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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


it is anything but easy to read if your entire file does not fit on a single screen.

i switched to porkbun from godaddy specifically because of this.

note: on most computers, it worked the opposite to how one would think. Turning it on slowed your cpu to around 33 MHz

this has “draw the rest of the fucking owl” vibes to it. especially step 3

lol. Of course there is. Ai cannot code. it’s a glorified autocomplete that mostly gets things subtly wrong. So you’ll spend more time trying to understand the code you didn’t write and look for any bugs, than if you had written and understood it yourself.

blind people exist.

blind people use computers.

Maybe she’s using accessibility tools to yogacode

i think the real explanation is simpler and more understandable.

NaN is what you get when you do something illegal like dividing by zero. There is no answer, but the operation has to result in something. So it gives you NaN, because the result is literally not a number

that doing more work, takes more time.

Gamers are especially guilty of this.

"that 2013 game runs at a smooth 60 fps. This medern game running at quadruple the resolution with raytracing sometimes dips to 58 fps on the same hardware. Devs must be lazy, they just need to add OPTIMIZATION to the game

i do use json instead of yaml precisely for the reasons you mentioned. That was my original point in the first place that json does not have these problems. something must have been lost in transmission

cut out a random piece of your document. is it a partial or a complete document?

paste it somewhere else in the document. you have to fix the indentation because if not then the document won’t work or mean something completely different

well, yes of course i trust you less. It’s the whole point of wanting labelling in the first place, so I can know it’s not trustworthy in any way

“built on an open web framework…”

hard pass then. Why the hell would I want to open a browser instance for a terminal???

actually those semicolons indicate this isn’t actually lua, they are invalid in table constructors afaik

the code is constructing a table, and passing it to a function called item. But if all you need is the data, you can just remove the function call and assign the table to a variable like so: local myvar = {…}.

then you can just manipulate the table as usual.

assuming you run it in the right lua environment. The item function must be defined, and we’re only speculating about its return value without seeing proper docs, or the source

quick, how fast can you load 1GiB of data?

on an ssd, on an hdd

as one big file or as 1000 tiny files (defragmented and packed vs all over the place, for hdds)

on a freshly booted up system? Loading for a 2nd time on a pc with a fuckton of ram, so all data is still in the fs cache.

Someone who actually loads all data into a memdisk?

It’s just not possible to accurately predict. There are way too many factors.

there is no such thing as “idling” in a game, when viewed through the lens of software engineering. Even if you aren’t giving the game any new inputs, the game is still doing the work of rendering the screen. Calculating a turn is actually only a small part of the process.

tbh, I feel stackoverflow went to shit. Most questions are now closed as duplicates of other unrelated ones. I rarely use it anymore

neovim. I have customized my config to my liking over the past couple of years. + it also can opn embedded terminals, so I don’t have to leave the editor at all while working

I said I have no problem with a tax for content aggregators. If they provide a summary of the content so that users don’t have to visit your site. That’s fair.

But wanting to be paid also for just a hyperlink? That’s idiotic. That is a service they are receiving (for free). Why do I say that? Because when social media stop linking to content at all, the media producers start complaining about reduced traffic. So the links clearly provide value to the media companies.

So they simply took it too far. “we want to be paid for the service we provide” (the content itself) is fair. “We want to be paid for a service we actively want and are receiving for free” (the hyperlinking to their site on social media) is not.

That is a stupid argument. I agree about the summary part, but paying even for just a link is idiotic. If someone asks me for the directions to a restaurant, I don’t have to pay the restaurant for giving directions to it. If they did ask for cash for this, I’d simply stop recommending the restaurant. I have no duty to them, and they have no right to me.

Facebook is doing the same thing. You want payment even if I only point people to you? Then I will simply stop pointing people to you. I owe you nothing. If I didn’t provide a summary but the people still don’t click through, then maybe your content is shit and people aren’t interested. Why should I have to pay to protect you from that?

suppose you already own the servers, magically or something, could aou set them up to take lour aws workload? no, you have none of the software that aws uses that manages the whole thing. You can host your applications yourself, but you’re in for a big rewrite if you do.

yeah but I won’t be buying the expansion if a bunch of it is optional content I’d want to avoid

meh, so far 2 out of 3 announcements have been very underwhelming for me. I tried space exploration, didn’t like it. A simplified version of that is still just a simplified version of that. And this quality thing just serves to make shit unpredictable, which is a step backwards to me. I hate probabilistic recipes, and the main draw here is to make everything probabilistic

So far I only liked the bot improvements. I feel quite disappointed so far, tbh

or you could just not do that, and keep control of your own data. Why the hell would I want you to have a vote on whether I can delete my private data, which for some unfathomable reason, someone decided everyone should have a copy of?

op asked about using bash because it’s already there. Your answer is the complete opposite of that. twice