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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 03, 2024


They are doing their jobs. but with limited manpower they have chosen not to stretch themselves even thinner by physically chasing a phone. As the article says, they try to be smarter about it.

Location isn’t that accurate, the phone was probably just traded in a car or in the street.

So the police get a call from the phone owner “yeah my phone location is on X street”, the police get down there, then what? Let’s say it was in a house, it’s rows of houses in London, do they knock on every door there and ask “hey have you stolen a phone?” in hopes the guy admits it? It could have been traded already so a description of someone might not be good enough.

I just read the whole article and it just re-iterates what I have just said. They recover a small amount of the phones because of how quick they move them after they have been stolen. It even says that the criminals “wrap stolen phones in tinfoil to block its signal”.

It’s easy to sit in your chair and say “just go over there and arrest them”, without even taking a moment to understand the logistics of tackling it.

Who is to say it was at an address and not just sold/handed off in the street? They don’t just take the phones to a house and pile them up, they will be sold on through fences rapidly and if they can’t reset them to resell to someone, they get sold for parts (hence why this one ended up in China).

With infinite budget sure, worth a shot, but it would cost a lot more than the price of the phone to track it down.

Realistically speaking, there isn’t enough personel or funds, so it isn’t worth attempting to chase the phone down. These phones move fast through fences, they aren’t just taken to one address and left there. The criminals could and probably do have ‘faraday bags’ to block signals from phones as they move them, only ever taken out to sell them along.

All the police can do is record any data they do get and compile it into a larger investigation with the hopes of attacking the head of the snake (but what even is that?).

To be fair, what are they supposed to do? The phone will be handed off a bunch of times within hours of it being stolen. You are not getting your phone back unless the thieves are caught in the act.

There are a lot of ‘fake’ 120Hz+ TVs you have to watch out for though. The real ones are expensive.

The point being really, most people dont upgrade their TVs at all, for as long as the picture is good. Consoles have the hardware todo 120Hz right now.

Thats another good point, when you are sat so far away from the screen, the resolution becomes less important.

I’ve only played two of them and they worked just the same as any other game. You are putting words into my mouth now, I refuted every ‘hoop’ you listed, I never said ‘just deal with it’.

I could build a pc, give it to anyone and it would work in the same vein as a console. What is the point you are trying to make? That PCs have loads of issues? The consoles are flawless? Make sense.

I have no idea what you just said.

Most games you just click play and they work. You don’t need to install drivers or programs or whatever you think everytime at all.

If they release a dodgy patch or one you don’t like, you can just revert it. On console you are stuck with whatever they give you.

Don’t like a game after a couple hours? Doesn’t work correctly? Refund it.

Mainly its linux that will have issues you have to navigate and that is probably where most of the technical questions you come across root from. If you have Windows then 99% of games will just work as you expect.

Also Nintendo: They are $70. Want an old game? Also $70. Sales? What are those?

Consoles are such a scam when you think about it, but their low barrier to entry carries them (along with the marketing of course).

What’s the point of consoles getting more powerful? Shouldn’t affordability be the main target at this point?

Their main target audience is couch gaming on TVs, which are usually only 60Hz, something the PS5 and XSX can do comfortably.

Exactly. It’s not like they were gaining much, most games could do 1080p/60fps on the old generation anyway. 4K wasn’t enough of a selling point and consoles are mainly used on TVs so there’s no point in higher framerate support either. Games looked good enough for couch gaming on the old generation, so as you said, there was no point upgrading.

The Xbox One is like equivalent to a GTX 750, it’s ancient. The Xbox One X is more like a GTX 1060, so should still be servicable. But they are part of the same family, so they can’t make a game for one and not the other.

The problem with consoles is that they are outdated the day they release.

Just gotta ignore the lore unless you watch videos on it. I suppose you have to make your own goal in that game, there’s no set ending, you just grind until you are bored of it.

I really like the teamwork activities, raids etc. They added a really fun exotic mission which you can only duo, but the community complained you have to communicate with a partner, so probs wont get anymore of that ahaha.

Yup. Sony scammed themselves really with that one.

Destiny 2 is hard to get into as a new player, they kind of deleted all the initial story, so you kind of just get thrown in at the end now. Bungie never knew what to do with that game, they changed stuff randomly and could never decide what system they wanted.

The thing is though, it’s a very fun and fluid shooter, the core gameplay is some of the best out there, it just sucks the content gets repetitive and the DLCs are all overpriced.

It’s no surprise that Bungie were going to end up worse under Sony.

Weird, your client probably didn’t update, I am in families beta and it was there.

For an initial release yeah, but no real reason for them settings to not exist (in an advanced section if they are too scary for people), people are making their voice heard in the right channels though, so we just gotta hope Valve implement them.

It works pretty well, but kind of barebones at the moment, a lack of advanced audio and video settings lets it down.
The timeline feature is great though, being able to easily watch back your gameplay in real-time as it records.

They need support for multiple audio tracks, other codecs, resolution options, framerate options, different bitrate options. Also recording to memory absolutely needs to be an option so I’m not wearing down my disk by constantly writing to it.

Being in either beta gives you access to this. It’s right there on the webpage.

I suppose they would only find out when the account is still in use after 130 years.

Or if they cared to check payment details and such.

After being away from consoles for a long time now, they really have little appeal beyond their easy setup and cheaper hardware. The exclusives on any console are not worth buying a whole new console to play. There’s so much more value in PC gaming, the intial barrier of entry and possible technical problems just put people off.

I really think Steam Machines could make a major comeback now, the deck has proved the software side, SteamOS is much more mature.

Yeah the characters motives just randomly change to fit the plot and there’s never any logic behind their decisions.

While it’s pretty average as far as action drama shows go, it’s very easy watching! Was pleasantly surprised. I think it fails to establish a lot of things, so non-fallout fans might be a little confused sometimes. I think they could have gone a bit slower and properly introduced the wasteland, its people and its factions. Hopefully they increase the prop budget too, there’s not a lot of weight to things and you see them actually bend the foam power armor in one shot.

47 does provide a peak in the plots though? All the numbers ending in 7 do.

Oh I am. Blaming the end users still buying buggy shit too.

QA today seems to just be releasing software in whatever state and maybe fixing it later.

Yeah, the lack of offline installers sucks, but it still updates the game and you can copy them files away whenever you want.

There’s a lot of DRM-free games on Steam. It’s up to developers to use their DRM, it’s not a requirement by Valve.

Exactly, there’s valid complaints, but they are clutching at straws and just lying in their comment.

That would be a great addition, I could use it as a history of my hikes then!

What’s the scope of this, just a route catalogue or will it sort of become a hiking tracker as well?

Marketing, I for one had never heard of the app until the Apple fiasco they brewed up.