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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Someone should tell Biden that. Cause i fall into 2 of those 3 categories and I’m pretty discouraged with how he is responding to the protests and his handling of Gaza (supporting genocide).

I’m sure minorities don’t like it when other minorities get treated like crap and bombed with our $$. And young people on campuses are getting tear-gassed and arrested while Biden refuses to change direction or even send a message to the colleges cracking down on their students.

People can say he’s not Trump all they want - but at the end of the day, when people are getting beaten for protesting and exercising their free speech and citizens desires ignored by their reps so that money can go to mass-murder…… being “not Trump” isn’t enough. You’re already 1 foot into the grave that ppl say Trump will lead the country to.

There is some irony is the name-calling warning coming in as a reply to the “white moderate/wanting order” comment.

no, he can’t. That’s why Fox freaked out and wanted to raise the voting age after last election.

But apparently, he doesn’t care.

I feel like that would be really bad for their business and so they’ll be not inclined to do so…

Define hassle? Can be different things for different people Did you check megathread already?

I’m aware of that. But it’s similar I assume to encrypted traffic to, say, a Usenet provider? Where the content itself isn’t identifiable vs just where it’s from (and thus what type).

I ask because vpn makes sense to me for torrents where you seed and thus upload, but I assume there is no uploading with iptv? So unless it’s common for users to be held accountable - I’m trying to understand the purpose in this specific use case.

Is the connection to iptv providers typically not encrypted? I understand the vpn if you just don’t want to be shown interacting at all - but beyond that does it matter?

They DO have free choice to choose. Just as the site is free to choose who they list and what criteria they use for such. They’re not entitled to get listed if they don’t align with the site’s policies.

Choices doesn’t mean free from consequences or entitled to anything you want.

Music and software/games. Both are convenient and relatively affordable to access. Software I will try to find non-subscription based or open source options if available.

That is so insane to me. Even if you were a rich mofo, you really okay living in a bunker? Like do they think their life will be just as cushy without the sun or nature? No matter how many swimming pools or tv screens underground with golden toilets or whatever the fuck they put in their bunkers - life without the planet will suck. Humans aren’t meant to live underground for an extended period. There’s a reason my therapists keep telling me to go outside and get some sun and fresh air.

Yes please. This is a no-brained given the rent and homelessness record of the city.

Yea…anyone who has asked chatgpt to help them fix a piece of code or write one would know it requires a lot of human editing/good prompting. And a lot of time, what I was trying to accomplish still wouldn’t work.

Even that is generous. He is good at buying others innovation and tying them to his brand. 2 years ago I would’ve said he was also good at his own PR (I was wrong lol).

Fox News really has rotted so many brains. People unironically using phrases “crt” and “woke” as boogeymen to rally against is just sad.

Stopped reading a third of the way through when I realized this felt like a non-critical piece. Seriously going to repeat Musk’s lie of caring about free speech and then, without any note of criticism, discuss how he wants to get rid of the “woke mind virus.” Like, he shows who he is, and it’s not someone who cares about free speech. And the writer is a crappy biographer if they’re going to let that go unchallenged.

I also found the writing style boring, but that’s more subjective I suppose.

While also being one of the least expensive components, if the trend for consoles follows the price patterns for pc parts.

I wonder if a password manager that fills in for you would count. I’m guessing yes, thst it’s different than a key logger?

Wtf, csam photoshopped in? So gross and evil. How are people not arrested - idk about other places but i thought it is illegal in us to own it at all. So if someone photoshopped it - they should be in jail.

I mean, I’m sure there’s people’s jobs it is to monitor marketing at these companies? Unlikely they’d go thru the trouble of setting up an ad campaign just to cancel it and claim nazis if it wasn’t true?

I don’t know though, I stay off twitter - especially now.

I don’t think the MBA-types care about the differences though. They just want to say new words that sound impressive to shareholders

It’s the new NFTs and Crypto re: dropping buzzwords to make stock line go up.

I think you’re purposely missing the point. If you can’t understand why posting spoilers in titles is inconsiderate - I don’t know how else to explain it. Just say you’re too selfish to even take 2 seconds to consider others who feel differently in the gaming community and go. Rather than try to explain and convince me you’re not inconsiderate - cause you are. Thanks

No, thanks. Sorry my pointing out that people (sounds like including you) can be inconsiderate by putting spoilers in titles is so deeply upsetting for you that you’re reduced to name-calling just to save your own ego. You can disagree and think it’s not a big deal. That’s fine. But then own that you just don’t care about others.

the point is that I should get to decide whether or not I learn about game stuff outside of the game. I did not watch any demos or play early access because I want to experience everything including the small stuff for the first time.

I can control not watching YT/Twitch/etc but I can’t control someone just full on posting a spoiler in the title of a post. If this was a BG3 community - fine. but it’s general gaming.

I’ll start saving up then. Still on the XS max but this is finally worth the upgrade.

Too many overdue promises. I say this as a long time neopian. Every couple years would play for a few weeks of nostalgia. They’ve promised a lot over the years and I was willing to keep waiting, but the nft drama and disrespect it conveyed to the community really disillusioned me. Haven’t logged on since. Would love to be proven wrong.

First thing I thought as well. Thugs and perverts - does he mean himself and the people running corporations willing to let others suffer / manipulate the law and government? Like the Hollywood exec who said they want people to lose their homes?

Cause that sounds pretty thuggish and perverse to me.

I’m personally trying to use less google products - for both privacy and reliability (I’m pissed my domain is getting moved cause google just decided to be done with google domains)

Reading that article was a highlight of my day. I dislike FB/Meta but at least Zuckerberg can string a sentence together than doesn’t make him sound 13 and going thru a phase.

You know, it’s fine to dislike religious people and believe different things. But you’re acting pretty intolerant here. Insulting others beliefs and intelligence isn’t cool just cause you disagree with it.

“Level of discourse…from someone unfamiliar with the concept of critical thinking.” “Magical sky faerie” “fallacious appeal to authority”. You sound like a pseudo-intellectual who gets off on putting down others and you found a population that you feel you’re allowed to do this to.

Reported your comment as well. You don’t have to be nasty just cause you dislike someone’s perspective on life. And don’t hit me with “well they hate xyz people”. I know you know not all religious folks share the same view - or I’d at least hope so.

You’re in a thread that literally is about churches not going along with homophobic takes. People keep saying “religious people should stand up against the bigots” and because they are in the example, you have bigots splitting off. And then turn around and insult the intelligence of said religious people still.

Who really is the person showing a lack of critical thinking skills? I’d argue the one whose take lacks any nuance.