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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


Some servers are much worse at it than others. I’m a Chinese who got banned from .ml because I was ‘racist’ for making Xinnie jabs.

They’re a Filipino. Not exactly an infamous source of antisemitists. And ‘88’ may mean something in the west, but here in Asia it generally means nothing more than your birth year.

Infamous implies somebody is famous in a negative way. If anything, Gabe is a shining example that should be upheld.

Not sure why you’re citing US law when we’re discussing foreign govts. Also the obvious thing signal can do, that most complainants would probably expect as a minimum, is banning their accounts and closing the group.

I don’t get what you’re trying to say at all. If a party is in a group chat and reports it, they can provide their credentials to Signal to enable Signal to view the contents of the chat.

Yes, they’re a carrier that does not know the content of what they carry. But once they are made aware, the legal system considers them to now bear responsibility if they don’t take action. Whether or not that’s fair is a pretty large topic, though I’m inclined to think so myself.

Yes, but we’re discussing group chats disseminating piracy links. Do you think it’s harder to join such a group chat and report it to signal than it is to do all the cloak and dagger nonsense?

Sounds like you’ve been watching too many Hollywood spy movies

This might be cultural. But at least in Asia, if there’s an unusual sized crowd somewhere, some people will join in just to see what’s going on. Sales, festival, public show, etc.

also, how many times have you decided to visit a food store because it was busy?

Very, very often as a matter of fact. Have you never gotten curious and decided to check out a place because it was packed to the brim day after day?

Not really. The herd mentality means some people will see a crowd and follow. But since they don’t know what’s going on, they’ll just become an extra customer.

Xitter is pretending that this is about free speech and censorship.

It’s not.

Yes it is. Especially considering that Xitter is an American company and this is legal by American law, again, Australia is overstepping its authority. It doesn’t matter that Musk is a PoS. It doesn’t matter that I personally want the video gone myself. What matters is Australia does not have the legal authority to make decisions affecting the entire world.

Your comparison to CSE is disingenuous as CSE is illegal worldwide, or at least in every country that matters. This video is not.

Sure. If the Christchurch group or Aussie govt wants to call them out for not honouring their agreement, shame them, kick them out, whatever, that’s fine. I’m all for that. Fuck Xitter. I fully understand there’s nothing noble about their motives. There is however a difference between that and legally forcing a platform to censor content worldwide. Australia is claiming legal authority over the entire world, how do you not see the issue there?

What point are you trying to make here? I’ve already stated that the content is objectionable, and that ideally Xitter should have taken it down themselves. The problem I, and everybody else here, has is that Australia does not have the authority to unilaterally decide what content the entire world may or may not access. This is regardless of the video content and it would be nice if you could discuss the actual point.

It may be legal and appropriate according to Australian law. That doesn’t mean the rest of us around the world are ok with abiding by their laws and whatever they decide is ‘acceptable’ for us to watch. Especially given Australia’s history of censorship when it comes to media and culture.

Again, they’re not obeying the Christchurch agreement they signed. I agree with you on that point. That was not the point of my comment.

What’s the relevance?

I agree with the Christchurch Call, that platforms, media and govts should avoid disseminating and giving publicity to terrorists and their causes. If Xitter were to take down content for that reason, I’d applaud them. However, that is a voluntary agreement that should be self-enforced by the signatories upon themselves. Nothing there gives Australia the right to determine for the rest of the world what content may or may not be shared online.

Musk is an ass, but this is a complex issue that goes way beyond Australia. Many govts are censoring content on social media within their countries. The last thing they need is precedent allowing them to remove videos from a platform entirely worldwide.

Then again, deadbeats asking for cash is an entirely different thing. You KNOW there’s a good chance you won’t see them or the money again, but for some people the conscience wins out.

Though she was convinced she was helping the Canadian government with its investigation, her husband and friends said something didn’t seem right, adding she was likely getting scammed.

She was warned, and still went ahead with it anyway without doing the slightest bit of verification. This feels like the finance version of a Darwin Award

This is why beehaw needs downvotes. Crappy submissions like this article that don’t make any sense

Edit: OP has been spamming his nonsense across multiple communities, and has hundreds of downvotes on each of them. Except here on beehaw…

Why? Bitwarden has a free tier you don’t have to self host

awkward amount of time to kill

For how long? Because that’s probably the most important factor.

There’s also a million indie games that run perfectly fine on mid 2000 desktop hardware. Even games that look crazy computational intensive like Factorio.

The entire ‘article’ consists of screenshots of twitter and reddit posts. Jeez.

I agree that’s problematic, but from the article it doesn’t sound like that’s the reason he was arrested.

As lemmy becomes mainstream, those users will become the average user here. Eternal September is just the way of things

That’s what we like to think. Facebook, Google, kinda shows us most users are perfectly happy to continue taking abuse, though

Just like you can defederate from an instance, you can selectively defederate from parts of that instance.

For most users, price and convenience. That’s been made very clear over and over again.

At $800 / month, that comes to about 30 - 60 minutes extra per weekday. It’s something, but it doesn’t really seem that outrageous. About the equivalent of taking a few smoke breaks on employer time. A fireable offense, sure, but criminal charges?