Vancouver, BC, Canada

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Every time I hear this word firefish, I cannot help but be reminded of the phrase “turds of the firefish”, which appears quite randomly in one of Orson Scott Card’s novels.

Thanks for this. I’ll check his books out.

I even explicitly called out my statement as tongue-in-cheek, so it’s not to be taken 100% seriously. And full disclosure: I myself am not a PHP developer, but much worse: a PowerShell developer, among other languages.

This is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but kbin generally requires its users to be either unaware it is written in PHP or OK with using something written in PHP. That has to exert some selective pressure.

I am both a (T-)SQL expert and a language design enthusiast. IMO, SQL the language is mediocre in its grammar and extremely resistant to cleanliness. Once you get past that, the things you can actually do with it are extremely useful.

I’d love for a better syntax to exist, but it’s a Herculean task to make one. Modern SQL dialects have gargantuan, labyrinthine grammars, and they grow with each new product version. It’s a lot easier to keep adding to that than to build a feature-complete replacement. This is also the reason why most ORMs are so frustratingly limiting: it’s too much work to support the advanced features of one SQL dialect, let alone multiple.

Just heard of this service but I am signing up first thing tomorrow.

I don’t think any one thing is gonna be a magic fix. We gotta do all the things rather than focus on just one aspect.

I’m ready for it to pop and the consequences thereof. I know I will have to shoulder some of the burden. Too bad that businesses love to privatize gains and nationalize risks, but that’s the mess we’re in.

To copy another of my comments, I don’t buy this “but the economy” line. It smacks of “too big to fail”, and I think that occasional failure is necessary and healthy.

Yes, I am ready for that. I don’t buy this “but the economy” line. It smacks of “too big to fail”, and I think that occasional failure is necessary and healthy.

Arc aims to be more than just a place to view webpages

Personally, that’s all I want a browser to be. Anything more is useless bloat, IMO.

I have listened since the time it was the Engadget podcast, then This Is My Next, then the Vergecast. Yes, it’s fluff and not deep technical info, but it’s really useful for keeping up with the overall zeitgeist of the tech industry. Also it’s often funny. It’s a nice, refreshing thing to listen to while making coffee on a Friday.

Windows 11 is Linux like my car is a Bluetooth headset.

That fixes the main problem with Clippy, which was not using a blockchain.

C derivatives are similar in terms of things like imperative control flow, lower-case keywords like if, mostly insignificant whitespace, { }-delimited blocks, etc., but they can be vastly different in terms of features, semantics, idioms, and typical use cases.

It’s like how non-programming languages can use the same Latin alphabet but be vastly different in terms of grammar and culture.

A relative of mine works in the same room as 911 call-takers in western Canada. They’re having a big problem with this.

I don’t think writing would make it any more likely a Russian mafioso would keep to any agreement for longer than five seconds.

Python is easy to learn and marketable. I personally prefer Ruby to Python, but Python is a good place to start. For most AAA games, it’s C++, and yes it’s horrendously complex. I vastly prefer Rust to C++. Good old C is actually a fairly small language, and only moderately difficult.

Oh, good. If there’s one type of entity I trust to lead humanity safely through some sort of existential risk, it’s for sure a venture capital firm.

I’ll give it a go. Also testing Mlem, BTW.

I was so looking forward to this year’s Canada-Russia picnic at the north pole.