• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Thanks Sagifurious, this person knows his trucks. But provides little to the conversation with their straw man fallacies, and troll like rebuttals.

A great example of a blockable account.

Look at this users profile, review their post contribution. Click the three dots to open the actions, and select block this user.

Blocking doesn’t happen instantly because of cached data in your browser, but it is very effective.

And that’s how we keep this space enjoyable to use.

Docker is a moderately sized step beyond VM.

I might recommend setting up VMs with something easy like VirtuaBox. When you have that figured out move on to Docker.

If your a casual user VMs are likely sufficient.

This sounds like the trolly problem. If you go down track A, then there are likely to be some horrible family murders. Or track B you will upset the NRA crowd.

… Wow this Rahini guy does sound like a poster child for this law, but

ultimately the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the law is unconstitutional because there was nothing like it in the 1790s

This is the way.

AKA don’t be this guy.

Don’t trust executables on your computer. A Windows VM in a Linux host that you revert to a prior snapshot of you’re really curious.

Wix.com Ltd. (Hebrew: וויקס.קום, romanized: wix.com) is an Israeli software company,

The conflict aside, WIX is a corporation with strong political and theological roots. Even if the technology is good, choosing that platform comes with baggage.

This is a redundant position, of course mega mergers are bad, he loses no support by holding this position. It is his job to be opposition.

The proper position to introduce law to change corporate taxation for monopolies.

Several things come to mind:

  • by giving your password to someone, you are essentially consenting to them accessing your data
  • your data should be backed up before you bring a device in so it can be wiped off if they need to access the OS
  • certified technologists exist and they have to adhere to a code of conduct
  • best buy and the ilk do not hire technologists… you get what you pay for
  • if a technician is paid to back up your data, then they need access to your data, if they find porn and if it’s bad, they will report you

This is something to be pissed about with Justin Trudeau. If the convoy had used freedom of information to their slogan they might have gotten somewhere.

It said it believed that any taxes owed after the audit would be reduced by up to $10bn based on tax laws passed by former President Donald Trump.

Joe did this

Here is the poll report:


Rather than blaming the ignorant about these issues. I think this report shows we need to do more work too support schools and raise the level of education on these important, and life saving curriculums and services.

https://archive.ph/rIo8n https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2023%2F09%2F23%2Fworld%2Fcanada%2Fjustin-trudeau-india.html > **On the mood of Canadians and voters in other Western nations:** > > It really sucks right now. Like, everything sucks for people, even in Canada. We’re supposed to be polite and nice, but, man, people are mad. > People are mad at governments because things aren’t going all that well and people are worried. So, yeah, it’s a tough time. > > We know things are going to start getting better. Inflation is coming down. We think interest rates are going to start coming down probably middle of next year. We’re launching massive housing investments. Hopefully, people are going to start seeing things get better. > > **On the political consequences of that mood:** > >People are anxious because that promise of progress no longer seems to hold. A sense of optimism is gone right now — or it’s at least really strained. There are challenges that people are facing that are undermining our sense that our institutions, that our democracies are actually functioning well. > > They’re falling into the trap that there are simple, easy answers that fit on a bumper sticker or in a TikTok video for any and all of these questions. And that’s where the populism comes through and the anti-enlightenment mistrust of experts and facts and science that is running rampant in aggressively populist circles. But it is a very compelling narrative to turn to. When you can’t put food on the table, when you’re scared to walk down the street, you’re more likely to vote for a strongman that says, ‘Everything’s going to be OK, even if I’m going to take away some of your freedoms or some of your rights.’ > > That’s the thing that worries me. > > The way to solve that isn’t to come out with better slogans. It’s to actually solve the challenge of people being optimistic about the future and feeling: Oh, there is a path for me to be successful.

