• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


But if you just interact with the channel and just download isn’t it ok? I mean I ain’t hosting it. Or you reckon even users might get in trouble depending on your country?

If we don’t own digital purchases on purchase, as they can remove titles if they want to, then downloading is not owning/stealing. 😛

Ah so my waiting was worth it not buying the ps5 when it came out. Hurrah!

Thanks bud for reply and having a go. Looks like I have another quest to figure out these different gateways and how to use them. I just installed the desktop app from the main site and tried to use it with mixed results on cids that were on the app.

I’m new to ipfs so are people suppose to seed it 🤷 I get no output. Am I suppose to leave a laptop on trying to download it? 🤷 see if you can get it.

Let us know how you go op. I use a firefox extension that bypasses twitchers putting their videos sub only, lame, and I dont remember seeing ads.

Help with DL a file with ipfs pls 🙏
Help with DL a file with ipfs pls, I tried yesterday and couldn't 😭 Cid is QmUwS36WN1A5FQ6uiatgyCWYapkm96KACCfxSyrHB2puzs Can anyone be my saviour 🥺 pls?

I think archive got reamed. I think avoid. I’m thinking torrent or other

Yes pls. Would love to try Plex share, always have trouble setting it up. Feel free to DM me.

To answer your question, its hard to read online people, I guess go through their history comments / posts and select a few and DM. 🤷

Thanks for heads up. Geez haven’t the authorities got anything better to do? Like serial killers etc. Too much funding IMO lol

Thank you sooo much op for this post. Still learning linux gaming on my pop os, but so far have been successful with 2 games 😁 no step 4 needed so far 🤞 enjoying fable anniversary ATM 😁😁 ty ty 🙏

uuu we get thumbnails now. nice 👍 keep up great work.

good 1. ai.ls got it right. the element/riot group chatgpt 3.5 got it wrong lol. http://0x0.st/Hf36.png

best hastle free speed download- ddl free vs torrent vs usenet
hi, so I got somewhat decent speed on my plan atm. mega is usually what I go for, that gives me max speed dl, but recently got myself a 4k tv and now I wanna dl 4k only content lol. mega have 5gb limit and I gotta switch servers(vpn) every 5gb which is annoying. I think gdrive has put limits also. I love ddl but I think as a free user we are screwed. torrents, free, I think is wishy washy with speed. I have some experience but if I go this route its best to leave overnight on a laptop and hope for the best the next day that it has been dl'd. Usenet I got block account sitting there for ages. probably the best speed and no limits from memory. but gotta use my block account which is paid :( any1 have better ideas? tx 4 reading. feel free to msg me if you don't want to share ur super duper secret 😛

uuu now I wanna know all ur tricks op on mobile how you do it pls? recently discovered 1dm app.

so new lemmy instance? I’m confused. the njal.la domain is just a general website. is there a direct link to the new url?

tx 4 sharing op. I always dream of making some sort of app/script that can play/stream songs from a radio stations playlist, but my programming skills are noobish and only have access to free ai. sounds like gpt 4 is something really useful for scripts.

😪 *sadge. ok. take us for the journey. it can be a log/tutorial for urself 😛

any videos op? love to watch the whole story online.

Hmm interesting. Will keep it as backup to my current solution 👍

👍 actually came across this in my searching and it solved my problem. Tx bud.

(solved)dl or watch twitch sub only videos?
Hi every1, someone I follow has decided to flip the switch on their videos to only subscribers, lame, so is there anyway i can download them? Tx pirates arghhh! 🏴‍☠️

Ah shit. This is how I find out. 😭 Tx 4 post 👍🙇🙏 Will the wiki be updated? Pls.