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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Exactly. I’ve been playing Bethesda games for ages, news like this makes me happy they’re keeping the stuff that works.

Because - and this is the only real answer you’ll get - Starfield is “cool” and “normies” are looking forward to it. Therefore, the “real gamers” must hate it, ESPECIALLY before actually playing it.

Same shit you see in any niche community. Buncha nerds hating on anything too big or popular.

It’s the half you probably don’t want to be on anyway. Automated censorship is shitty.

That’s why it’s so juicy, they’re all such terrible people we don’t have to pick sides

If, somehow, Republicans ever stopped being so freakin racist, they would have an unbeatable supermajority in the US. The racism of Republicans is the only thing uniting the various faction of the Democratic party. And it’s kind of funny that it’s very rarely talked about.

I don’t understand why anyone is surprised when minorities are racist. Racism is not unique to white people.

My friend, there are definitely parts of the US where having left-leaning views is dangerous. People can and do get attacked.

I know, I grew up in a place like that.

Talking exclusively about the issues women and girls face is, though.

Right, sorry. I actually did forget which instance I was on.

Not a conspiracy, just a natural outcome of anti-male attitudes in primary education.

I would call it in the range of statistical noise, personally

Relevant username.

Not everything is a conspiracy. Go outside please.

in my experience

We can trade anecdotes (and insults) all day long and none of it means a thing. You asked for a specific example and I gave you one. Just the first one off the top of my head. Schools in my area are canceling unstructured outdoor play time, which hurts boys more than girls.

Here’s one you’re probably more familiar with, since it’s nationwide: men being pushed out of careers in education.

I’m sure you’ll just move the goalposts on that one too though. “Ah but it’s not GOVERNMENT doing it so it doesn’t count!” or “I know a male teacher so it doesn’t count!”

Conservatives are thinking of them. They’re the only ones, apparently. Is it any wonder that’s where their allegiance goes?

“Haha, fuck you and everyone like you” is a terrible way to persuade people to your side.

Leftists could address these issues better by supporting unions more.

Depends on their location imo

Rural area, you’re more likely to grow INTO it when you enter a blue collar job.

Recess. Unstructured outdoor play including monitored roughhousing.

A dismissal or lack of consideration for the unique issues facing men and boys and the unique solutions they require. Focusing exclusively on women and girls. Viewing boys as defective girls.

In this thread, here’s a few specific examples

Let’s use their own “reports” to show those women that their boyfriends/husbands/fathers think they own them.

The rate of girls identitying as liberal is significantly higher[…]Probably because the girls face actual threats to their freedoms, while the conservative boys’ complaints are about a bunch of imaginary nonsense.

I was a “Fox News”-viewing turd in high school, too[…]then I grew up.

It’s passive because it’s not direct and focused. It’s more neglect than abuse. Men’s problems are not just secondary; they’re not even worth consideration, and men should just Fix It Themselves.

Schools in particular are extremely geared towards focusing on girls and their successful development.

Then I grew up.

No one just “grows up”. You had a set of experiences that allowed you to think beyond the confines of what your parents taught you.

Most never do.

It’s not a natural process.

Exactly. The response among the left seems to be “ha, fuck em” which is a terrible plan

while the conservative boys’ complaints are about a bunch of imaginary nonsense.

The verbalized complaints, yes.

The passive misandry that’s pushing boys right is a very real thing.

The issue at play is the big corporate companies

I’m guessing you weren’t around before these guys ate up the internet?

The issue at play IS the big corporate companies. Period.

Modern web usage has allowed for better accessibility to all ages and types.

One could argue that this is part of the problem.

Oh. Part of my job is making complicated procedures and sometimes it helps to print them out and go over with a pen. Didn’t realize that doesn’t work for code. Now I know!

Hello, I’m here from all, could someone please explain the joke to me?

Things are pretty shitty

You need context. Things are more shitty than they were 10 years ago. Things are less shitty than they were 20 years ago. Things are MUCH less shitty than they were 50 years ago. The general trend is towards less shittyness (with the very important exception of the climate, which has been getting exponentially worse for 200 years (although in the past decade it’s stopped getting exponentially worse and is now just getting worse, which is technically an improvement kind of)).

News definitely has a vested interest in making us think things in general are getting eternally worse. For example, see the “there’s a recession coming! Any second! It’s coming…now! No wait let me try again…now! No? Well it’s coming soon, it’s almost here!” every day for the past what, 3 years?

Or for another example, you never see news stories about how the GHG emissions in the US have been falling every year. But they are.

Bad news sells better than good news.

I know this is just tongue-in-cheek humor, but please remember that underestimating zealots is dangerous.

Because it’s a homophobic right wing article full of dog whistles.

Families used to begin with a mother and a father.


Report for homophobia and don’t feed the trolls.

Exactly my first thought. Ever since I read that article, I’ve been seeing it everywhere.

California wants to help the homeless but they also don’t want to pay for drug treatment, safe injection sites, or psychiatric centers.