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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Good post, agree with this. I enjoyed playing it a few years ago, don’t let the bastards get you down.

Ashe and Lux ftw.

I love this thread, so many people are recommending games to each other. Nice to see.

My answer is games like Skyrim where it’s a sandbox but you can pick up different quests. I know there’s a proper name for them but it escapes me.

I know there’s GTA which is a similar type but I want a more twee fantasy vibe

That explains why so much of my wishlist is on sale, I did wonder

I think there’s a time and a place for algorithmic feeds. When it comes to Facebook i personally think it makes sense to have a way of filtering the important things first, based on who you interact with. It’s a social network in the definitive sense; we care about some people more than others depending on where in the network they are. However we’ve seen how things go when Facebook use it with pages/news stories (which is really concerning).

For things like Twitter, I want chronological. It’s a real time platform based on sharing information across a larger audience. Its use in breaking news makes timing important. It’s largely gone to shit now because Musk, but in its heyday anyway.

Ideally there should always be a choice, or at least some transparency around how the algorithms work. That way everyone can choose what works for them based on how they use the platform.

While people have made some interesting comments on the downsides of megathreads, I’m glad we have a way of containing the Musk stuff. It gets a bit much.

To people who do have concerns though, if you’re tech minded maybe look at contributing to a way of improving the functionality of Lemmy. It’s in our gift to improve this place so if we can do something about it then we should, rather than passively complain when things aren’t how we want them to be.

I don’t know why Musk just didn’t do it this way instead, rather than wrecking a globally recognised brand.

Two Point Hospital on the PS5. Finding some of the levels harder on console than on PC for some reason, maybe I am expanding too quickly

This will have an impact on journalists who use Twitter to get tips for reporting. Seen some who were concerned this would happen

That sounds great. I think there should definitely be more educational games for grown ups along this line

League of Legends. I used to enjoy playing it but could only do so many games before I got sick of the angsty teenagers

The users are having a ‘Crab day’ where everyone gives each other crabs to try and help boost the finances. Will be interesting to see if it has an impact

That’s a good point. Plus they won’t be as embedded in the new place as they won’t have 10+ years of history on it. So moving becomes easier generally

I think we have to be mindful of the fact that ‘conservative’ means different things in different countries politically and there’s also a continuum on which conservatives (like left folk) are. I’m in the UK and personally loathe the Tories, but even within the Tory party there are more moderate conservatives as well as the batshit ones. Similarly, our Labour party is divided between the more socialist side of things and the centre ground side of the party. Also you can have fiscally conservative values but also be liberal/left leaning on other policy areas.

There’s nuance to be had and I don’t think talking in absolutes helps anyone. We can’t gain a greater understanding of how our world works if we shield ourselves from opposing perspectives.

That said, those on the transphobic, homophobic, racist side of the spectrum should 100% not be welcomed. No tolerance for intolerance.

It would be a shame if this community was just focused on the US, but at the same time maybe the community is a bit broad? At some point it might make sense to segment the community and define it more so one country doesn’t dominate discussion

Skyrim. It’s a beautiful game, even now when I play it I take a moment to just look at how gorgeous the scenery is. I love the quests and that you can own a horse/house/child/ get married. I love the potions and crafting and customisation.

I don’t think there are many games quite like Skyrim

Slightly off topic but do you find PS+ worth it? I’m toying with getting it at the moment

I found it surprisingly nuanced, one of the few games where I will sit through the cutscenes

I’d be surprised if they did it. Where I work we get a lot of subject access requests and we will generally try and get out of it if we can as it’s an annoying thing to have to do. Lots of people know this and put in requests just to piss us off (which I find amusing).

I have submitted a gdpr request myself (UK based so it applies) but not heard back yet. Think they have 28 days though so should get it soon.

Not seeing a lot of Lemmy instances on there yet. Hopefully more will follow as it gets closer

The EU has been good at holding phone manufacturers to account on this kind of thing, glad it’s gone through. I’ve had at least two phones die on me through the battery breaking, it shouldn’t be cheaper to just buy a new phone than get the battery replaced. So much waste.

Hoping us UK folk will see the benefit of this as I imagine it’s less effort to just bring the change about across the board than to be specific about geography.