• 10 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I live on 7 acres of mostly heavily wooded land

Well, the activists target SUVs in the middle of Hamburg. That’s not really a comparable situation. I agree it would suck if you visit a big city and get targeted there, but I would hope the activists can decide between a polished up city-only SUV and an actual working-vehicle and act accordingly.

Well, if they want to go shopping right now, chances are for this one trip they’ll take their spouses smaller car, public transport or maybe even walk. If SUVs become generally unreliable (because you never know if you have air in your tires when you need it), people will look for something more reliable. They’ll bitch about it, they won’t act out of conviction or so, but who cares.

They target SUVs and alike. In what area do you live that a much more affordable and less gasoline consuming car wouldn’t work for you?

That is why I like this targeted actions over the gluing themselves to the road ones. This is targeted to people destroying the climate. I don’t think there is any good reason to drive an SUV or a sports-car in a city, and it is actively harmful. To pick up your equivalence: Feminists fight misogyny and inconvenience those guys actively showing it without necessarily alienating average guys.

Hamburg: Climate activists let air out of tyres of 33 cars (mainly SUVs!) again
From the article: *Large SUVs were particularly affected. According to the police, notes were attached to the cars indicating that they were harmful to the climate. The tyres were not punctured, but merely deflated. The cars were parked in the area between the S-Bahn line and Elbchaussee around Kanzleistraße. * Personally, I like this protest *way* more than glueing themselves to the streets, causing traffic jams where cars burn gasoline for hours and ambulances / firefighters / police gets stuck, putting innocent life in danger. The article is in German. Warning: [this](https://www-ndr-de.translate.goog/nachrichten/hamburg/Hamburg-Klimaaktivisten-lassen-erneut-Luft-aus-Reifen-von-33-Autos,autoreifen196.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) link leads to google translate.

President, specifically. The prime minister of Ireland is also openly gay (I think he has a husband), and Elio di Rupo was the first openly gay prime minister in the EU, Belgium to be specific.

I wish for a world where this wasn't news and wouldn't matter anymore, but as the world is right now, this is still an issue in many countries, and therefore imo noteworthy and good news. (I have no idea if he is a good president otherwise, I'm not promoting his political leanings because I don't know them.)

Stephen hawking, not only one of the physics geniuses, but also exemplary for not giving up in spite of a terrible disease, and a pop-star of science, died aged 76 in Cambridge.

There is nothing wrong with using standard phrases, but everything wrong with gatekeeping them.

And yes, I’m looking at you, @ElBarto777@reddthat.com!



  • It’s significant because the EU has phosphate on the list of critical raw materials
  • Norway deposit is estimated 70b tons at least, the biggest in the world
  • Phosphate is essential for fertilizers, car batteries and solar panels
  • The new reserves are supposed to last for a 100 years

Seems windows are still dangerous in Russia. The article does not provide any information why she fell; it seems she had a visitor at the time who was subsequently questioned by the police, and by quoting other "accidents" the article seems to insinuate this might be a sanctioned hit, but there is no further speculation on the rumour.

I would assume we are too few people to get a good statistical evaluation of what is hot and what is not.

In other news: How is it that people have no empathy for the poor billionaires on the Titan submarine and make fun of that tragedy?

I’m not that familiar with drugs, but shouldn’t it be singular? “Bring some coke in”? Or is it nowadays pre-portioned?

None yet, but I might very well —

Oh, you mean by the decision-makers! Sorry, I think I misunderstood :-)

Cool :-) For those who speak as little Russian as me (practically none, that is) maybe Google Translate for Websites can help :-)

That’s interesting news! If you have a source, could you please edit your comment and add it there?

“almost all sub accidents are the result of pilot error”.

But it was his error, and as far as I know, he also was the pilot, so…

Nah, someone told someone else there just hasn’t been enough time yet to close the case. So it will be closed. Any minute day month now. I expect to his funeral he might already be exonerated.

Apparently Prigozhin should better have requested to get his amnesty in writing... According to Kommersant and three main news agencies, the case is not closed and still investigated. An unidentified source claimed there had not been enough time to close the case. In other news (yahoo news, so I would treat it as a rumour at best and don't want to link it here) it was mentioned, threats to Prigozhins family and the families of his officers stopped the revolt. I find it quite hard to believe, though, that they didn't see that coming and didn't take such threats into account.

Good luck with that… I recommend to stay ground-floor and to avoid tea and guys with umbrellas?

But I wonder what will happen to Shoigu. I mean, getting rid of him wasn’t part of the Putin/Prigozhin deal, but wasn’t it a huge failure on his part to let Prigozhin proceed that far? Wouldn’t Putin have to sack him for that, even if that looks like giving in to Prigozhins demands?

