• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I’d prefer that it function well with Kodi. Is the Kodi YouTube plugin any good

I think you have your answer right there, why not try it out and see how you like it?

Let’s encrypt also don’t provide client certificates, or intermediates that allow you to sign them, which really is a shame.

we still don’t have voting reform

If only there was somebody who campaigned on this promise!

You can have a look at systemd-nspawn and machinectl actually. Sounds like exactly what you’re looking for :)

Do I use a website to download songs off of YouTube or Spotify?

Soulseek and/or private trackers, both with a VPN.

Where should I store the music?

On a hard disk?

I’m running GrapheneOS

Android isn’t well suited for this. It’s fine for playing either by transfering your files or streaming them with something like subsonic, mod, etc.

Maybe sync with SyncThing?

This could work yeah.

What’s the best way to compress mp3 files but still retain the quality (even possible)?

By design MP3 is a lossy format, so no you cannot. What you want is FLAC, a lossless compressed format.

This isn’t an airport, you don’t need to announce your departure. Have fun in your bubble.

Yes and? What’s you’re point exactly? Does that somehow exuses it? Short term vision for short term goals. They’re about to get ejected, which they probably could have avoided if they had followed up on their promises.

Yeah I’m saying this because the current regime swore they would overhaul the electoral system during their first campaign.

Do what you promise or you’re out.

Yeah, like electoral system reform!

What you want is bind views. You can configure bind to resolve different views for different segments allowing you to have the same (sub) domains to different ips

He needs to be pressured into doing something he promised he would do? Sounds like toxic BS to me.

If only there was someone in power who campaigned on doing something about that!

First off you should realize that the registrar’s and domain name servers don’t have to be the same. Feel free to use any registrar (ex: namecheap, gandi, etc) and host the domain name server anywhere else.

Secondly, if you want a good API for dynamic updates, I’d recommend looking for something that supports nsupdate, which is bind’s built-in update mechanism. It’s supported almost everywhere, including by let’s encrypt clients like Lego.

PCIe absolutely does support disconnecting devices. It is a hot swap bus, that’s how ExpressCard works. But it doesn’t mean that the board/uefi implements it correctly.

I can almost guarantee you that very few (if any) service industry jobs are paying $34.95 per hour.

Even if it was, it means that two full time average salaries aren’t even enough to buy a less than average dwelling in any Canadian cities.

You should be good to go. Make sure vfio is loaded in the modules-load.d


Make sure the module options are set correctly and the kernel module is blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf

options vfio-pci ids=1000:0097
blacklist MODULE_NAME

Make sure.IOMMU is enabled in your kernel command line (ex via grub): intel_iommu=on iommu=pt

This is probably not complete, but it should get you pretty far into allowing you to add the pci device in the hardware config of your vm

First you need to start working on your reading comprehension, second if you’re gonna be so freaking wrong maybe you should done down the condescension, third even if you were right that the bank was on campus, it would still have happened on bank property.

The branch is on McGill AVENUE not on McGill CAMPUS.

Let me give you one final hint from the article so you can further practice your reading comprehension:

Craig was tipped off about an action taking place at the Scotiabank across from McGill University on April 15.

You see the part that says ACROSS FROM? It means “in front of”, not “on”.

Did you even read the article?

The 27-year-old journalist was arrested on April 15 while covering a sit-in at the Scotiabank on McGill College Ave


the protesters, processed in a room provided by Scotiabank (typically arrestees are taken to a police station for processing, but, in an unusual move, the bank offered police the use of their offices)

This didn’t happen at a university. It happened at the bank, specifically protesting the bank itself for its unethical investments.

CUT(V) has been a target of the SSPVM ever since the 2012 student strike. They were there, covering the protests, every. single. night. Right at the front when people were getting peppered, gassed, and beaten. Themselves getting harassed, attacked, beaten multiple times.

And they were doing it live (some of the first people to do such live streams). Their courageous and tireless coverage was a big part of why the protests evolved into a broader popular uprising. People saw live, every single night, what those students were going through. The SSPVM could never forgive them and still hold a grudge to this day.

All this to say, I’m not surprised in the least by this fascist behaviour.






Not sure about you latter point tbh. I run an email server, with nothing but grey listing and spamassassin and the amount of spam is absolutely minimal.

Proper config and fail2ban easily takes care of direct attacks.

Nevertheless, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone but the most determined.

The domain won’t change that. Even with a static IP if it’s coming from an ISP owned up block you’re likely going to get banned. Even with reputable VPS’ it’s hard. Make sure you have DMARC, DKIM, and SPF setup, but even then almost certainly going to get banned. The big player are creating and inherent monopoly instead of improving their spam filters.

As you’ve mentioned, I highly recommend you look at Prosody for the server. It is by far the easiest, but also really really good. The only thing ejabber might be better at is for extremely large deployments with failover and load balancing.

XMPP doesn’t use sip, it has its own protocol for voice and video calls (called Jingles). All servers, afaik, support it. On the other hand, SIP/RTP servers such as FreeSwitch and Asterisk do support Jingle bridging!

OMEMO and GPG support is purely a client side thing, so server support is irrelevant. Though some servers can be configured to refuse to pass unencrypted messages.

With XMPP bridges are usually implemented as external components (a feature built-into the XMPP standard). Slidge franeworm seems to be the latest and greatest in terms of external bridges: https://sr.ht/~nicoco/slidge/ a WhatsApp bridge is built using it: https://git.sr.ht/~nicoco/slidge-whatsapp

Sounds like your problem could easily be solved with a symlink…

Yes of course, with dm-crypt (luks), very little as AES-NI is incredibly fast.

If cheap (but reliable) is your main criteria, check out buyvm.net they’ve been solid over the years

GAC didn’t say whether Israel checked with Canada to ensure that no Canadian personnel were on site when the airstrike hit.

So they didn’t. There’s no reason to refuse to answer this question if they had.

Thanks for posting this update!

Canadian Embassy Damaged by IDF strike on the Iranian Consulate in Damascus.
I'm sure our fearless, strong back, foreign affairs minister will have strongly worded statements about a foreign state carrying an airstrike NEXT DOOR to one of our embassies and likely damaging it. Right? Right?.... https://maps.app.goo.gl/nVcGEGXxJckCs6Rt8 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/01/israeli-airstrike-on-iranian-consulate-in-damascus-kills-six-including-irgc-commander