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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


I’m amazed RedReader doesn’t get more love. It was my chosen third-party app before the API changes and it continues to function flawlessly (with the exception of NSFW content) after the changes. I have stopped browsing Reddit at this point, but feel that a list like this really should celebrate RedReader more…

I hope y’all are right, but I doubt it… It seems like gaslighting works just fine so far in politics.

We all know what it means.

Except for me, apparently. I’ll have to update my vocabulary: backlight can mean front light.

E-ink displays are opaque. The Kindles with illumination use side-lighting with a layer of plastic that guides the light across the surface of the device. They are effectively front-lit using LEDs situated around the perimeter of the screen.

You can’t backlight e-paper. You could get a book light, though!

If you participate in killing someone, you should feelare literally guilty.

I mean, that’s what the word means.

Consider using Ungoogled Chromium on desktop or Cromite on Android.

and Karl, at least, has incentive to string his lawsuit out as long as possible.

What is his incentive? Sorry, I watched a couple of the videos but haven’t been following too closely.

I never knew about this. It seems strange to me that they’d give work permits to others but not their culturally, ethnically similar neighbors. I wonder why they’d prefer to give permits to others?

I was you once. In 2018, I bought a dumb, black-and-white laser printer (Brother HL-L2300D). It has done nothing but print whenever asked. I’ve only had to change the toner once (to be fair, I print infrequently). It doesn’t require special software. It was cheap. I highly recommend going this route.

I think the previous poster might not have been being serious.

You should be able to set the region and the language independently, right? What if you’re an English speaker living in Germany, for example?

True. Me too. The fact that you can degoogle some Android phones while you cannot de-apple iphones makes the lie of omission particularly vicious.

Why not just get the storage box and run the Nextcloud instance with the storage box mounted? Just curious.

Well, in this case, it is a lie of omission. It is true that Android devices are massive trackers. But, so are Apple devices.

Yes, for someone with limited Linux experience, Unraid is a better choice than Proxmox. And, the experience gained through configuring Unraid will be applicable should you want to move to Proxmox later.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I’m sorry for not seeing it for so long! If you can believe it, I just discovered the “inbox” in my lemmy app and am going through all the things people said to me over the past month.

This whole topic is really interesting to me. I hear what you’re saying and imagine the distinctions you’re drawing between these models and real brains are significant. I can’t help but wonder, though, if we, as humans, might be poorly equipped to recognize the characteristics of emerging intelligence in the systems we create.

I am reminded vaguely of the Michael Crichton book Andromeda Strain (it has been many years since I read it, granted) wherein an alien lifeforms based on silicon, rather than carbon, was the major plot object. It is interesting to think that something like an alien intelligence might emerge in our own networked systems without our noticing. We are waiting for our programs to wake up and pass the Turing test. Perhaps, when they wake up, no one will even see because we are measuring the wrong set of things…

Fair, but I’m just saying, we can still catagorize upsetting things as upsetting, even if, personally, we’ve achieved equanimity with respect to our inability to effect any immediate change.

Not sure why everyone is so upset

Because it’s upsetting. The fact that it has been upsetting for years doesn’t make it no longer upsetting.

The attitude that old news shouldn’t be upsetting enables upsetting behavior. And, quite frankly, I find that upsetting :-)

And, if they can disclose in such cases, one should assume that they might disclose in any case.

These hidden boxes are just big table looks that use some sort of fancy interpolation/extrapolation engine

Could the same not describe the human brain?

So long as Gabe is at the helm, I’ll bet they’ll keep being rad. Once he’s gone, though, the enshittification will undoubtedly begin.