Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 23, 2023


I’m just skimming this thread, but paragraph 2 is basically fact. I’m on my second synology box, the UI is simple and I want reliability, I don’t want shit to break because of a git push on some bullshit tool. But recently I snatched a Lenovo server and threw proxmox and Debian on it, and also got a vps.

The synology is actually pretty capable, especially if it can do docker, and if you are willing to venture into (as a beginner) copy/pasting commands from the internet into the task scheduler as a half-assed way to get at the terminal, it can do literally everything that I want. But I’m a geek, why should I keep a stable, reliable system as my only machine? :p

My synology does files, some docker stuff. Lenovo does a couple docker stuff, BOINC since it’s just idling most of the time, and docker for game and related hosting on my vps. Hell, this entire thing could be ‘just add a network folder, and install docker and dockge/portainer’.

Though (paragraph 3) I tried and didn’t like TrueNAS. Maybe it’s because the synology does it already, I was just exploring, but it has that ‘foss feel’ where you have no idea what you are doing, even when you know what all the pieces do, and it just kinda is like ‘here you go, figure it out’ and leaves. I remember the UI being equally… ‘designed by a programmer’ let’s say. It might be powerful but oof, slick it ain’t.

Windows: exists

Crowdstrike: stabs

You: why would Microsoft stab themselves?

there is just one

Well it’s cloudflare, not cloudsflare. Maybe overcasthosting, or sunblockservers…

cheapest is $670

Holy shit nope.jpg

But can I get personal with it? snaps fingers as lights dim, smooth jazz starts to play

Ah so they are Delta.

What, you wanted to sit?! Extra money. Bag? Extra money. Oxygen? Extra money.

Every other service: “oh yeah, oops” scratches that feature off the free plan

You: “no wait not like that”

Look ma, you can fit a whole jpg on one of these!

Ma: oh I thought those were coasters

I just moved my home assistant docker container to a new-to-me Xeon system. It also runs a couple basically idle tasks/containers, so I threw BOINC at it to put it to good use. All wrapped up with Debian 12 on proxmox…

(I needed USB support for zigbee in ha, and synology yanked driver support from dsm with the latest major version, so ‘let’s just use the new machine’…)

If you remember, reply back - someone else will surely run across this and have the same question!

Ah - I actually moved away from Memos (I just wasn’t using it and it was taking resources for no benefit) so I can’t actually directly help, buuuuuut I want to be optimistic and assume that the ‘feature’ was removed given the page 404ing.

You could use something like NextDNS (or any other DNS solutions that offer logging, I just use ND on my network), set up as the server’s DNS provider, and see if the domain (above) shows up in the logs after a couple days. Though if you’re running other software alongside it, then it might not be from Memos, which can lead you down a ‘disable, wait, check, repeat’ rabbit hole. But that’s how I would do it, myself.

Sorry I don’t have a quick and easy solution for you :(

Is anyone going to tell them about stack overflow, or…

I got what I wanted (a proper cmr drive of the same capacity and speed) and I wasn’t terribly interested in like $8 that would show up a year later. I just wanted to have my data safe on the correct hardware, and for cs to recognize and remedy the issue.

Now if the array had failed and I’d lost data (which from what I’ve read, I was very lucky to not have that happen), absolutely. But I was just angry from being bait-and-switched, and I’m ‘old school’ where loyalty still means something. That’s the only time I’ve had issues with wd; I’ve had drives fail, and there has been no argument, no question, and it’s pretty rare/special circumstances (1kW psu went kaboom, for example). I value cs that just helps the customer, not grilling them for every detail to weasel out of a claim. So yeah they burned some goodwill, but I still have dropped ~2k on drives since then.

I remember this - I had just bought my second drive for my nas (raid1, original drive cmr), and it was performing like shit. The next day, news broke about this bullshit and a couple days later, the suit was started. I was fucking pissed, the drives were still having trouble, with terabytes of irreplaceable data at risk while the two drives struggled to mirror. I got in contact with wd and after some back and forth bullshit, I straight-up threatened to join the class and blacklist wd for all my personal, family/friends, and client’s builds, if they didn’t rma the drive immediately and send me a cmr replacement. I’ve been 100% wd for over 20 years, and I have decent reach as to what I recommend and buy for people.

They sent me a cmr drive via express shipping. I continue to buy wd drives (two more disks in that machine, an external backup, an internal desktop pcie raid0 nvme+card, an internal backup drive for my desktop, a backup ssd for one of my laptops…), but with much more scrutiny. I did not join the class, but it’s still a black mark in my book. I’ve been thinking about giving Toshiba a whirl, their drive reviews look good. Maybe next upgrade…

Afaik it’s the “bsod” of *nix systems

I bought a used machine a couple weeks ago and am setting it up (1st bare metal build), prox with debian vm running docker. I found it annoying that pm doesn’t support it natively but the ability to do snapshots through pm is nice, and let’s me fuck around more than I would otherwise, slowly build up a machine.

