Trailblazing Braille Taser
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2023


I don’t understand any of these analogies at all

I learned MIPS as an undergrad. Pretty neat little RISC architecture.

I mean technically I could write an interpreter that assigns semantics to HTML constructs.

Oh dang, sorry about that. I’ve used rclone with great results (slurping content out of Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.), but I never actually tried the Google Photos backend.

You could try using rclone’s Google Photos backend. It’s a command line tool, sort of like rsync but for cloud storage.

Cryptocurrency is not necessarily anonymous. Buying bitcoin from a broker leaves a record connecting your payment method to your wallet. Even if you mine them yourself, doesn’t your IP address show up on the public ledger? I guess if you somehow bought bitcoin in cash…

Is there a more private cryptocurrency I’m not considering?

I have to run the .ps1 script in a new Command Prompt because the compilation takes a few minutes

I don’t follow this reasoning. Is it because you don’t want to take over the VSCode terminal with a long command? Couldn’t you can open multiple tabs, or run in the background, or use screen/tmux, etc.?

I don’t understand how conservatives can be so fucking stupid that they don’t understand that our entire planet and biosphere crumbling and dying beneath us will cost the economy.

Some would rather kick the can down the road. They figure they’ll die before shit gets real.

GNU Raster Editing Program - GREP

Graphical Image Tool - GIT

Photo Editing with Raster Layers - PERL

Visual Image Manipulator - VIM

The implications of “magic is data” are fun. It leads to stories like Unsong where you can brute-force enumerate incantations until you find a good one. I also like the concept of Wizard’s Bane. I haven’t read it, but my understanding is that magic turns out to be Turing-complete, and the protagonist creates a LISP evaluator in magic, which enables them to outcast their enemies who are still doing the magical equivalent of writing assembly.

That it’s dry and boring and even I must hate it because there’s no place for creativity in a technical field.

Haha agreed, if we’re talking about kilobytes of missing data brute forcing is intractable.

There may be structure to exploit in the data format. E.g. if you’re recovering missing content from a book written in English, you can probably get away with enumerating only printable ASCII and 90% of the letters will be lowercase.

But practically, I am unconvinced because the information density is pretty high on the kinds of things people like to torrent.

On average it’ll take 2^(n-1) guesses to reconstruct 2^n bits, so… depends on how many hashes / sec you can do.

The third contender: the mighty embedded developer.

Why can’t we see them?

They are embedded in the wall. 🥁

The fun thing is that it’s basically unquantifiable how large the risk is. We only know about vulnerabilities after we find them!

If TPB tells you to download a malicious MKV file, it might be specially crafted to exploit a vulnerability in your video player. For instance, VLC had a vulnerability in 2019:

The editor would need to start counting lines at zero.

Did you ever use their WiFi? Joining on historical IP addresses would be easy.