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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


It’s a gigabyte ab350m gaming-3 rev 1.0. it boots grub fine but then crashes right after displaying “loading Linux 6.x”, CPU led flashes then dram led stays on, I have to turn it off with the PSU switch.

Either it’s a rev 1.0 bug which is a thing on those motherboards, or the CPU (or igpu) is defective.


I’m currently waiting on support from both the seller and gigabyte but I don’t expect anything out of it, though I’m still yet to test it in a different motherboard.

Oh wow congrats, I’m currently in the struggle of stretching an ab350m to accept a 4600G and failing.

You’re right, you should hit PCIe 3 speeds and it’s weird, but the fact that the drives swap speeds depending on how they’re plugged in points to either drivers or the chipset.

I’m not fully familiar with the overheads associated with all things going on on a chipset, but it’s not unreasonable to think that this workload, plus whatever the chipset has to do (hardware management tasks mostly), as well as the CPU’s other tasks on similar interfaces that might saturate the IO die/controller, would influence this.

B350 isn’t a very fast chipset to begin with, and I’m willing to bet the CPU in such a motherboard isn’t exactly current-gen either. Are you sure you’re even running at PCIe 3.0 speeds too? There are 2.0 only CPUs available for AM4.

It might be that the data to both disks saturates a common link before the second disk reaches full iops capability, and thus the driver then writes at full speed on one disk and at half speed on the other, for twice as long.

DevOps was a lie pushed on devs to make them become sysadmins, unfortunately.

The most likely explanation is that their previous implementation broke due to a website change, and they didn’t want to bother with fixing it. People began opening issues for them to fix it, but now it looks like they’re aiding people explicitly asking for piracy, so they can’t win (and also I’m willing to bet it fucking sucked trying to support that particular website)

Can’t really go wrong with the old school nagios+thruk. The learning curve is a tad steep but it teaches you a lot of things about your systems.

I used to work for a very very large company and there, a team of 9 people and I’s entire jobs was ensuring that the shitty qradar stack kept running (it did not want to do so). I would like to make abundantly clear that our job was not to use this stack at all, simply to keep it running. Using it was another team’s job.

Maybe it’s time we invent JPUs (json processing units) to equalize the playing field.

In fact, this is actively worse than doing nothing at all. Remote peers will download a block, see that it’s corrupted, discard it, and blacklist op for sending them bad blocks.

It was a fighter jet, but the crux of thing was that while they advertised “hey get enough tickets, and you can get something on our ticket store, mike this military jet for xxx tickets”, the military jet was not in the store (obviously). The guy accumulated enough tickets to afford the price that was in the ad, then sued to hold Pepsi accountable for their advertisements.

IIRC he lost, because the judge went “yeah you can clearly see it’s meant as an exaggeration bye”

Nope. Just commenting to let you know that on Linux, you should check the 2Gb of ram box because the installer behaves in a way that can make it crash on Linux if you don’t and well, clicking the box is a simple fix.

Indeed, but in that case an off-the-shelf SMTP relay works fine.

So to be clear, you want traffic coming out of your VPS to have a source address that is your home IP?

let’s go back to fundamentals and assume for a second that your VPS provider allows these packets out and your VPS initiates a TCP connection like that. It sends a TCP SYN with source: home address and dest: remote.

The packet gets routed to the remote. The remote accepts and responds SYN/ACK with source: remote and dest: home address.

Where do you think this packet will get routed? When it gets there, do you think the receiving server (and NAT gateways in between) will accept this random SYN/ACK that doesn’t appear to have a corresponding outgoing packets sent first? If so, how?

You need a proxy for outgoing to avoid your source server being on a residential adress, which all but guarantees all mailservers using spamhaus etc will block you by default. DKIM and DMARC are needed in their own right but an SPF fail will already make your mail fall into spam.

Not really. Your VPS’s public IP is not yours to change, for obvious reasons, and it’s unlikely that your hosting provider will let you send packets from your VPS using a source address that is incorrect. if they let you, then any replies to those packets will evidently get routed to the actual IP, ie your home IP. If you really want to forward SMTP to your VPS (which has less chance of being on a Blocklist by virtue of not being a residential IP), I suggest declaring your VPS as your SMTP sender in SPF, instead of declaring your home IP and trying to make that work with the VPS IP. The VPS can then be configured as an SMTP relay (this is a key feature of SMTP) to your home instance, or you could forward all traffic on the appropriate ports at the TCP level, but I don’t advise doing this.

I hope you understand that if what you’re asking was possible, I could rent a VPS, spoof your IP and receive traffic meant for your IP without any issues. For the same reasons, I think the other commenter mentioning x-forwarded-for headers is wrong if you’re not using DKIM (and even then it’s iffy). Otherwise I could just write a payload with mailto: whatever, from:you@yourdomain and x-forwarded-for: your home IP and pass SPF checks without having control over your IP.

if you’re still confused about SMTP feel free to ask more questions

It exists, but it’s generally really small shops that I wouldn’t feel comfortable recommending.

The bigger hosting providers are fine with the status quo, because it means their support tickets are from people who at least know something about anything rather than complete noobies who need help resetting their password (not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just higher volume and not what hetzner staff is trained on)

It’s unclear to me how the blue ones are supposed to work? Are you just going to wire stray wires to the appropriate places and put mostfets there? That sounds dreadful. Soldering to the already tinty pads next to the processor with a ribbon cable was already a pain, I don’t see a reason your should pay more to subject yourself to a worse experience.

