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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 06, 2023


They are quite well seasoned. But it’s also worth noting they are developers as well because the job usually has you debugging things or writing code that needs to be run for the specific customer. Not a large amount of code, but just things that end up being specific to a customer.

And if they have to come to a developer that actually works on the product, it’s usually a pain to try and figure out what is going on. Thankfully, this is very uncommon.

At least where I work, the developers who actually wrote the code would probably never see it. We have service staff that deal with an initial problems reported from customers. They’d likely figure out someone actually entered those values.

For real. All the stuff that person complained about is something a manager should be handling. Mine do. It’s very rare for requirements to change for things I’m working on. There’s typically going to be some small changes, e.g. wording of a message or moving things around in the UI, that happen but that’s to be expected and one of the better parts of working in agile. You make something and find it doesn’t work as well as you hoped? Tweak it.

I think the only time things can change drastically is when I’m working on a priority event, AKA something really bad happened for a customer and we’ve got to fix it ASAP. There’s no time to do in depth research beforehand. You just dive in and sometimes you think it’s one thing but it’s really something else or it’s just more involved than you thought.

You must be. It literally tells you what to do. Of course, I assumed proper grammar and got it wrong the first time.

I don’t understand the Michael Cera one. I got passed it but I’m still convinced there are only 3 pictures with him in it. That picture quality is atrocious.

Akira Toriyama died at 68 and Rupert Mudoch is still alive at 92. Don’t assume Kevin will outlast piece of shit Weinstein.

🤢 Good lord.

Though, I say that as I was basically forced to accept code that was using something marked deprecated because it was unreasonable to refactoring the code in that project. And I know we’re never going to change it unless it stops working. 😭 At least I marked it as an issue on the review.

Until very recently, I wasn’t sure my company had security.

Not too far off from my company. However, I work in Healthcare so we’ve got to do a lot of verification. Also, it’s more what we support for our customers rather than what users/patients should see. At least I hope.

I’m not sure why people think this is a realistic option for most anyone. No way anyone with no experience doing any of that is setting it up in a weekend.

Do you really think all of Netflix’s catalog is really only worth $15, or whatever the cheapest ad-free plan is?

Subscription is pretty different from buying. Pretty disingenuous to try to talk about them the same way. There’s no expectation of keeping access when you end a subscription.

Back up? No, we only go forward in this company

The equal rights are a bit more important than the name don’t you think? Trying to find the most inclusive name possible that’s apparently ever changing and impossible to remember doesn’t seem super useful.

You wouldn’t need that many 10Gb devices. Just one(s) that split up the traffic to other devices. Either the ISP router needs to split it up or the device that does the splitting should be 10Gb. If you go with 2.5Gb youll be losing 0.5Gb, assuming you actually get 3Gb from your ISP.

The intent isn’t to get 10Gb to every device, but to actually be able to use the full 3Gb you’re paying for. Right now it looks like you’re wasting 2Gb of your bandwidth because everything goes through your personal router which is limited to 1Gb.

Am I the only one shocked to learn that to find something at the end of a string it starts at the beginning? Perhaps it’s because of the simplicity of the example but I expected it to start at the end.

Subtitles are not captions. Dubbing usually results in trying to make speech match mouth movements which can be pretty limiting. Subtitles do not have such restrictions and I would not want them to as the main purpose is to accurately translate what was spoken in the original language. Dub and sub were never intended to match. Captions are.

Ideally. It’s just that more often than not it means you need to update the unit tests. I can still use my fingers to count how many times a unit test has caught a mistake I made, and I’ve been at my job for 10 years.

I’m curious if others have a different experience.

I don’t think you understood my point. That’s exactly why I think unit tests aren’t all that useful. Most code changes require updating the unit tests so unless you change the unit tests first all that’s being done is saying, yep this works how I programmed it to work.

Unit tests are only worthwhile if you refractor code or write the unit tests before writing the code. We started adding unit test for most everything where I work and I think it’s far more effort than it’s worth. It’s not that it catches nothing but it catches so little I don’t think it’s worth the time spent writing them.