But almost all of the stuff I have running on other machines is just docker containers, so it would be nice if pm just added a checkbox during install or something. (I want to poke at and learn pm, plus mess around with other vms, that’s why I didn’t do straight Debian)

I’ve played the 2D very briefly, but it was before my time so I lack the nostalgia and interest. Seeing the car transform was freaking awesome at the time, so futuristic. I was a kid back then and obtaining all secondary objectives was legitimately hard, but provided replay value.

I’d really like to see another, but I don’t know if whoever has the IP has any interest, or is even in business anymore.

“why are the servers all fucking each other?”

SpyHunter was a great game (the 3D ones). I still have both (?) for Playstation.

“honeyyyy, I figured out our vacation plans!”

Well, except when a second drive dies 36 hours later and suddenly you are panicking…

Something something don’t let ‘good’ be the enemy of ‘perfect’

Me, two+ decades into tinkering and still a dumbass: “look at me, I’m the expert admin now”

I had B2 a few years ago and it wasn’t that cheap, even though everyone raved about it. I moved to synology’s c2 backup, which is like a dollar fifty more a month but is well-integrated with their nas OS. But I’m up against the 1TB limit and to get more I’d have to get another TB. I thought Hetzner was the solution for this with their storage box but now I’m worried. And price-wise, 5TB of Hetzner is about the same of 2TB with synology c2… blah.

Any suggestions for bulk storage? I use their storage box for off-site backups of the nas critical data (a touch over 1TB). It’s my tertiary backup (another off-site, a local full, and this) but I was testing it to replace my current off-site.

I’ve asked my vps provider about it, and it’s on the roadmap but not yet ready, so I’ve been lightly searching around.

30 character

You’ve gotta pump those numbers, those are rookie numbers. (I have a vps that has several times that figure)

Thank you, I was using another wg image but this is much nicer :D

Taking a brief look at that blog post, the author doesn’t know that wt can be set to only notify… Or that wt can be set to act at specific date or time… It’s like they never looked at the wt env variables at all, just yolo defaults and then complain that it doesn’t do what they want out of the box (‘because my settings are the best and they should clearly be the default for everyone!’). For someone who spent much time exploring other options and complaining, they didn’t take ~10 minutes to learn that the initial issue was indeed themselves.

(I use wt and set up many options to avoid these issues, successfully)

I use Dockge (in addition to portainer as a ‘something went sideways and I need more capabilities’), which has this ability built-in. It’s quite nice.

$5 per year? Que? My vps provider gave me a pretty smoking deal, but it’s still a few dollars a month.

Where is this like 40 cent a month provider?

Basically this, but update the system, then install GrapheneOS, set that up, setup Google, setup bitwarden, start to load apps from Obtainium, setup each (and uninstall the app from the old device as I go). Then gp apps, same thing. Then device settings. Using FX file manager at some point to login to my nas and pull config and backup files, as necessary.

Takes me a full day, but I can be confident that I have everything migrated and not have to do anything else. I use my phone for many things (tasks.org, calendula, the usual calendar and email, banking…) and also for safety/reassurance (all my medical details are input and updated whenever there is a change, my watch detects falls and has LTE if my phone is dead, etc) which is very important to me being disabled.

It’s a bitch to do but once you have a rhythm, it’s actually pretty much zombie auto-pilot. The initial setup for bitwarden (g play) which has the prerequisite of Google (account) as a whole without having a simple way to input passwords 60+ characters long quickly is oof. Once I had bw ready, it’s just boom boom boom. I get a new phone whenever a family member needs to upgrade to my current one, so it can be a yearly process, or like 3 years. The new device keeps me excited and powering through the dull process.

“security theater” my guy it’s not x-ray scanning them, it’s so the Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t try and convert me, so when I am taking a shit I can see it’s just the delivery guy and not someone I need to run out with my pants around my ankles, it’s so I can communicate with the neighbors that lock themselves out again asking when I’ll be back from errands.

Picking a camera vendor that doesn’t give out data like a 2-bit trick isn’t terribly difficult. Not every company is Amazon. Calm down, you’ve been watching way too many cop dramas.

How to display the fact that you didn’t do any double-checking before posting 101. It takes 5 seconds to do a search query, cmon.

All the *arr programs are usually file-sharing related, but come on. Quit your finger-wagging.

I very recently spun up a vps and wanted to limit resources; I use docker-compose so this was the info I needed https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/compose-file-v3/#resources

I prefer my power delivered by FedEx myself

Does that work for devices not listed? I’ve got 2 KP125 and a few other things. It works fine but would be nice to decouple.