• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 04, 2023


Thank you so much! I was just about to list up all my services to get the right architecture, and I’ve added Portainer to my list.

This is a get-started guide I found for Portainer if anyone else is interested.

Our man is hard flexing on us mortals right now.

The Pi-Hole is mostly for my phone. Can’t really block ads in apps with uBlock.

Laptop is mostly for remote access to my other services.

Thanks for also recommending docker! I’ve read about it, but I was not sure if it would be useful here.

[Question] RaspPi5 with Pi-Hole, Tailscale and Traefik
Hi all, I just got a Raspberry Pi 5 and I'm about to do my first setup, but it's a jungle to understand everything as a 'noob'. My plan is to install the following: - Pi-hole - Tailscale - Traefik I want to achieve DNS ad blocking and access to all my services on my laptop and phone. Would these services achieve this? Do they work together? And am I missing something to make it work? Sorry if this is plain stupid to ask, but I can't seem to find anything where all 3 is used together.

No, not at all.

They only commit genocide and war crimes, but only a very specific group of them still.

Rest of the Jews are normal people being kind.

Yeah, Spotify made that deal with podcasts. They wanted them on their platform so bad, that they fucked every single paying customer they have.

I have Spotify Premium Duo, and it’s the same thing on podcasts.

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but it is what the comment OP was referring to.

If you don’t own it when you buy, it’s not stealing when you take it.

I have a DVD collection I want on my Jellyfin library. What software should I use for compressing these DVD files to sizes matching what you find at sea?
**EDIT: Thank you so much everyone! There's so much help for me here, and I'll recommend anyone with similar question as me to read the comments** Basically title. I have the DVDs and I have the hardware to burn them to my PC. But the file size is too much. What software would be ideal to get the best quality with the lowest file size? I'm going for file sizes per movie at around 2-3gb max.

Great rundown, thanks!

I don’t have a background in software, but I think I’m doing okay with my Raspberry Pi’s so far.

And I’m looking for more challenging stuff, so this was very helpful.

Just a question but do you use proxmox yourself? And if yes, what services would you recommend to run?

You could also argue apps that uses some kind of licensed content the app pays for.

I’m not saying I’m a fan of Netflix and Spotify, but they do use alot of money to keep their content available, and not only for server costs.

They still overcharge tho.

What. If that business model actually works for him, something is wrong with this world.

I would say it’s 100% load for maybe 3 minutes, so maybe it’s normal.

It makes my system overload so my PiHole stops processing.

But it sounds like maybe it’s normal and a background service using too much sometimes?

Omg I have CPU spikes on my Raspberry Pi. Maybe it’s infected too, and how would I ever find out?

Is there some software I can run to check?

It sounds very nice and clean to work with!

If I’m lucky enough to get the Raspberry 5 at Christmas, I will try to set it up with docker for all my services!

Thanks for the explanation.

As a guy who’s you before summer.

Can you explain why you think it is better now after you have ‘contained’ all your services? What advantages are there, that I can’t seem to figure out?

Please teach me Mr. OriginalLucifer from the land of MoistCatSweat.Com

Never heard Italy before. Do they have stricter laws than EU in general?

Thanks, I’ll switch when I get my RaspPi5 for sure.

Can someone tell me the difference between Wireguard vs Wireguard Easy?

I already have Wireguard installed, so I just wanted to know if I should switch.

Thanks man!

I will try Volumio for sure! I also want to try home automation some time, but I don’t think I have enough hardware to run with it yet.

Actually need to know this. I haven’t heard about it myself, but maybe I missed it?

Right now I use it for:

  • PiHole
  • Plex/Jellyfin
  • WireGuard VPN
  • Sonarr/Radarr and all that follows.

I would consider giving it away to family for the same purpose. Thanks for the suggestion!

In my case I need the 5 for the extra power. It will exactly meet my demands, and the 4 ‘only’ does 90% of the time.

And if I could find something cool for the 4, I would buy the 5 immediately. But I think I need to know that I can use it for something. Otherwise I will feel bad buying the 5.

What are some great use cases for a Raspberry Pi 4, if I buy the 5 to replace it?
Alot of us who have a Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 might upgrade to the Raspberry Pi 5. Doing so would leave us with 2 Pi's. What are some great use cases for the older Pi, that would no longer be the main machine?

Users of PiHole/AdGuard/Blocky, what blocklists are you using?
EDIT: Thanks so much guys! This was really helpful, and I didn't imagine so many would help out! Hey guys, I've used PiHole for over a year now, and I really like it. I use it with WireGuard, so I always have my DNS blocker with me. But I've wondered if I even have some good lists? I used some standard lists from a reddit thread when I set up my PiHole, and I've never looked at it since. So what blocklists do you use? Something you can recommend? Also, if you use Blocky or AdGuard, do you find it better than PiHole?

It’s code. Who cares who wrote it if it’s efficient, secure and fast.

Can’t we please just edit the headline to include some context instead of copy/pasting the click baity title?

Write which database was leaked, at the very least. I’m not on Lemmy for click bait.

Cracking services is pretty dope for many people, but I don’t know if that’s what you are looking for.

I’m thinking of YouTube Revanced, but for Netflix, Spotify, all that. I don’t know if you call that cracking, but it’s definitely useful, and probably challenging.

Thanks! And just so I understand this correctly, do I need a separate router for this + my normal router?

Anyone has a small and quick guide to how to set this up on let’s say a Rasp Pi?