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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Can we talk about how utterly absurd it is that there isn’t an obvious answer to this question yet? Feels like we’ve gone backwards from the AIM Direct Connect of old.

“That sign can’t stop me because I can’t read!”

I always thought it was weird to model a game avatar after myself. I always roll the “random character” button (shout-out Monster Factory) when it’s available, keeps things simple.

Interesting project but this write-up has a bizarre focus on number of lines of code, which doesn’t appear to differ substantially between the two approaches.

RE your edit: I also support that conclusion and I’m glad you’ll give it a shot yourself. A mindset that helps me is this: commenting is part of the iterative code writing process. When I’m struggling to put a concise and understandable comment above some code, it almost universally means that there’s something about the code itself I should arrange more clearly. This is your chance to do some rubber ducking, it’s valuable to both you and the next person to read your code!