I heavily suggest using a ribbon cable model such as this (I haven’t tested that particular vendor, the one I used is gone, this is just an example): https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005005989694443.html

Ribbon cable models have all the parts premounted, you just need to solder it in place which is hard enough. It’s also unclear to me how the emmc stuff happens without a ribbon cable.

Other things I bought according to my AliExpress history:

  • a set of switch opening tools and screwdrivers
  • flux
  • kapton tape (I wrapped the chip in it entirely)
  • fine tweezers
  • a better soldering station
  • solder wick

There are several remotely controlled torrent clients, transmission comes to mind. It has web interface and state of the art is that the webpage registers itself as a magnet: link handler so clocking one adds it to the remote server (disclaimer: I don’t actually know that that is a feature of transmission. I use a client that is integrated with my router and it has this despite the router not being particularly nice)

Nice idea if you actually have the rest of the redundant network, uplink and all that jazz (otherwise you’re wasting time and money).

the reason this won’t ever be a product is because if you’re serious about your redundancy you’re installing extra NICs inside the servers, which are ideally not second-hand. the only people who would be the target market of such a product is just you.

also: do these servers not have pcie slots inside? is there truly no way of adding nics inside?

It should work just fine. the proxmox just sets up a bridge to the virtual interface when you install it and after that, VMs you deploy will appear in to everything else on the network as if connected through a switch.

However, watch out about it your routing tables. If the pihole isn’t on the same network (regardless of if it is virtualized or not), you have to tell other computers on the network how to reach that other network, by making changes to their routing table, or the one in your router (that is literally its job, after all).

Well, soft keyboards thend to do that yeah. But nobody is using a smartphone to program.

The point is that nobody is good enough at 05AB1E to type it by hand, everyone just has an idea of what they’re trying to accomplish and copy-pastes commands from the documentation.

When’s the last time skid row cracked denuvo? I thought they basically stopped after a new version they couldn’t figure out came out.

Holy shit mkdev end of empress denuvo supremacy? Or is this just going to be another fb manager situation?

Pretty much all programming languages in use today have been invented decades after the keyboard.

The keyboard was originally invented for typewriters, but since they don’t interact with anything and are self-contained systems, typewriters don’t need their keys standardized. However, the keyboard converged as HP, Brother et al. brought the typewriter forward, especially near the end when typewriters were keyboards connected to printers.

Early computers weren’t programmed with keyboards at all and used punch cards to be programmed. As you move forwards with the invention of the computer as we know it today, you find out that the modern keyboard was invented to be able to type most characters in use at the time (a classic example is that the @ sign was used by tellers on tills, to mark stuff like 2 units @ $5 per), and actual standards body such as iso and ANSI simply implemented that.

Early personal computers were not powerful enough to compile programs quickly(and compilers were very expensive), so for a while all programming was done either in assembly, which requires very few special characters, or in higher lever languages by people who could pay to get their programs compiled. These higher lever languages, such as B (precursor to C), were often written right on paper by hand, or by typewriter. After this point, home compilers became more and more accessible (the internet basically guaranteed you could get a compiler if needed), and this was the last point in history you could design a language with characters not present on a standard keyboard (you could still have a nonstandard typewriter, or write them by hand for example). After this and the explosion of home computing, people designed their own languages that they were able to use themselves, using their own keyboards.

Worth noting that there exist languages today that you cannot type, pretty much at all. They are however largely considered esolangs (esoteric languages) and most of their use is relegated to the practice of code-golf, in which a programmer tries to accomplish a task using the fewest bytes. Since the characters on a keyboard make up a fraction of all characters available in Unicode or even just ASCII, these languages try to increase the number of things you can do with a single characters by disregarding the fact you can’t type most of them, lowering the amount of bytes one needs to do a task.

An example of this is O5AB1E (pronounced “osable”), which has over 250 single-character commands, such as Δ which “repeats code until ‘a’ doesn’t change”.

An example (that you can’t type) is: yā<ã.Δ¹sŸèOQ

This program gets an input n and a string of numbers, then outputs the first run in the string that sums to n. The program is explained here

OpenLDAP can do this for you, and it has nice web interfaces that allow for self-serve account management and much much more.

It’s in a wierd place where unless you can guarantee that other people will be hosting your content, it’s worse than a direct download server. I’m in the process of building a system similar to torrent private trackers where you have to seed to learn CIDs of the content you want (yes, if you know them already I can’t stop you, I know.) And that helps distribute the load. We’ll see how it goes.

Revolt is a matrix-compliant client and server combo. It’s easier to deploy than synapse+element but obviously you miss out on some fringe features. There’s also the issue that a lot of the hard parts of setting up a matrix server are due to the video part.

Since OP wants video chat and screen share first and foremost, and since revolt and matrix both use jitsi for this, OP can use straight up jitsi and set up matrix/revolt later.

Rutracker is very specific in what emails it allows. Emails on my custom domain were already banned, I think they have a whitelist of email domains. I just ended up using my Gmail address, but yeah if you have a protonmail or own domain address I’m guessing you won’t have much success. You also might need to click the email validation link that ends up in spam.

Modders do it all the time by passion. It’s the introduction of IP and money that removes passion and turns it into an industry (see also: YouTube)

If the camera can stay offline, is something preventing you from buying the subscription, activating it, and refunding it/paying only 1 month then never putting the camera online again?