Thomas has for 25 years been a regular at the Grove, an all-men’s retreat held on a 2,700-acre property in California

That’s quite the sausage festival https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove

Opinion: I saw my father reflected in the faces protesting against LGBTQ rights and sex ed
The people who have to face social issues like this are incredible humans. When faced with being an outcast from your family, or being the person you really are, the traumas that many transgendered people have risen above is inspiring. As many signs have said at the counter protest. SOGI saves lives.

Yeah, I can understand how a group like the Sikh population in India, or the Quebecois in Quebec would like to be away from a government telling them how to do things.

I also agree, in Canada at least, that we are better together. Learning to live with our differences will make us stronger.

The protest in Nanaimo today saw a larger attendance by the Pro-SOGI side. We had better flags and banners. We took the high ground with our numbers.

What a douchy thing to say. I hope Zelensky looks him straight in the eye and slaps him silly.

Interesting article. I don’t know anything about Sikhs or the the politics and history behind Kalistan.

But trying to relate, I’m thinking of Albertans in Mexico rallying for Wexit, and I giggle to myself.

Fortunately, our parliamentary system of government gives the citizens more power over our elected officials.

We have had government’s be forced over to the opposition bench because a majority of house seats joined together to form a government.

We’ve also had recalls that have worked. So yes I agree the CPC represents a zany reality of govt. I don’t think they would be able to pull off the same hijinks.

Or on this case add a policy to penalize those who don’t measure up to your imaginary stick.

Thank-you for bringing that up. I laughed when I saw it. I’m surprised he isn’t wearing a harness, hi vis, and a hard hat.

If you watch the video, you can see the platform in the executive parking lot lifts him up to use the Shaw workyard as a background. This way he doesn’t have to get his shoes dirty.

What a putz

The central feature of Poilievre’s plan is a policy that ties federal funding to housing starts.

Which creates more bureaucracy on to of an already bureaucratic system. Genius

Forcing cities to levels of growth whether they have infrastructure or not. If they don’t have the ability to meet that number they will be penalized seeing cities further back causing more problems.

As if we don’t already have enough problems.

Poilievre releases housing plan he says would ‘build homes, not bureaucracy’
> The central feature of Poilievre's plan is a policy that ties federal funding to housing starts. Which creates more bureaucracy on to of an already bureaucratic system. Genius

Okay, you got me. The G&M, the conservative shill piece that it is, put out an article that leads the reader in a couple of circles to come around and ponders this thought…

What can be said about population growth is that it makes the costs of bad policy more apparent. If it means we are now beginning, at long last, to have a serious conversation about the barriers to investment and housing construction that have bedevilled this country for decades, then hallelujah for all those extra people, and let’s have lots more.

As you pointed out the article isn’t blaming increased immigration. But it also isn’t pointing fingers at property for profit. Instead the problem eludes to barriers to investment and housing construction.

Typical G&M flame bait. Blaming immigrants and JT for the immigration policies. Let’s toss in the health care problems too. Why are the liberals doing this to us? Crocodile tears

No mention of speculative investment in housing, greedy landlords jacking up rents, corpo land holdings, foreign land holders, claw backs on infrastructure grants, complicated building laws, red tape and all that.

This tripe from the Postmedia network is more distraction from the real news.

November 2019, Postmedia announced[25] that 66% of its shares were now owned by Chatham Asset Management, an American media conglomerate which owns American Media, Inc., and is known for its close ties to the Republican party.[26] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postmedia_Network

Update: Whoops. Here I’m talking shit about G&M and they are not owned by Postmedia. I’m not a fan, but I did misrepresent the paper, and this article. I suppose that I’m so used to conservative shit, that I might scan articles leaning to the right. I’ll do better.

I was sick, so I could tolerate the presentation which had high-end effects.

A UAV flys through the desert over the Apple building into the center garden, it approaches Tim Cook standing on à lawn. He starts speaking in his mechanical ceo way. A lot more effects like this.

