The Great King Virtue Is Dead!
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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Nov 30, 2023


real answer? im way too stupid to figure out how the hell to use it. i spent 3 straight days trying to get it working a couple years ago with no luck.

bandcamp-dl is a blessing. i used to use zotify too back when it actually worked and it was a godsend!

lmao i don’t think their political affiliation is strictly related to how much of a pussy they are in this context

im not sure / cannot recall. it’s been a few months since i last tried to install it and it kept erroring out. im definitely strongly considering looking back into it though, it’s just that reverse proxying to the container was a nightmare… it still haunts my config, lol

that is… surprising. not that i don’t believe you, snap just doesn’t have a good track record, lol. ill have to research if it’s feasible to run a snap package on a debian server, though.

Invidious. It got so bad that I just gave up and switched to piped which has been… well, not perfect, but definitely far more consistent.

ive tried to get nextcloud working several times and it just seems to never work for some reason… maybe i should set it up on a pi ive got laying around instead of my main server lol

seconded. the built-in custom css selection is excellent. ive been strongly considering self-hosting an RSS bridge, but i think my server has too much unpredictable downtime for it