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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Really what got me to learn to use the terminal more was downloading systems without tons of gui apps. Most base systems will be like that. In general my only gui apps are a file browser, web browser, and audio tools. Debian, arch, gentoo, nix. Avoid stuff like mint or endeavour if you want to force yourself into learning the terminal. The more you use it, the better you’ll get. Using gui apps isn’t bad, sometimes it just works better for specific actions. But knowing how to use the terminal helps for when nothing else works.

I think for me, it takes around 45 minutes to do a full system update when I run it. I usually run it every 3 days or so.

Ow. I didn’t use gentoo until I had good enough hardware that updates wouldn’t take 2 days to finish. I used arch or freebsd when I only had a laptop available.

Flex your makeopts jobs amount. I’ve got 30.

'Ate chrome
'Ate system d
'Ate GNOME (not racist just don’t like it)

Love me firefox
Love me openrc
Love me TTY and DWM
Love me Gentoo

A coworker of mine was an computer engineer in the early 2000s, but is now a warehouse director. She told me she helped her son build a new pc but it was having heating issues. I asked about fans and she said it only had 2 intake on the front with no exhaust. Told her a local shop that has cheaply priced good fans. She said computers have changed a lot in 20 years. I helped in about a week ago with choosing storage blocks, had no clue nvme even existed.

I hate all these bastards. That’s why I only use gentoo and play games I find in thrift stores and google drive folders.

I’ve been using Qobuz. Sure it’s still paid, but I can buy downloads for any of the music on there. Same with Bandcamp. I’ve been buying one album every paycheck and putting them on my storage blocks, then putting them on my media player and phone. I support my favorite bands, and get to keep something in return. On top of all this, I hunt down CDs. I’ve got a massive physical music collection, and it’s nice.