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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


The “wings clipped” tweet still haunts me.

She is such a remarkable and genuine person, we are all worse off without her contributions.

do you have supermarket monopolies in the US though?

I’m not in the US. And the post is about Canada. But the problems are global.

You are right, it’s not a monopoly in the strict sense. In most countries, including mine, there are a few serious choke points in the supply chain. Basically, there’s two or three supermarket chains, a handful of specialized logistics companies (turns out here they’re one that handles all packaged cheese distribution for all supermarkets) and then a very small number of producers per item (most detergents and soaps you’ve ever heard of are from one of two companies world wide).

If you dig deeper, it doesn’t really get any better. Yes, there are a lot of farmers, but consolidation is happening as we speak. Also, all fertilizer, herbicide and most of the seeds come from the usual suspects. So, yes, there are many companies involved, but there isn’t a whole lot of actual competition.

No one:


“Hold your wealth”?

Have you met any actual people? A lot of people have one month’s worth of “wealth” at the start of the month. If they are lucky.

This is not the topic for your 1970s goldbug pontifications. It’s about people stealing food.

The supermarkets are just catering to their actual customers: the stock market.

Price controls don’t address the root cause either. We need massive anti trust action to break up the agrifood and food distribution monopolies.

It’s really well documented and easy to config. You just open the page for your IDP, follow the instructions, set a few config setting and you’re off.

The user interface is also really good at this. Often custom identity providers feel hacked on, here it’s integrated really well.

I believe the implementation is based on nextauth.js

All self-hostable software should do single sign-on the way Linkwarden does.

If you are wondering whether or how to support OIDC or SAML or other SSO, look no further for inspiration.

Store torrent files. The magnet links are just the hashes of the torrent files.

Yes, the magnet link points to a specific torrent file, but you will only be able to get them if anyone is still sharing it and currently online.

If you have the torrent file and the content, you can start a new swarm if the old one is dead. If you only have the magnet link and the content, you can’t.


That’s a rather absolutist claim when you don’t know the orgs threat model.

My recommendation would be to use a hard disk in a single computer, and to use a single operating system for a single computer.

Then you pick the most capable, fastest, native FS that fits your bill.

If you need to transmit data between computers, use the network. It’s that it’s there for.

Often I already have nginx running for serving some static content anyway.

Otherwise, I’m traefik all the way.

Oh yeah contradictions abound. The one God who is Three is already stretching it quite a bit in terms of monotheism.

If you believe the devil is real and is a near peer adversary of God, aren’t you de facto a polytheist?

Ugh. I know that feeling. That’s why I’ve blacklisted salt stack.


There’s a particularly toxic combination of ignorance, laziness, NIH and hubris that you need to make a mistake like that, and I want it nowhere near my servers.

Now, I admit, I’m not one to get carried by the drama in the FOSS sphere (still use Gitea)

This is a bit of a “bell curve meme” situation. I’m extremely about the drama, and I’m back to gitea. The forgejo guys are good at branding, but I’m not seeing great project stewardship. I’ll take my chances with the commercial guys for now.

There was something wonky with the mapping of OIDC attributes to user properties, so I decided to look at the seahub source and see if it would be easy to fix.

Turns out, the whole thing is held together with hope and spit. Literal beginner code.

I run seafile, but holy shit do I regret looking at the source code.

Yes. Very slow. And only accessible from tor clients or tor2web/onion.to-like constructions. Which adds additional delay and errors.

There are things for which onion addresses are the right solution. This is not one of them.

It’s very possible. If you carefully manage your attack surface and update your software regularly, you can mitigate your security risks quite a bit.

The main problem is going to be email. I have found no reliable way to send email that does not start with “have someone else do it for you” or “obtain an IP block delegation”.

That sure does seem to tick a lot of boxes. I’m going to check it out!

That’s true. The bizarre paradox of the centralization of edge infrastructure is real.

That said, the other edge-lords (haha) could offer similar functionality, but they chose not to.

I am not sure what that would accomplish.

I have all that, but I still use cf for a ton of stuff.

The trouble with cloudflare is that there is just one. It’s one of the best registrars out there, the only free/cheap and usable DNS host (have you seen what route53 charges per zone??). That without getting into the whole tunnels and DDoS mitigation end of things, which is nearly unique at any price point.

The problem with cloudflare is that we’re missing three other cloudflares to move to if they decide to pull evil shit.

The key here is “better performance at similar price points”. There are absolutely amazing 2.5 drives made for server applications, but they cost so much money you’re better off getting SSD these days.

Speaking of which, you should consider SSD.

Btw, you can do http based LE certificates through cloudflare. They just proxy the ACME URLs.

I have yet to see anything I can run myself that works as well as cloudflare. Still, not exactly self hosted.

Am I out of touch?

No, it’s the Free Software Foundation that is wrong about Free software licensing practices!

In general terms, if you are not sure if you need a VLAN, you do not need a VLAN.

It dramatically complicates your home networks (yes, plural at that point), which is fine if IT serves a purpose.

But if there isn’t a compelling reason for them you are just imposing a management cost for no benefit.

“Long term support” is 15 months?

Is this a fucking joke?

They can decide and announce all they want. In the end they have to become a more compelling product than gitea on the merits, not just because of nebulous anti-commercial ideology.

That would mean they would have to do actual development instead of just scraping off stickers, so I’m not holding my breath.

You are absolutely free to fuck yourself over by using a niche option plagued by weird problems.

Or you could, like, not do that.

You are right, I wanted to address two different issues and they sort of merged together in my head.

Carry on ;)

Caveat emptor, split DNS can cause issues down the line that are a proper nightmare to debug.

Don’t do it unless you a) understand what is happening on your network when you config it this way b) have the tools and ability to verify it is working like you think it should and troubleshoot when things eventually break and c) can exercise enough control over your network to make sure all DNS resolution in your LAN happens the way you think it should.

You’ll be putting yourself in a situation where a typo, or a wrong docker compose copy/paste, or a default config you forgot to override, will expose stuff to the Internet.