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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Nov 08, 2023


As an American who sometimes watches Canadian TV due to living near the border, your news stations are obsessed with American events (almost all negative stories) to the point that its likely being used to distract Canadians from their own country’s problems.

You should see what happens to protestors in Palestine…

Take this:

Add several weeks of freezing weather and snow accumulation and you get this:

And every dollar that doesn’t get stolen out of my wallet by the government circulates 100 through the economy.

If your solution is to give more handouts that’s not actually fixing the problem, you’re just making people even more dependent on government to survive.

With Canada’s policy of keeping the borders wide open and allowing itself to be invaded, what do they need a military for?

Most of the stuff I was looking for couldn’t even be found on store shelves. Before online shopping and streaming, if it wasn’t the latest release or biggest hit, you probably wouldn’t be able to find it locally. You’d waste time browsing up and down aisles of junk only to leave disappointed, then try again at another store, hoping that by some miracle they’d have it.

Then I discovered that terabytes upon terabytes of content was available, nearly instantly and conveniently, on the internet. All you had to do was click a few buttons and you had what you wanted. That was about 25+ years ago, and the recording industry still has not adapted to offer a service that even comes close to what was available back then.

Best way to stop gun violence is to lock up violent criminals and remove them from society. Which is the one thing Canadas ““justice”” system refuses to do it seems.

The kids shouldn’t go hungry, their parents should be held legally and criminally responsible for not feeding them.

What’s your reason for preferring parents to be negligent?

This should be handled by parents. If you want kids, you should be paying for them, not expecting people who work for a living to pick up the bill.

Everyone should leave that instance, the admin and the mods on that instance are big time thought police and will find excuses in their vague rules to delete your posts and eventually ban you if your views go against the grain.

Streaming services are all so backwards when it comes to quality. They think resolution is the only thing that matters, to the point it is actually degrading the quality of the product they are offering, and is also wasting bandwidth and resources.

The real solution would be to buy a diesel truck and forget this stupid electric nonsense.

Nothing wrong with citizens not being dependent on government transportation.

Join the club. I’ve been banned from so many subs for bullshit reasons in the last 3 years I can’t even keep track of them all.

The cancer has taken over Reddit.