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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


The difference is that there is SOME accountability in the West and we can, to an extent, influence who leads us, especially in Europe.

So if flagrant misuse does appear, there’s a much higher risk of it being discovered and of heads rolling in the west.

Think of the number of exposed scandals in the West and compare that to China.

And I’m not throwing shit China’s way and thinking the West infallible. I’ve been to China plenty and worked with awesome Chinese people plenty. There’s a lot to love in China.

But let’s not get lost in whataboutisms. Where would you rather raise your children?!

I love how the article seems to express surprise that Russia could do such a thing. Did they sleep during the polonium attacks across Europe?

I pay about £2.50 for 700+ GB storage, with about 2-10 GB of ingress every month. Storage alone is only £1.40. That’s using OVH’s “Cloud Archive” product; they also have a product called Cold Storage which is a smidge cheaper but doesn’t offer updating of existing data, so according to my projections based on the class of data I am archiving it wouldn’t be cheaper in the long term.

I know - it’s unreal how much people confuse Swiss banking privacy with Swiss privacy laws in general. FADP is weaker than GDPR IMHO.

I just have a smaller dataset using the same settings, which I try to recover a couple of times/year.

It’s not perfect as recovery exercises go … but it feels safe enough for me.

I’ve used backblaze for years and regularly run recovery exercises. Never had a problem.

However, to avoid any fears, I store remote backups in two locations (the other one being OVH, a large French cloud provider).

My data retention regime:

  • Mirrored disks in local NAS.
  • Continually (every night) copy to Backblaze(US) and OVH (DE).
  • Once/year, copy all local NAS data to offline disks (ie disks that are plugged into a tray only during the copy) to avoid a file locking/encryption infection that could spread to the online files.

Dunno about affordable but you can usually find some decently priced 1L Dell Optiplex micro systems. I’ve got one running under my desk 24/7. Great Linux support.

I’ve already paid for a lifetime license of Plex. Is it worth considering a switch?

Scale. Look at a programming language like Zig … tiny, but managing to have three people full time.

  • My self-hosted docker server is called Ark.
  • My NAS is called NAS.
  • The two remote servers are simply called the name of the country they reside in.
  • The OPNsense router is called, wait for it, Router.
  • The TV client is called TV.

It’s not very colourful :)

Could be the VPN provider or the NAS (cpu)

Yeah it has. The demo aspect became smaller and smaller and with the advent of internet penetration even the copy side of it dissipated. It wasn’t the same at the end tbh

Still, fond memories of coding, sleeping under the tables, eating junk.

Same as The Party in Aars, Denmark, in the 90s. Every table had a sheet. Cross out the IP you picked. Managed 2000 attendees that way.

Yeah they should have run their own Mastodon server but I can understand they want to reach the Threads audience and until there’s two-way sync Threads it is.

Groan. I’m on a mastodon server and a full believer in the free market. Can we not force this left/right conjecture onto server choice too, please?

Don’t be a downer man! Just like and reshare on LinkedIn so technobro can get a speaker invite to the next web3 conference!

Well this is what I mean. In the olden days, this would be custom traffic on a custom port. Nowadays it just uses web HTTPS REST calls as API.

It’s hard, but not impossible, to get a personal mail server trusted amongst the big players, agreed.

That doesn’t mean email can’t be accessed with IMAP (or heaven forbid, POP3) on the big players. Outlook, gmail, FastMail, proton etc all support it.

Yes agreed. I suspect it will collapse to “non-time-critical traffic will run on HTTPS via REST” and “everything else will run on UDP, using their own ports”, except for maybe a couple of golden oldies like NTP, FTP, SMTP/POP/IMAP.

Not sure if a serious question. So forgive me if your question was meant to be a statement.

The internet is a large set of computers connected via a set of protocols: IP and on top of that TCP, UDP or very occasionally SCTP (more common on mobile networks).

There’s 65000-ish ports (channels) available on the internet (IP network).

The web runs on port 80 and 443 via TCP (mostly).

The internet supports all sorts of other traffic/channels too: Time synchronisation, games, file transfer, e-mail, remote login, remote desktops etc. None of these run on the web, but is traffic that runs in parallel to the web, using either TCP or UDP protocols.

The distinction is getting blurrier as lots of traffic that used to be assigned (or simple chose) its own port number is now encapsulated in HTTP(s) traffic. But the distinction is definitely not gone.

Yes but it’s not like people wouldn’t observe the traffic, even if encrypted.

At the end of the day, you’ve got to trust someone. I’m 200% convinced meta mines the social graph, of course they do, and provide access to law enforcement with a pro forma request. But I’m also 199% sure they don’t actually read your messages once unencrypted, reencrypts them and sends them as hidden payloads or does something else with it. The damage, should it be discovered, would be untold.

And while I don’t trust Meta on a lot of things, I know enough people there to realise that if they did that it would leak.

It’s hard for them to find a stable source of funding for the massive size of their org, correct.

But how many developers do you need to create a great browser? They don’t need 1100 people, that’s for sure.

The problem is Mozilla started thinking about itself as a company, with its massive revenue from Google.

It isn’t. Firefox was most alive and most growing when it was still a grassroots initiative to build a better web browser.

When they go back to that - or someone forks and creates a charity with one sole focus (a great browser) I’ll start supporting them. I just don’t think Mozilla needs this size of org to build a better browser and and now they’re trying to do a bunch a crap I’m not interested in to justify their org size. They’ve got it back to front.

And I say this as a lifelong Firefox user.

Oh right. The last three business I’ve worked in have all been fully public services; assume the intruder is already in the LAN, so don’t treat it like a barrier.

Funnily enough it’s exactly the opposite way of where the corporate world is going, where the LAN is no longer seen as a fortress and most services are available publically but behind 2FA.

I’m sorry if I seem obtuse but isn’t it easier to just set up OPNsense, which is a fully configured router/firewall on top of BSD?

Is it an APTIO BIOS? My setting was hidden in IT813 Super IO Configuration —> Advanced —> Restore AC Power Loss. Took me ages to find it.

I suspect Reddit holds a perfect copy of every edit, including the first, you’ve ever done. For legal reasons if nothing else. Now also to prevent against perfectly good AI training content to be deleted.

My wife insists on us having a landline. She doesn’t know she’s running a SIP phone over the internet connected to a SIP trunk that has a local area number. She’s happy. I get to kill our landline.

As someone who’s grown up within a proportional systems that’s exactly what happens; there’s space for the little parties to exist and compromises are made in parliament, not in the back rooms.