The article raises most of the questions we were already asking ourselves, giving some background, but obviously no answers... - What will Putin do? The whole situation makes him look week, will he lash out to show strength? Purge annyone seen as not supportive enough during the whole situation? - What will Prigozhin do? It would look out of character for him to just leave in silence? - Will Russian troops want to fight alongside Wagner troops after this? Will Wagner troops accept now to be integrated with the Russian army?

Live: Prigozhin orders end to Wagner’s march on Moscow over risk of bloodshed
Seems Prigozhin allegedly stops march on Moscow to avoid bloodshed after Belarusian president brokers deal with Putin (I hope this is a big enough update to justify a separate post?)

I don’t see any chance for democracy anytime soon. Best case, Russian army and Wagner troops will decimate each other severely, and whoever ends up in power is struggling too much with domestic problems to effectively fight any other countries.

Worst case, one of the military leaders dies early, all troops end up intact in one hand, and whoever ends up the dictator is less inhibited to use nukes in Ukraine, thinking it might assert their dominance.

How do you know a granade is about to explode?

… it buckles and starts cracking at the shell…

Seriously, is this guy real or

He was real. Is he still real, as a mangled corps? Probably a matter of definition…

It’s all game theory. If I do everything right, restrain my reproductive urge, reduce my resource consumption etc., if most others don’t chime in, it will achieve nothing. The gasoline I’m not using means our oil reserves worldwide will last two seconds longer, but it will still all be burned.

Even if every single human being on earth would be willing to join a covenant to save the environment, there is no one to orchestrate it, and therefore the majority despairs over humanities stupidity and can’t do anything.

The same is on government level: If one state did everything right, globally the other governments would use up the saved resources. And therefore the electorate won’t elect a really environment-friendly party because it only results into the own country reducing the standard of living, increasing it for others temporarily.

The only solution would be a global alliance. We surprisingly managed it for the ozone hole, but we won’t this time.

I still try to live environment friendly, but in my heart I have no hope of humanity solving this chrisis, and a lot will go to shit in my lifetime still (next 30 years). Maybe enough will survive to maintain the species.

Thanks! Let’s hope for the best, I’d definitely embrace it as an option. And unfortunately, “zynical” is often synonymous with “realistic”…

As far as I read recently, currently the liquid to provide the cells with nutrition is gathered from slaughtering cattle. I couldn’t find the link, will keep looking, but if anyone has information to the contrary, I’d be happy. I love the idea of meat-taste without animal cruelty and I think it is the way we have to go if we as a species want to survive.

EDIT: https://gemeinsam-gegen-die-tierindustrie.org/en/clean-meat-the-solution-to-the-problems/

In any case, it is important to bear in mind that the production process regularly relies on fresh muscle tissue and continuously on growth serum.

The growth serum is usually obtained from the heart of a calf embryo, for which the calves and sometimes the mother cow are slaughtered.9b Some companies state that they have replaced the calf serum with an algae nutrient solution.10 It also remains to be seen whether this alternative will prevail.

As the domain name already suggests (“Together against animal industries”), this article seems heavily biased, however. If tissue of a calf embryo is required for the serum, that’s not a calf, but an embryo, which is slaughtered. Just like abortion is not murder.

Nevertheless, I hope the mentioned algea nutrition solution will prove a viable alternative.

“Elon Mode” just means it’s to cater to Musks wet dreams to keep him in the believe the feature is just around the corner, because “see, it’s already in the car, we just can’t set it live due to stupid formalities” while in reality, passing trial is the major hurdle and having a demo is miles away from having something working reliable in all corner cases.

He looks like he’s nearing retirement age anyways, disbarment shouldn’t cost him much…

Questions for self-hosted instance
I have my self-hosted instance now, but there are some issues / open questions: * When going to my admin-page, I see tons of banned users I never banned myself. Who banned them, why do I need to know about it? * Concerned I might have left my instance too open and they might have used my instance for spamming, I tried to look for all users on my instance. By directly accessing postgres:lemmy and checking the user-ids, I saw it's just the expected ones, however, I wasn't able to find the usernames, neither easily in postgres nor on the lemmy admin page. Any ideas? * I see timeouts when accessing my lemmy instance, however, the host doesn't show high cpu-, memory- or network-load and I don't see anything immediately suspicious in the logs. According to iftop, there aren't insane amounts of connections, either. Sometimes it seems to help temporarily to restart my apache server. Any ideas, what to look out for?

Then they should leave it out or phrase it differently, in my opinion. E.g. “The name of the alleged traitor who sold […]” That way it’s clear the person is only accused by now, not convicted, but at the same time the word ‘traitor’ isn’t singled out as questioned.