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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


More like 100 lines of template errors

Everyone I know in Europe uses either Visual Studio or vscode.

Privacy is also easy with a local LLM. Performance and battery not so much.

Always been a bit of an introvert and loner. Got fascinated by computers and games and wanted to know how they worked in detail. Had good grades so got into a 5 year Computer Science and Engineering program, landed a job before I even graduated.

Check out /r/localllama. Preferably you need a Nvidia you with >= 24 GB VRAM but it also works with a cpu and loads of normal RAM, if you can wait a minute or two for a lengthy answer. Loads of models to choose from, many with no censorship at all. Won’t be as good as chatgptv4, but many are close to gpt3.

If you know how computers work and what happens behind the scenes, as well as some familiarity with functional languages with strong types Rust makes a lot of sense and isn’t egen hard.

If you are new to programming or have only done scripting with languages like python then yeah, rust must look like hell.

Hey if you’re like me and working on a project from the 90s the outdated info is great! I found a fucking Visual Basic 5 runtime in this project.

If you have a good degree and some experience it’s almost trivial to get a programming job. Got mine on my first application within two weeks of the interview. They are desperate for programmers atm.

While it’s not the case for this project I’m sure there’s some poor researcher our there who trained a model on actual confiscated CSAM. Or most likely overworked traumatized thirld world content moderators employed by the likes of Meta.

I prefer the Do Whatever The Fuck You Want License.

Idk I stopped reading and immediately assumed the rest was horseshit when I saw the t word. Didn’t even get to the n word.