The watch

  • new processor with cores dedicated to ml. Monitoring your bio markers for finger traps and other gestures. It also processes voice commands so you don’t need to be tethered to the internet to figure out what your saying.
  • a fear based marketing, the presentation opens with shiny people who have been assisted by the watches bio monitoring. Heart attack, hypothermia, car accident, etc. Apple watch is always watching you.
  • 18 hrs battery life, so you have to remove it to charge it everyday. So while your sleeping? But put it back on before you wake up so you can snooze by tapping your fingers together. Also if you’re likely to have a heart attack at night, wear the watch so it can wake you up.
  • satellite emergency SOS, and road side assist. USA only
  • carbon neutral. Recycled metals,…
  • features you will use everyday (repeat 15x)
  • pro version

The phone

  • recycled metal, carbon neutral, cute scene presenting Apples eco foot print to mother nature played by Octavia Spencer
  • cameras
  • something something USB3, no mention of external displays or using with dock to use as computer
  • easily replaceable back glass
  • a design that makes it easier to repair
  • pro version in titanium


  • MacBook Air 15

An impressive presentation. Engineering is amazing. Still, your locked into their walled garden. And they can keep you juiced with dopamine as long as you give them money.

I came for the pulling out gags, but was disappointed and left

Health Canada says:

Starting in fall 2023, it’s recommended that you get an updated COVID-19 vaccine dose if it’s been at least 6 months:

  • since your last COVID-19 vaccine dose or
  • since you last had COVID-19 (whichever happened later)

I got my vaccination last month, so I will get this at the end of February 2024

In a 6-month span, a 16-month-old baby and both her parents died of suspected drug toxicity.

This opioid crisis is getting worse.

This entire family died of suspected overdoses.
In a 6-month span, a 16-month-old baby and both her parents died of suspected drug toxicity. This opioid crisis is getting worse.

Not GoDaddy.

Other than that, go by price and reputation. The DNS service can be replaced pretty quickly for free if their DNS service is a problem. I usually register on DreamHist.com. Then use the free DNS service on CloudFlare.com

If the woman who travels to Canada to get an abortion, and faces legal issues at home because of that, then they should be able to claim refugee status.

pp’s answer to COL is not to increase minimum wage, not create affordable avenues for buying housing, but to lower the price of oil. To create more pipelines to get tar-sands “oil” to market, and subsidize the oil companies to produce greener options.

This hypocrite is a corporate stooge. A fascist pig, dolled up to appeal to the dim witted. A God’s man that will shove his religious shit down or throats.

Yeah, I’m triggered by this bullshit

You might be right, and prices may come down. I am ignorant on goes on with pricing, but what I do see is the farmers are not thriving, and fresh food is always getting more expensive.

Yet Loblaws is able to post amazing profits, and they are the lower priced stores, the more independent stores are struggling to compete and they have to mark up their prices even more.

So my opinion is that farmers and smaller stores are struggling, but middlemen are thriving. This is based on those observations. My lack of trust in corporate models is based on profits over people.

I agree, Putin is disturbing the supply chains for food. But then I wouldn’t think that all food would be affected as it is.

If your looking for someone to blame, blame capitalism. Middlemen who do nothing more than game the prices of your food. Ripping off the farmers, and then jacking up the price of the end product.

The carbon tax just enables them to mark up the price more.

The conservatives voted for body autonomy and ban mask mandates… and then banned body autonomy for transgendered children

JT did legalize pot. But if they want to send the cpc back to the dark ages, get rid of FPTP.

Looking good. Now if they could just tax the rich we’d be set.

The national unemployment rate was unchanged at 5.5 per cent in August amid a gain of 40,000 jobs, Statistics Canada said Friday.

Canada’s population growth outpaced job gains in the month, according to the agency.

I haven’t dabbled in hard drugs, but this seems like an altered perspective.

Has he been sitting in front of the computer for a couple of years sucking on a pipe and letting flame bait reprogram his mind?