioniq 5 is a “problem” even though it worked as designed. Also they proceed to recommend Tesla even though Tesla has the worst reliability rating in the industry according to numerous other studies. Overall terrible study.

Very strange the number of downvotes on this post.

are there any certs you would recommend, if they even exist?

honestly… if I see certs on a resume I immediately get suspicious. In general certs are worth absolutely nothing and if there are too many of them they will actually make me less likely to recommend someone for a position. Experience is way more valuable than certifications and open source work is even more valuable than that.

If you’re tired of Java you can always do Kotlin, it’s a lot less wearing on your soul. And there’s tons of job opportunities.

You have to select what you want to share. Here’s what it looks like when I try to share my contact card. my contact

The whole point of NameDrop is to add a new contact. So by definition it literally won’t be usable for airdrop if airdrop is set to contacts only.

It shows content from whatever app you have highlighted. If you were recently watching Love is Blind on Netflix and you hover over Netflix it will show a love is blind banner. If you were watching pirated stuff from your home server on Infuse then hovering over infuse will show you the most recent thing you opened. They’re not ads, it’s just a “recent” list.

Roku has tons of Home Screen ads what are you talking about? It was so bad I spent about 5 minutes using it until I went and bought an Apple TV.

Roku is literally chock full of ads, and they send whatever you’re watching back to their ad partners. I thought Roku was good too until I recently bought one of their top of the line boxes and it had ads _everywhere _ compared to my Roku tv. I immediately went out and bought an Apple TV and couldn’t be happier. No ads anywhere, and is way snappier than Roku.

Apple TV. No ads at all, it’s faster than every alternative (unless you’re building your own server), and it is much easier to use than every alternative.

The fiduciary duty of the board was not profit. They’re required by charter to make sure the company advances ai safely. 4 of the board members have no investment in the company at all.

It doesn’t say the new venture was a competitor. People like Altman (and the rest of the board) start other companies all the time. Altman literally runs YCombinator already. This article is just bad.

Knight Capital Group lost $440 million in just 45 minutes due to a repurposed feature flag.


Kinda makes the att one seem tiny in comparison.

It’s worth learning it just to understand how large complex DI frameworks work in general, allowing you to understand way more, like Quarkus, Micronaut, etc. even extending outside of Java/Kotlin.

Haha sorry, I wrote it all on my phone while traveling. and yeah, if you’re running just shell commands it looks almost the exact same as a bash script, and then when you need actual scripting capabilities you get them.

What God or Goddess would personify Testing?
There's gods for everything, but of course computers didn't exist in ancient Roman and Greek times. What God or Goddess in your opinion would personify Testing? And yes these answers matter. 😬