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  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


This will be their live trial on web attestation, and they’ll use it as a “see how well this works here? We can roll out to the entire web” test. Google needs to be degoogled.

Ah. I misunderstood. I thought the store answers the call. If Google answers, that could be a problem for custom roms, censorship, and privacy.

Is the Aurora store affected by this? Technically, it downloads it from Play Store, doesn’t it? So it shouldn’t be affected, right?

that sounds like a value added write up.

Lowercase .lan uppercase .LAN…

Straight to jail

While true, to accomplish this, cf becomes a MitM, effectively making seeing encrypted traffic obsolete, as all traffic goes through cf unencrypted, before being re-encapsulated by cf again.

Edit, maybe I wasn’t clear. It isn’t a MitM attack, but it is a MitM (by design, it must be). In the wrong hands or the wrong management or under the wrong government, it could be the attacker, as it’s in the perfect position to do so, but I highly doubt it will be in the current environment.

We use libreNMS. Its docs state that it will do this, but we only use the uptime monitoring feature, so I can’t arrest as to how well it will monitor everything else.

If the db gets corrupted, you lose your notes? Or are the notes stored in md files?

And its syntax is nothing like python haha

I mean… they do have protein, fruits, and such, so, yes. But I was craving some pasta. I guess a crepe is like a sweet pasta. I did feel the craving vanish… …

I was traveling this week, and saw a couple very obviously AI-generated billboards for the city’s downtown. Something about downtown eats or something. They were, and I’m being extremely nice here, absolutely hideous. I have never, in all my life, seen such ugly billboards. And, while they were different, they were basically the same thing (does that make sense? Them being different, but the same? Not really sure how else to describe it). I was actually looking for a place to eat, and those things deterred me from going downtown. Ended up finding this cute little coffeeshop in some random side road. No food, but holy crap the coffee and crepes were good!

Haha! Oh, man!

It’s definitely a skill, but not one I would expect to see on a resumé. I do mention it in interviews, that I don’t know everything, but I can find out. Then they ask how, and I say that I know how to use search engines. But I akin it to “keyboarding”. It is a skill, but it’s something you’re expected to know by now and shouldn’t be added to a resumé.

This is worse than some of the resumés I’ve seen, with “proficient with Google search” [or “google” as a soft skill].

I haven’t used it, but couldn’t you use the mobile version of the useragent string?

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/W.X.Y.Z Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)

I was on the fence, until I heard it’s on Threads. Hard pass.

You wouldn’t shoot a policeman. And then steal his helmet. You wouldn’t go to the toilet in his helmet. And then send it to the policeman’s grieving widow. And then STEAL IT AGAIN!

I do that at home (not the webmaster bit), but at work I’m usually in a hurry and switching between different admin panels, so it’s constantly set to something that will work with ABM, intune, and MS admin (there are more admin panels, but those the ones always giving me the “your browser is not supported” bs). Not chrome, though.

I always spoof the ua. Not for privacy (though it helps), but because some sites artificially break for certain browsers or OSs and work perfectly fine when they think you’re on a different browser. The artificial restriction should be illegal, but it isn’t.

Had the same issue. I changed my user agent to safari on macos, and haven’t had an issue since.

Linretube only works for me about 50% of the time. I tend to default to NewPipe because of this. Both are great, when they work, though. FreeTube for desktop is amazing. The ONLY thing I don’t like it about it, is that download progress isn’t shown (they’re working on that, I think).

My understanding of the three platforms, too. Interesting how similar people congregate in platforms.

Didn’t this happen a couple months ago? I’ve been using UBO after the update and NewPipe (Android)/FreeTube (desktop) before that without issues. The new thing they’re doing is the 5 second delay for Firefox users.

So, this is why the laptop reboots while in my bag. Cool -_-

To do that, I would need VPN, and my ISP shuns VPNs (they tend to block it or block you).

Nah. It’s important to share, but with proper title, like the one you edited. Thanks!

Rip and index DVDs?
Are there any automatic or semiautomatic tools that will rip a set of DVDs from a tv show, and label the resulting vids (like *Show name - s##e##* or similar)? I want to digitize entire series (of DVDs I own) for an in-home streaming server, and it's super annoying to name each file individually.