T: "Tay" (a mythical creature from Scottish folklore, often described as a small, elf-like being)
U: "Ufi" (a legendary creature from Native American folklore, said to resemble a small humanoid figure)
V: "Vim" (a mythical creature from Hindu mythology, sometimes depicted as a bird-like being)
W: "Wyy" (inspired by the Wyvern, a legendary creature similar to a dragon but with only two legs)
X: "Xin" (a mythical creature from Chinese mythology, often depicted as a lion-like beast)
Y: "Yen" (a legendary creature from Vietnamese folklore, resembling a large, serpent-like creature)
Z: "Ziz" (a mythical creature from Jewish mythology, described as a giant bird)
An Open Source UPS anyone - Eric S. Raymond
#! /usr/bin/sh
TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:$M:%S")
echo "backup to:$BACKUP_DEST"
rsync -auvh /path/to/homedir* rhudson@$BACKUP_DEST
This should be called with a name of a target subdirectory in BACKUP_DEST… mine are rsynca, rsyncb, rsyncc but I will change this soon for day of week based directories.
I also have certificate authentication setup on ssh on my server - that’s why no password is needed.
Someday I will set up tailscale between this machine and the server.
Every time I have asked chatgpt to code for me it has come up with almost correct nonsense. When issues in the code are pointed out, chatgpt generates new code fixing the issue and creating two more new ones. Some of the issues are using features found in other languages in the language requested.
Programmers - your jobs are not in danger. It will take a programmer to check any generated code really carefully and be sure to understand what the AI has spewed forth.
For something as simple as hello world it would get it right. For creating a function to print numbers with imbedded “,” commas (to show powers of 10^3 separation) it got it wrong. It gave a program that returned “123,4567.89”
Can you replace the CMOS battery with a supercapacitor that is kept charged? This should not need to be replaced every 4 years, I think.