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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Is it generic? It seems pretty rich in Elden Ring when compared to most games.

Because he’d say no. Better to ask for forgiveness.

The PS5, while bigger than last entries, is hardly the size of a small fridge.

More like a floor air conditioner.

Long time fans of the 2d games really enjoy Wonder as the movement mechanics moved back to a faster feel from pre-New Super Mario Bros. My favorite will probably always be Super Mario World because the movement is the most responsive in that game and I also like to play ROM hacks for it and that community is wild.

New Super Mario Bros ended up with a sluggish movement by comparison and dominated 2d Mario for decades.

The big draw for many people in Mario is movement mechanics and that’s why Odyssey is so popular as well. The 3d platforming with Cappy just feels right. Like a missing extension that we never new we didn’t have.

Yeah. This was the face of an old man having trouble believing what he was hearing.

He looks like a walking corpse, but he seemed to understand what he was hearing and was just amazed by it.

I love Mario Maker, but I would suggest skipping 2 at this point. It’s been out so long that most of the hype has died on it and there is so much garbage content that somebody picking it up right now is likely to get frustrating for new players.

Windows reports using binary and continues to use the Greek terms. Windows is still the holder of largest market share for PC operating systems.

This is such a weird take to me. We don’t even colloquially discuss computer storage in terms of 1000.

The Greek terms were used from the beginning of computing and the new terms of kibi and mebi (etc.) were only added in 1998 when Members it the IEC got upset. But despite that, most personal computers still report in the binary way. The decimal is only used on boxes for marketing terms.

After my most recent upgrade i loaded up nearly a TB of mods with Wabbajack. It looked gorgeous. It ran smoothly. The gameplay mods made it less fun!

That indicates that you might buy it if it’s good. The person I replied to implied they would never have purchased it at all.

The creator says they didn’t beat it. I’m saying that based on their history, I actually think they are lying right now to get people to stop bothering them

They reportedly were highly addicted to SMM around the time they uploaded this level, having messed up aspects of their lives. They wanted to be left alone about this whole situation but the Internet doesn’t let things like that happen.

Saying it was a TAS is the easiest way to get everybody to stop playing the level and hopefully stop the discussion 2 weeks sooner.

I’m happy Team 0% is satisfied with the conclusion. I’m just skeptical, especially considering nobody knew about TAS’s existing for the game near that window.

I’m happy that the community feels satisfied with this ending. I’m not sure I buy it, though.

I’ve seen every move in this level be completed. I think it’s incredibly difficult but still possible. Based on everything I’ve seen from the creator recently this seems more like an attempt to get people to shut up about it to me.

It’s a bunch of people taking CR out of context. They talk about 1.0 in that letter, but only as something they are aiming for long term.

As for why it might be a point of contention with many millennials.

My best guess is we’ve spent years being accused of doing things by boomers who didn’t know that Gen Z was a thing and now it feels like we are being lumped in with Boomers because Gen Z can’t be bothered to learn that more than one generation camr before them.

For Gen X it may just be that they constantly feel forgotten and want to be known.

Yes, but other cars aren’t operating inside enclosed tunnels at all times.

I’ll preface this by saying that in no way do I expect that ES6 will shine more than Starfield and nothing I’m about to say should be construed as such.

I personally think that Starfield isn’t a good representation of what modern Bethesda will do with ES6. Starfield is the first time any of the major players had been involved in a totally new IP.

Skyrim was mechanically good enough, but it was only interesting because it was built in a world that was already rich with lore. It built upon a strong foundation of interesting concepts, conflict, and history to move a timeline forward and on top of that allowed for modders to easily expand it further.

Fallout 3 and 4 followed the same formula as Skyrim. Build a mechanically good enough game built on a rich world and allow modders to expand it.

Fallout 76 was the first departure from building on what was already there and it was a disaster because it wasn’t mechanically good enough.

Starfield is a new departure by making something that’s mechanically good enough but also needing to build a whole universe from scratch which left it feeling dull for many.

ES6 represents an opportunity for Bethesda to go back to the formula that worked for them until now. There is a big risk that they will further streamline the gameplay making it less deep as they have done with every generation, but it’s not a guarantee at this point in time.

I do think the argument of a maximum value to contribution is more difficult to make with an artist as the example. Especially one as prevalent as Taylor Swift.

Art is intended to illicit emotions from people. Music in particular continues to illicit those emotions from years after it is released.

Are we then saying that the value of people feeling joy has a cap?

I don’t necessarily disagree with capping the income of an artist. I’m just pointing to the danger of using them as an example.

I’ve had questions like your 3rd bullet point in relation to why somebody’s friend is having trouble with connecting a headset to a TV.

No idea. I don’t know what kind of headset or what kind of TV. They are all different Grandma.

As a senior engineer recently turned manager I hear this type of mentality from most of my junior all the way up to senior devs.

