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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I have Nextcloud running on a Pi4 and it runs like a charm. It has a lot of RAM and processing power to spare, actually. The good thing about arm mini computers is the exceptionally low power draw. You can’t achieve that with some old x86 PC.

Fairphone 5 can force slow charging via settings. I use it all the time because I usually charge over night and it helps preserve battery life.

Aggressive DRM mostly punishes paying customers. The game will probably be cracked anyways.

That maneuver will cost them a few % market share at best. Most people don’t even use ad blockers at all

Signal needs automatic cloud backups so badly. They’re encrypted anyways, why not allow it as an option?

I’ve used it for years now and it’s great and I managed to get all my friends to install it. But manual backups are basically impossible for the average user. Also it’d be nice if we could bulk export pictures more easily.