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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Agreed. Why would a person need to look it up when the name literally describes it. Directed? Means connections are in a single direction. Acyclic? A-cyclic = non-cyclical, doesn’t have cycles. Graph is… well a graph.

Which part does the author think an average programmer should struggle with?

Most games, image processing libraries and other compute demanding libraries already use WASM in the browser. Have been for quite some time. It’s already widely used in every case where it provides a substantial benefit.

But writing for GUI, which is what 99% of JS is used for, WASM provides little benefit. The speed bottleneck is mostly in DOM manipulation. And every web GUI framework uses 200 npm packages with something like webpack. Getting that to somehow work with your WASM code would be a nightmare if it’s even feasible.

This is quite a bit worse than kicking a puppy. Of course, it’s horrible when puppies get kicked but ultimately they will be on. This, on the other hand would be a major set back to humanity, potentially permanent as our rights and privacy are erroded day by day.

That legitimately reads like it was written by a teenager who played a bunch of strategy games.

So much of it is “this is how it will be” in a prescriptive tone as if you can just will things into existence.

You could describe perfect capitalism in this exact manner, but obviously things don’t work in real life according to your perfect scenario.

Yeah, I really don’t know what widely used language is worse than Javascript besides php (which is hardly used in new projects).

Nope. Use it very often, though mostly usually with typescript.

Raw Javascript becomes a massive hindrance in any project past half a dozen files and 1000 lines.

Typescript makes it a lot more usable.

It is an overused joke, but it doesn’t make it any less true.

Being easy to understand is one of the primary goals of any programming languages.

The problem with Javascript is that it isn’t easy to understand. Javascript is easy to write.

That’s why it’s easy for novices to pick up and why it ends up being spaghetti code. It’s very unrestrictive and allows writing very poor code that works based on assumptions and breaks when the assumptions aren’t met.

It made sense at the time because it was just a scripting language for some minor website things, and you didn’t want your site to crash if your script ran into a problem.

Now it’s being used to write full fledged applications and it’s past design choices are still haunting it.

get your credit card stolen.

Let’s see… I don’t provide my credit card to anyone when pirating. The only way they are getting my credit card is breaking into my house. (no, mkv files can’t have viruses).

But I do need to provide my credit card info to HBO, which they store, on their likely poorly secured servers.

The number of credit cards stones from data leaks very likely exceeds the number of them stolen because someone got duped when trying to pirate.

Pretty sure HBO was willing go to for multiple more seasons (why would they not?), but Dumb and Dumber decided to rush the ending.

Just clarifying because it looks like by they you mean HBO.

That could indicate a lot of things. It would be very difficult to distinguish a torrent from something like cloud folder sync. And that would still be a statistical guess. No ISP is going to go after customers because their VPN traffic is potentially torrent traffic.

Besides, even if they could detect that torrenting is taking place, they will not know what data is being transferred from and to where. It’s a meme, but torrents are actually sometimes used for non-copyright infringing data.

Which will provide the motivation to remove DRM from the web standards, as it should have never existed in the first place.

We already have precedent that it’s entirely legal. Making an argument that individual scraping should be illegal is practically impossible.

Scraping in this context is just accessing a public web resource and rendering it locally. The only difference with a browser is a customized interface.

So to make scrapping illegal they would either make accessing a public web resource illegal (ban the internet) or make formatting the accessed web resource illegal (make it illegal to use any software to view the accessed public web material, including browsers).

It does to people who are absolutely obsessed with race and see it everywhere they look.

No, all your reasoning so far just comes to the conclusion that you will pay for ad-free Super Premium.

You’re paying for premium, but you’re not paying it to people producing the content you enjoy. You’re paying it to a middle man parasite. Content creators get a tiny fraction of your money.

Paying because they made it deliberately difficult to use without paying is akin to giving the bully your lunch money because it’s better “money value” than standing up for yourself. That’s not something I can do without losing respect for myself.

And my “trying to side step the ads” has so far taken a total of 30 seconds - installing uBlock origin, which I would have done anyway.

Besides, to use premium you need to be logged in. Being logged in Google outside of a contained environment is idiotic if you have a shred of respect for your own privacy.