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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


I don’t either, but you don’t have to use that feature. I don’t. I just use with local db for that machine.

I use fish with atuin but without sync. It is nice because I can search commands for a given workspace. For example the commands within a given git repository.

There is no USB-B here and it is pretty hard to get the wrong direction anyway.

If you can write a moderately complex math equation in tex on the first try, you’re a programmer in my book.

Aren’t the x-suffixed files just an xml format?

I meant doesn’t change with respect to time zones. Leap times are still relevant in that scenario as each solar rotation doesn’t divide into a whole number of days and leap seconds due to variance in rotation.

With respect to the meridian I envision it rotating around the earth once per year, hence sidereal. So 0000 would rotate around the earth through the course of the year. Each day it would be one degree farther.

Most likely is I’m just completely full of shit.

My suggestion has always been universal sidereal time. It is singular, doesn’t change, and carries no colonial baggage since it rotates around the whole earth. Even suitable as a home time if we become spacefaring.

Like with everything, context matters. Sometimes it can indicate poorly structured control flow, other times inefficient loop nesting. But many times it is just somebody’s preference for guard clauses. As long as the intent is clear, there are no efficiency problems, and it is possible to reach the fewest branches necessary, I see no issues.

It runs in browsers. It… isn’t poop? I don’t know. I’m all out of ideas.

!sudo shutdown -r now. Or just :x or ZZ, but I guess those don’t fit the motif of this very tired silly joke.

This happens to me more than I care to admit. I told a coworker about a Gitlab CI issue that I’d seen a few years back and hadn’t had any action. I looked up the link to share it. Me; I opened it. Brain failing me, I had forgotten it was my issue.

I guess I’m just lucky, but I’ve gotten nothing but thoughtful support on Arch forums and Stackoverflow. If you read the article How do I ask a good question?, it works very well. It seems harsh but coming with poorly thought out questions without debugging details makes it impossible to help.

I’ve seen this before but don’t accept it myself. There are cases where you just wanted to cat. In this case, maybe to review the problem. Then you want to extend the command. Preserving it in the next commands where you start stacking on pipes is useful since it can be fewer strokes and maintain a habit.

Damn right. And once it compiles… it works.

I’m sure if this weren’t black and white it’d be some green on black z/OS goodness.

You shouldn’t waste time being scared. Look for a new job now.

There are no absolutes, and most of these “myths” are at least true to some extent. Much like any paradigm (worse is better, whitebox testing, lbyl vs eafp, etc), none are universally best. And all are helpful to know about.

I’m curious which language and which model, because I have had several of the models write programs like the sieve of Eratosthenes quite successfully. You can find this report in my GitHub of the same name.

I don’t know what bias you’re on about. I was just reporting that those phone numbers are in fact the correct numbers given by those organizations. Are you implying they aren’t? Because, you might want to go to the primary source and check for yourself.

First, it just copy pastes much in the same way animals do; a neural network with outputs weighted by experience. Secondly it posted it twice because both of those organizations are real and are references for the topic it mistakenly meant to reply about. The same way of asking what to do when a house burns one might reply:

  • Contact x city fire department. 911
  • Contact y county fire and rescue. 911

Third, and most importantly, I’m not saying it invalidates the message completely… but it does undercut it. As in, there would have been a much stronger case for just randomly outputting garbage information that it hopes sounds correct if the information had not been, you know… correct.

Well… it’s a correct phone number. So that kind of undercuts your message.

edit: I’m actually a bit baffled by people downvoting this. That is the correct number given by both of those organizations. It isn’t some LLM hallucination.

Used vim since the mid 90’s, but switched to emacs at some point. It was wonderful for many years, but neovim has come so far that I switched back a few years ago. Could not be happier. The tools available for programmers these days are superb and neovim chief among them.

Markdown in the repository is a pretty good way to keep documentation in sync with the source.

The overlap between people that write C and people that write JavaScript is negligible.

It is supported through the entire Apple product line in recent versions.

It’s worth going hungry in the dark. Lawyer up and hit the gym. JS doesn’t deserve you.

This is to me an question lacking very precise requirements. But you say you need batches, so it sounds like option one (batches) is the only option that satisfies the “batches” requirement.

There was something like that on Reddit but I can’t remember the sub. I haven’t seen one here. The best way to get reviews of open source is via contributions to larger projects. That of course doesn’t answer your question directly but is worth noting.

I’d recommend joining some discord or matrix servers for the language you work in or likeminded folk. They tend to have channels for that, and some have really helpful communities.

eta: I just checked my local instance and saw a community with very few subs and zero posts called /c/reviewmycode. Somebody has to post first.

100%, but my understanding is that most often applies to fields of engineering outside of computer science like mechanical, chemical, structural engineering etc. But there are licensing bodies for achieving Professional Engineer of FE in some cases for CS.

I am not a lawyer but I presume most laws apply to claims of such certifications rather than job titles. In either case most people don’t pick their own job titles. Just don’t put PE, after your name, same as you should not just randomly throw BSN or MD unless you have a registered licensure.

I rarely read comments in code, that is from within source code anyway. I of course write comments explaining the behavior of public facing interfaces and otherwise where they serve to generate documentation, but very rarely otherwise. And I use that generated documentation. So in a roundabout way I do read comments but outside of the code base.

For instance I might use godoc to get a general idea of components but if I’m in the code I’ll be reading the code instead.

As others have said, your code generally but not always should clearly express what it does. It is fine to comment why you have decided to implement something in a way that isn’t immediately clear.

I’m not saying others don’t read comments in code; some do. I just never find myself looking at docs in code. The most important skill I have cultivated over the decades has been learning to read and follow the actual code itself.

Poorly defined nomenclature. Simple as that. I’m an “automation engineer”, have had many other titles, but anytime I write what I do, like LinkedIn or such, I write “programmer”, because it is simple, descriptive, and I like it. I’m old, but I used to like ”hacker” until it came to imply nefarious programming.

In general it should not be checked in, but as with everything there are exceptions. If you need it to be deterministic and evaluate all changes to the generated code it can be useful; precisely for the reason you site in opposition. A small change in your build environment can change what was generated. If that isn’t diffed against preceding versions I think we could contrive cases where that would be an issue. Seems sufficient to me to caution that there are always exceptions.

Nice to see another wefwef user out there. For anybody that hasn’t checked it out you should. vger.app

I can’t believe there isn’t more love for this here. I have used and loved many of the fonts here but Victor Mono is unparalleled in my view. Legible, open source, superb keming, cursive italics, ligatures or not, and very consistent across all faces. The champ in my book.

Doesn’t make much sense to judge a program by its underlying language. While I don’t enjoy writing Python much anymore for several reasons it can produce perfectly fine applications. Mercurial is one such example.