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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 13, 2023


what kind of config file is short enough to fit on a single screen with line breaks?

Alright, the YAML spec is a dang mess, that I’ll grant you, but it seems pretty easy for my human eyes to read and write. As for JSON – seriously? That’s probably the easiest to parse human-readable structured data format there is!

Some data formats are easy for humans to read but difficult for computers to efficiently parse. Others, like packed binary data, are dead simple for computers to parse but borderline impossible for a human to read.

XML bucks this trend and bravely proves that data formats do not have to be one or the other by somehow managing to be bad at both.

Fun fact: Python is not named after an animal! It’s named after the comedy group Monty Python’s Flying Circus.

Come on. Be realistic. Chrome has 70% browser market share and people are already used to tacking “Reddit” onto the end of their search queries to find useful information. If anything this will have no effect besides steering people towards Google.

LLMs are predictive associative token algorithms

Ah, so they produce parts of words instead of whole words at a time. Totally different.

with a degree of randomness and self reflection.

And they’re hooked up to random number generators so if you give it the same input twice you’ll get different output. Totally makes it smarter.

A key aspect is that anything can be a token

…much like predictive text. Rarely will you find one that doesn’t suggest punctuation on occasion.

they can self feed their own output

…much like predictive text.

as well as output control input for other algorithms.

Oh, so you can tell it to suggest certain tokens more or less often. How fancy.

It remains to be seen whether the core of human intelligence is much more than that.

I mean, I’d say the ability to visualize things and reason about scenarios it hasn’t experienced before are a good start.

Bit by bit Proton is slowly becoming Brave

Oh boy, I can’t wait to see what has already happened to streaming services happen to search engines!

Where did I say that? Of course we should vote blue. But let’s not delude ourselves into thinking they already agree with us on issues we’re going to have to protest for.

in answer to your question, this leak is almost certainly fake

I tried to visit the site again when I saw your comment and discovered the DNS record had disappeared between when I wrote that comment and now. Fascinating. It must have been taken down and the change took a while to propagate. Judging by the fact that I could see anything at all before my ISP’s nameserver got the memo, the 404 page that was there seems to still be up even though the DNS record that got you to it is gone – wish I had thought to nslookup it when I still could. If I had to take a guess, though, it probably resolved to the same IP address as the twitter.okta.com domain.

are you absolutely positive the democrats give a shit about antitrust regulations? Biden did actively strike break.

an operating system that allows third-party ring 0 access

Linux with eBPF:

The short answer is no, and even if we could, the digit index you’d start at would have a larger binary representation than the actual data you were trying to encode.

I would suggest ddns.net if they hadn’t irrevocably eaten two of my domains already (when the client software doesn’t check in, the domain disappears from your account, but they don’t get marked as available so no other account can filch them)

why is the wheel of the truck in the front right fucked up like this is an AI image

the 4X4 OFFROAD text on that same truck is immaculate

bro has never heard of a computer owned by more than one person

hope you don’t forget the semicolon on a line by itself at the end (except in functions where you want to return the value of the last expression)

The system isn’t closed though. More people join the tracker all the time, and that’s to say nothing of the people who already have access to the tracker downloading a new file.

have a >1 ratio to download anything which is impossible by definition

They give you a bit of leniency after you first sign up. All that share ratio means is that you leave your computer seeding for a while after your download finishes, and when your torrent client has uploaded the file you got from them to e.g. 5 other people you can stop seeding it. They’re asking you to give back, is all. If you download a 3GB file from other people in the swarm and then immediately close the torrent before anybody can download it from you, after enough repeat times of you doing that, they’ll stop letting you download new files.

Trackers cannot read, and are not interested in, the number at the bottom of your torrent client, or your history with other trackers. They just care that you seed their torrents after you’ve finished downloading them so other people can download them too.

Everybody always says this, but I’ve yet to talk to anyone who even has an anecdote of talking to a Gen Z person for whom that’s true.

I’ve never heard of Wormhole before now but by the looks of things:

  • croc is open source
  • croc does not store files on the server at all, ever – it waits for both ends of the connection to be open to start the transfer
  • croc cannot do true P2P – the sender uploads to the croc server which then streams it in realtime to the receiver
  • croc does not work in the browser :(

for a true browser based p2p solution that uses WebRTC I’d suggest www.sharedrop.io

please tell me it’s one of those apps that stores the identity on the device.

love the mission and the message, but if i know anything about how things like this go, what it is, is about to die

EDIT: yeah, their about page says they “filter out generative AI images” without even mentioning how. never mind that with the rate the AI field is advancing, no algorithm for doing that works for more than a couple of months. no word at all on how or even if the photos users upload are going to be protected from scraping.

i hate to be a cynic, i do, and i can’t wait for this to age poorly but $20 says the website won’t even last a year

With the ubiquity of C64 emulators, that’s easy enough to demonstrate by experiment

That thing had 16K of ROM. Every byte was sacred. Only manual was on paper.

Well first off, if you’re building a NAS, build it out of drives that are rated for NAS use. Seagate’s IronWolf line is a bit pricier than their BarraCuda but has better transfer speeds and (more importantly) better resiliency to vibration, which is important if you’re putting a half dozen drives in the same enclosure and don’t want them to fail prematurely.

Bluetooth’s digital too, my guy. You need a digital-analog converter either way. It’s just that when you use the Lightning port for audio you don’t also need a Bluetooth radio. Besides, USB DAC chips are like a dollar.

Also you just proved my point that they only did this to avoid licensing fees.

Why do they need Bluetooth at all though? Why not pull the audio through the Lightning plug like official Apple accessories do?

If I had to take a guess, it’s because the audio signal coming out of the Lightning port is encrypted because Apple hates everyone who isn’t them

As horrified as I was to read this, it is a little exciting to think that I live in a world where Bluetooth radios are so inexpensive that building it that way is cheaper

Me talking to my dad (who last held the position of professional programmer 30 years ago) about the programming problem I’m working on and vastly overestimating how much he knows about modern software development parlance

There was that one comic that Randall did (Lorenz) where you could choose one of several paths and write your own text in the last panel. In order to implement that Randall had to create a font of his own handwriting. I wouldn’t be surprised if OP just ripped the .woff file or similar.