The only thing I’d suggest to you is spend some time digging into the tools you’re building outside of the project you’re working on. Just to get a general understanding of how the pieces fit together. Definitely do it during work hours, though. I’m in no way suggesting outside of work, here. Once you’ve spent enough time digging, you’ll surprise yourself in how effective you get at answering questions.

I’ve never seen a problem with asking people to code in a live session. It’s about the problems they are asked to solve. Leetcode style problems are generally unrealistic and have little to do with the skills that are actually needed.

If the problems were more focused on the day to day type of work, nobody would complain. “solve x problem without the industry standard library that solves that problem already” is just testing the ability to quickly reinvent wheels.

The reason he took the interview doesn’t matter, that decision is his fault. Even if kompromat, he did something he wants to hide in that case.

But the moment the interview was announced, we should have been expecting this exact thing.

To be clear here, I actively hate what Tucker does. He’s a symptom of a great sickness to society that causes more harm then anything else.

The only part of this that is Carlsons fault is that he took the interview and went to Russia. There’s no other way this would have played out when a reporter does an interview of Putin. Carlson was likely in that room with nothing but Russian agents who let him know exactly what was going to happen before the interview.

Anything else could have easily resulted in Carlson never coming home.

A program that works right but doesn’t solve the problem is also not very useful.

This. Many devs will never even meet their Product Manager because they are “too high level to be needed in technical calls”.

Translated to “I only want to tell people how much money this is going to make them without even knowing what it does”

I think Python is easy to learn but difficult to get past the basics. I’m also not convinced that getting past the basics is even worth it in three long run. I say this as a person who has used all Python at work for roughly 70 percent of the last 15 years. My current position is moving to Rust and my last 2 positions were moving to Go. Everybody was happier.

This. C# has been losing momentum for years but some people just won’t see it. I think Microsoft trying to move 365 of of it is just another big flag that devs need to start looking elsewhere.

Microsoft has been pretty open that they intend to move to Rust. They are currently re-building the Windows API in Rust as well. I do expect they will try to push .NET in that world which will be a bummer.

But will Tencent just buy WotC instead? Only time will tell.

I did also say I’m another post that their statement seems more like the dollar amount wasn’t high enough, not that it isn’t happening at all.

When I see “not looking to” in this context it just tells me Tencent hasn’t offer enough money at this time.

Back in my day we just looked at photoshopped pictures of celebrities like respectable men!

That’s interesting, but it’s ultimately not up to the artists.

The creators lawyers felt comfortable that they are in the clear. I don’t think that will stop Nintendo from burying them in litigation but I’d say if the lawyers are willing to say that then the assets are likely created in house.

The idea that the assets were stolen was the comment I replied to.

This. Pay money for fun.

I don’t care if it’s in early access if I’m enjoying it. I do care if I’m paying money for an extremely frustrating experience, but this game does look fun if you have friends to play with.

They are extremely similar to the point that I think they are edging very close to Nintendo caring if they don’t already.

But I don’t think the assets are directly stolen from looking at them.

One of the biggest things I’d point out for security is that unless effort is made to ensure people are upgrading, more systems on Linux is going to mean more versions of the kernel being on more machines.

It will result in a lot more machines running versions that have known exploits open against them so malware will become easier to propagate on Linux in general.

This cracked me up. I won’t be playing it, but it’s nice to hear the absurdity of the Mishima family told in a dramatic tone.

Honestly, this is exactly what I thought the complaint was going to be when I saw the headline and it’s getting me thinking. Does Starbucks allow split payments between two methods. If not, that’s the solution to this problem is require them to.

I end up having a bunch of gift cards to Starbucks through the year because my father in law knows I like coffee so he gets me Starbucks gift cards, not because I love Starbucks but because he can get them on Amazon. I’ll have to try this out next time I’m nearing the bottom.

I will say, the stars that build up over the course of my gift card draining more than pays for the dollar or change at the end with free drinks. So it’s never really bothered me that much, but now I’m curious.

I’ve had my dad agree that something the Republicans are doing is extremely authoritarian and state that he is going to look past it because he wants lower taxes and likes guns in the same breath.

FFXVI - Am I crazy?
I've been playing Final Fantasy 16 for the last couple of weeks and feel really let down by the hype and reviews of this game. While I enjoy the deviation of the combat the rest of the game feels very incomplete. The vocal animations are frequently off. The travel from area to area is just an overworld map to select travel from one small area to another. There are like 2 or 3 side quests at a time and a whole vendor that will send you to side quests in different areas, but his menu is always empty. In general, the graphics are roughly the same as FFXIV. The animations and music seem ripped right out of 14 as well. And the combat and akin to the main series Kingdom Hearts games. Overall I'm enjoying it, but these 7-9 out of 10 reviews that are calling it some massive achievement seem really undeserved.